Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 282 The Enlightened Erika

Chapter 282 The Enlightened Erika
The group of corpse guards around the boat is getting denser, and Erika's cutting is getting faster and faster. The knife seems to be weightless and disorderly in her hands. She just keeps giving orders of death, death and death , the group of corpse guards felt the breath of death, and gradually no longer dared to approach.

Erika didn't chase, she did these things calmly as if she was playing a game, but the game was too bloody.

She swiped the blood off the long knife in the sea, rolled up her sleeves, showing her exquisite wrists, and stretched out her hands to press the surface of the sea, as if stroking an irritable cat.

In an instant, the sea calmed down, everything calmed down, and a huge field was aroused from Erika Yi, and everything in the field was forcibly suppressed.

Erika clapped her hands rhythmically, a corner of the dark cloud in the sky collapsed, and the quiet moonlight shone on the sea, the waves were fine and broken, and the sea was like a silver ingot with fine lines on the surface.

The temperature of the sea surface is getting lower and lower, and the dancing silver waves are gradually solidifying.

A few minutes later, with the boat at the center, the ice spread in all directions.

Those corpse guards were frozen in the sea water, and they couldn't struggle with their astonishing strength. In front of Erika, they were like toys.

What Erika is doing has surpassed alchemy or word-speaking, and has reached a new realm...the realm of gods.

She lowered her head and hummed, her eyes seemed to penetrate the black sea.

Her looking down is like a god looking down on the world from the throne in the sky.

But the clapper sounded...


On the boat, the magnificent Erika suddenly covered her head.

The whole world became like a flame burning in her eyes, the golden rainbow flashed before her eyes, and her body seemed to be cut into pieces.

It seemed that there was an invisible spiritual blade that severed her brain!

She suddenly fell into the sea, and the icy water surrounded her painful body.

Her soul, everything about her was abruptly switched, and she became extremely weak.

"If you died now, would you regret it?"

Suddenly a girl's voice sounded in my mind.

Erika was ups and downs in the sea, feeling suffocated, making her lungs so oppressed that she seemed about to explode.

For a moment, she couldn't tell whether the voice in her head was her own, or Xia Mi's.
Isn't Xia Mi on Mu Mu...

She curled up in fear.

will die...

Will you regret it?

"Originally, you could marry him, do the things you love to do together, have a baby together, and experience a complete and wonderful life. If you die now, you will have nothing."

Erika sank into the deep water, and the surroundings gradually became dark.

I really want...I really want to...have a future with him...

If I had known... I would have married her sooner...

She tried to summon Xia Mu, but lost her sense for some reason.

Marry her...and wife...and baby...

I'm so scared...Mumu...

She was terrified.

"Your Yiyi is about to suffocate. Although I don't think the guy behind the control can let her die, I guess you don't want her to suffer."

Xia Mu, who was flying against the submersible, was stunned for a moment, and then kicked the submersible away without hesitation...

Goodbye you!

The three clean and smooth guys in the deep submersible rolled into a ball and spiraled up in a twirl.

After breaking through the corpse guard group, the deep submersible was torn apart.

The three unlucky guys turned into dogs in the water in three directions.

"Erika! Where's Erika!"

On the surface of the sea, Xumizuo, which was originally as splendid as a palace, gradually capsized under the attack of waves of corpse guards.

There are only a few helicopters circling in the sky.

Yuan Zhisheng looked down in despair.

"It's over...the corpse guard didn't block it...Eriyi also had an accident...I don't know where Xia Mu went..."

"The three psychopaths also died..."

"Father, what should we do now..."

A touch of red in the deep sea floats and undulates like a piece of duckweed blown by the wind.

Corpse guards surrounded them.

Fresh flesh and blood is like a bright light in the dark night to them, even if they are fleeing for their lives, they must be extinguished.

Erika curled up in the water like a child, trembling all over.

Mumu... where are you...


A jet-black ray under the water suddenly appeared, like a sharp sword piercing through all barriers, and appeared beside Erika out of thin air.

The warm breath enveloped her all at once, from hell to heaven, unexpectedly only in an instant.


The long-lost softness and gentleness came up, and the much-needed oxygen was poured in. She sucked it almost subconsciously, so that the lung cavity was filled again.

This scene is so familiar, so familiar...

Oh yes, the day he summoned himself underwater and took his first kiss away...

Erika hugged Xia Mu's neck tightly, and hid herself in his arms... even though the dragon scales on her body were a bit harsh.

What happened to me some time ago... I wanted to be Mumu's daughter...

We have already done too many things that only couples would do. How can such a relationship be like a daughter...


A huge black hole suddenly appeared in Yuan Zhisheng's vision... No, it's not a black hole, it's a flame!
The tsunami roared violently, rain poured down from the dark sky like ink, and thunder and lightning flashed.

But the black flame with a radius of three kilometers was so obvious that it seemed to burn everything up.


A figure jumped out of the flames and went straight into the air, with red hair flying in front of him, like a dream.

"Painting Pear Clothes!"

Yuan Zhisheng roared in surprise.

A pair of noble and gorgeous black wings spread out suddenly, waved slowly, and slowly landed with Xia Mu and Erika, and landed on Xumizuo, which was mostly overturned.

Seeing the half-dragon and half-human figure, Yuan Zhisheng put down the Eri clothes in his arms, squatted down slowly, and pressed his paws on the Xumizuo.

He felt that the entire overturned Xumizuo seemed to have stagnated, and the invisible domain spread from the black shadow, enveloping the one-kilometer Sumeruzuo.

"That's... what kind of words... the world-killing level is nothing more than that..." Yuan Zhisheng murmured.

Tachibana Masamune, who was monitoring this scene from a distance, got up in shock, and almost dropped the telescope in his hand.

"This kind of power, can the trial really deal with it..."

He was deeply suspicious.

The entire Xumizuo seemed to come alive, the golden red flames burned and flowed in it, the metal was reshaped where it passed, and the alchemy giant swords surrounded the edge of the Xumizuo.

"See, potato chip girl..."

Mai Shutoku was floating on the sea more than ten kilometers away, watching this scene from a distance.

"The monster created by Yermungand possesses the authority of bronze and fire, as well as the power of the earth and mountains. After the keel is fused, alchemy has reached the level of easy refining. Everything in the world can be used as a soldier..."

Su Enxi looked at the screen and chewed on potato chips: "Let's leave it to the boss to think about it, let's watch a movie, anyway Lu Mingfei is not dead."

Dozens of giant alchemy swords cut through the waves on the sea surface, bursting out...

(End of this chapter)

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