Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 283 Will You Marry Me?

Chapter 283 Will You Marry Me?
Each giant alchemy sword is like a cannonball flying out, cutting off and destroying everything pointed by the tip of the sword.

Cycle back and forth!
Xumizuo is like a large sword box, holding countless alchemy giant swords, turning the sea with a radius of ten miles into a giant meat grinder.

None of the Wardens escaped.

"It's awesome..."

Yuan Zhisheng murmured.

"It's a weapon of war like Erika."

No one saw the raging greed and longing in Tachibana Masamune's eyes at this moment. Isn't this the kind of power he wanted after decades of research and calculations?

Even stronger!

On the day when I succeed, even Xia Mu must prostrate at my feet!

Tachibana Masamune turned around suddenly, and controlled the ship to return to the voyage alone.

There is no need to continue reading, Xia Mu's limit has been explored clearly, and he needs to perfect every step of the plan again.

Yuan Zhisheng looked down at Xia Mu, looked at the battlefield where too many people were buried, silently smoking the cigar that Caesar gave him the first day he met, and suddenly missed the few days when he was surrounded by this group of psychopaths singing and dancing …especially drunk that night.

I don't know if there will be such a scene in the future...

Xia Mu finally stood up, flapping his wings, and the Xu Mi Zuo, which had turned into a steel scabbard, also rose up.

It was a huge alchemy mountain, it became thinner as it went down, the sides were as sharp as a knife, and the bottom was as smooth as a mirror.

The surface of the Alchemy Sumeru Zuo has a golden-red shimmer, and the alchemy giant sword is flying around, and the entire Sumeru Zuo has become a mountain-like super weapon.

Xia Mu stood high in the sky with Eri Yi in his arms, surrounded by alchemy cliffs, and under the cliffs was an artifact that could cut off the world.

He was chanting something silently, and every word that came out of his mouth was incomprehensible.

"Amazing!" Crow and Yasha exclaimed.

"Only he is worthy of Miss Erika." Sakura whispered.

The manic king of corpse guards on the bottom of the sea finally couldn't bear the pressure, broke free from the crack and came out crazily.

Its terrifying giant eyes looked at the sea surface, as if it could see the terrifying will behind the darkness.

Xia Mu doesn't know how to judge, and he can't make all alchemy swords wear the scythe of death, but he has his own authority.

There is no corpse guard on the surface of the sea, only the bottom of the sea.

His pupils were golden, reflecting the boiling sea.

Suddenly, the alchemy giant sword sank to the bottom of the sea around the Xumizuo, and the monstrous waves were driven into the air hundreds of meters high.

The surface of the sea seemed to be cut straight in half, and giant swords tens of meters long fell like rain, shooting at the corpse guard king.

The dragon raised its head and roared silently, and the shadows of those giant swords were reflected in its huge golden pupils.

The half-dead creature roared wildly, and the waves were raging, disrupting the trajectory of the sword group.

The brilliance of the domain extends to every alchemy sword.

The dragon seemed to have seen Xia Mu on the Sumeru Seat, and saw the shadow of him turning his sword group, cutting through the shadow of the deep sea, blocking all its escape routes one after another.

Realizing that the catastrophe was just around the corner, but it couldn't dodge it, it curled up and trembled slightly.

The tip of Xumizuo pierced the dragon's back.The gigantic King of Corpse Guardians was completely powerless to resist, and sank into the abyss, its powerless long tail swinging in the sea water.

The other corpses shattered in an instant.

"This is God's judgment on the human world. All sinners are crucified on the pillar of shame. No resistance or defense is allowed." Yuan Zhisheng said silently.

Xia Mu jumped up high with one hand on Eri Yi's willow waist, and the black wings behind his back quickly flapped, leading him straight into the sky.

A Bronze City, a Xumizuo, the power he can control will be more and more.

"Mumu, marry me, okay?"

The black line went straight up to the sky, piercing through the rain clouds, and the world suddenly became bright.

The sky and the earth seem to be in two worlds.

The dragon scales on Xia Mu's face gradually faded, and when he looked down at the girl's pure and firm eyes, he seemed to see a lot of the past at that moment.

The most profound thing was that rainy night, when the girl's red hair fluttered in the wind and rain, she buried all the dead servants who were chasing and killing him, and saved him who had just entered the Nibelungen.

Now, let me protect you.

"it is good."

He pressed against Erika's forehead, his wings fluttered, hovering over the sea of ​​clouds, he reached out to caress the girl's cheek, and lowered his head to grasp the softness.

A question and an answer, promise a lifetime, no one thought of retreating.

"Long time no see, old man."

Under the bay, the boy was naked and climbed up the rock with the huge embryo in his arms. The cold air was spreading from the embryo, but it did not cause any harm to his body.

"I originally wanted to send you to the Arctic Ocean to recover without anyone noticing, but I didn't expect Xia Mu to intervene and leave a mark."

The boy sat down on the rock, gently stroking the surface of the embryo, the gentleness in his eyes seemed to be looking at a pet that had been raised for many years.

"I can't remove his brand..."

He shook his head helplessly, "But I can still send you to the Arctic Ocean, where you can recover as soon as possible, at least grow enough to resist his recovery..."

"Wow, boss, are you so bold today?"

Su Enxi came out from behind the rock with an umbrella to shield him from the wind and rain, "The long legs were injected with serum and fell asleep."

The boy nodded: "Come to see me again without taking a bath, my body lacks a little fragrance."

"Why do I have to clean up and come to see you!" Su Enxi complained, tilting her head and muttering, "It's too late..."

The boy was stroking the embryo, sitting generously with distant eyes.

After a while, Su Enxi couldn't help asking: "Do you want to save Lu Mingfei? The branch has betrayed, and Tokyo is not safe for them now."

"No, Xia Mu will do it well," the boy said softly, "Although he is reluctant to let the other two guys be taken back by him, he and I are really not enemies."

"Then let's relax and have a good vacation." Su Enxi stretched her waist.

"With Xia Mu here, you don't have to worry about Bai Wang's affairs, let him handle it by himself," the boy smiled: "However, this is the last vacation I give Lu Mingfei, so you should work hard."

Su Enxi didn't show any surprise, and pretended to sigh: "I knew it wouldn't be so easy... What are you going to do?"

The boy looked at the dark sky and the sea and said lightly: "Let our chosen son Lu Mingfei have a wonderful memory, and it might be a good idea to arrange some beautiful encounters for him."

Su Enxi's pretty face was weird: "Will the princess beat you if she finds out?"


The boy actually scratched his head, "Forgot, she and Lu Mingfei got together..."

"Then..." He thought for a while, then clapped his hands, "Let's engage in ONS!"

Su Enxi was dumbfounded: "The princess will kill you!"

The boy swayed with his legs crossed, muttering: "Who made her fall in love with someone else, huh..."

"Lu Mingfei is almost becoming your own son, is he someone else?"


(End of this chapter)

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