Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 301 The Underground Gene Research Institute

Chapter 301 The Underground Gene Research Institute
"Sorry for stopping you."

Yuan Zhisheng stood in front of Xia Mu with some shame.

Just when Kazama Liuli was about to go crazy and confront Xia Mu head-on, Yuan Zhisheng arrived in time to prevent Xia Mu's next flame attack.

"It's okay, I was too angry just now, Kazama Liuli's personality is indeed too vicious, there is no way to talk about it."

Xia Mu shook his head and stretched out his hand, "Give me the car keys, I'm going to Genji Heavy Industries now."

Yuan Zhisheng handed him the key, and looked at the blue-gray ghost beside him with strange eyes: "plan to dissect?"

Xia Mu paused: "She is Sakurai Kogure."

Yuan Zhisheng's face changed: "Did she drink the potion like those crazy ghosts?!"

"Well, I'll save her."

Xia Mu carried Sakurai Kogure into the co-pilot of the Hummer, and then sat in the main driver's seat.

Yuan Zhisheng said seriously at the window: "Xiaomu, she can't turn back after drinking the potion."

"If you can't go back, you have to go back!"

Xia Mu looked at him and said in a deep voice, "I promised to accept and take care of the hybrids who surrendered from the ghosts. If I can't even keep their leader, how can I make them trust me? Besides..."

He looked back at Sakurai Kogure.

From now on... I will be your ghost alone...

"They're all fools! These guys struggling in the dark are fools!"

Xia Mu gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, and said to Yuan Zhisheng, "Get in the car! I'll take you to see the good things together!"

Yuan Zhisheng didn't know why, but he got into the back seat anyway.

The Hummer roared out in the next moment.

Yuan Zhi was able to drive this car very well in normal times, but hearing the roar of its engine at this moment was a bit strange.

Is it because the owner is not driving, so I am extra excited?

Not long after, Sakurai Kogure writhed on the co-pilot, with more and more scales on her body, and her eyes began to struggle.

"She's about to lose consciousness," Yuan Zhisheng reminded.

Xia Mu didn't look sideways: "Xiao Mu, hold on a little longer."


Sakurai Kogure's voice became hoarse and unpleasant.

"No, if you can't control it, don't control it, you can't hurt me." Xia Mu said softly.

Sakurai Kogure looked at him sideways, his eyes struggling but tender.

"She can't hurt you, but my Hummer will be scrapped..." Yuan Zhisheng said quietly.

"I'll give you a sports car." Xia Mu said.

Yuan Zhisheng closed his mouth.

What else is there to talk about with the local tyrant.

Speeding all the way.


Suddenly, an inhuman cry came from beside him.

Yuan Zhisheng was about to remind, but Xia Mu didn't even turn his head, stretched out his right hand, and stuffed his arm into Sakurai Kogure's mouth.

The sharp teeth stung his skin, but his expression remained unchanged.

"You like her?" Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help asking.

"I just understand a truth," Xia Mu said softly, "If we don't treat those who treat us well, one day no one will treat us well."

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "She didn't bite down."

Sakurai Kogure clenched her claws tightly, bleeding from the center of the claws, but she still didn't bite down, and even slowly left Xia Mu's arm, then turned her head and bit her own arm hard.

Blood dripping.

"So this is the ghost I've been beheading..."

Yuan Zhisheng's voice was painful.

This is his first serious contact with the clansmen of the Ghost Clan. He used to directly enforce the law, and he had no chance and no idea to understand them.

A ghost is a ghost, and black is black, that's what he thought before.

But now...

He suddenly thought of Akira Sakurai, and the two hundred unstable bloodlines released by Xia Mu. The most important task of the executive bureau during this period was to monitor them and prevent any one from getting out of control.

But what the executive board saw was that they were working desperately, taking the initiative to squeeze themselves to the extreme, just to repay Xia Mu.

Later, someone did get out of control, but that person committed suicide on the spot, and during the investigation, the executive bureau found that he was going to drink coffee every day with a special drug, which was the one that Sakurai Kogure took. framed.

But he didn't cause any trouble.

A moth in the dark, as long as it sees the light, it will pounce on it, even if it burns itself, it doesn't matter...

Yuan Zhisheng sighed softly.

Xia Mu really has vision, having this group of people as fans is like having a group of dead men, they will always die before Xia Mu.

What's more, thousands of demons have now joined the surrender.


At this time, the Hummer slammed on the brakes, and Yuan Zhisheng slammed his head on the front seat because of his wandering mind.

Xia Mu glanced at him inexplicably, got out of the car and carried the blue-gray Sakurai Kogure out of the passenger car, and kicked open the gate of Genji Heavy Industries.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and no one saw Sakurai Kogure's appearance. The security guard on duty was awakened, but immediately saw Yuan Zhisheng following behind, and quickly bowed deeply.

"Where are you going, I will lead the way, I know this place well." Yuan Zhisheng hurriedly followed someone behind Xia Mu.

"Are you familiar?"

Xia Mu glanced at him, "Then tell me, how to get to the underground genetic research institute?"

"The research institute is here..."

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned suddenly, "Gene Research Institute? Isn't it Yanliu Research Institute?"

"No, it's the Institute of Genetics."

Xia Mu put his hands on the wall, his eyes turned into golden pupils.

In an instant, the whole building seemed to become transparent, and the flow of stress was clearly visible.

He kept looking down, and after thoroughly analyzing the structure of the building, he discovered the genetic research institute hidden underground.

"This way."

Xia Mu hugged Sakurai Kogure and entered through a hidden door in the safe passage, and found the hidden elevator.

Yuan Zhisheng followed behind him, watching his every move more and more surprised.

Xia Mu seemed to know that the elevator couldn't reach the bottom, but he didn't have an identification card, so he directly forcibly controlled the elevator to descend.

"It doesn't even work with my ID card..."

Yuan Zhisheng's expression became serious, and he intuitively felt that a big secret was about to be revealed.

But his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Zhisheng, where is it now?" Tachibana Masamune's voice came.

Yuan Zhisheng's heart twitched, and he whispered, "I'm with Xia Mu."

Tachibana Masamune was silent for a while, and said: "General Wang contacted me, can you come back, I will discuss countermeasures with you."

Yuan Zhisheng narrowed his eyes: "I'll go back after finishing my work."

"Zhisheng, there are reasons for many things, I hope you will give me a chance to explain."

"Okay, wait until I finish reading."

Yuan Zhisheng hung up the phone.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and a whole new world opened up to him, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The petri dishes are full of dead waiter fetuses, and those on the dissection table are also hideous dead waiters.

The staff in white protective suits walk through it, turning a blind eye to these deadpools... They have been used to staying with deadpools for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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