Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 302 The rain is coming

Chapter 302 The rain is coming
"Less... masters!"

Finally, someone saw Yuan Zhisheng by the elevator with a livid face.

All of a sudden, there was chaos in the whole research institute.

Some people were running secretly, some were trying to explain something, and some raised their hands to show that they were all obeying Mr. Masamune's orders...

"Don't talk nonsense! Bring a copy of the serum that was injected into Patriarch Uesugi in the past!"

Xia Mu stepped forward holding Sakurai Kogure.


When the researchers saw him coming in with a ghost in his arms, they were so frightened that they jumped three feet away.

"You mean, Erika's serum came from here?" Yuan Zhisheng couldn't believe it.

Xia Mu nodded: "He will definitely give you a set of reasonable explanations when he goes back, you can just listen to it then."

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned, and then waved his hands wearily: "Do as he said."

He leaned against the elevator door, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit it.

The smell of tobacco made him feel better.

"But... but Patriarch Uesugi's serum is not in stock, and the refining has been stopped." A researcher said cautiously.

"Then make a copy!"

Xia Mu roared.

The researchers ran away, and soon the whole institute was busy.

Yuan Zhisheng silently watched their movements, watching them skillfully butcher and kill the fetus to draw blood and purify the blood potion, his stomach churns.

"If he tells you that everything is for Eriyi, right now is the most obvious counterexample," Xia Mu said, "Since Eriyi doesn't need serum, why is this research institute still working?"

Yuan Zhisheng frowned, smoking heavily.


Suddenly, Sakurai Kogure let out an inhuman roar, and suddenly broke free and rushed towards the researcher.


The researchers were frightened and fled frantically.

But Sakurai Kogure was faster, and her claws almost reached a person's neck.


Xia Mu pinched her wrist in time, as if a golden ocean was surging out of his pupils.

In an instant, the entire research institute was shrouded in his majestic and majestic dragon prestige.

Not to mention that the researchers didn't dare to move, even Yuan Zhisheng felt an urge to surrender.

Sakurai Kogure's eyes suddenly became fearful and docile, and she slowly lay down on the ground, lying at his feet without moving.

For Deadpool, blood is above all else.

"You guys continue."

Xia Mu narrowed down the scope of the domain and only locked it on Sakurai Kogure.

Soon, the research institute was busy again.

They waited for about half an hour, and finally a researcher sweated profusely and delivered a serum to Xia Mu.

"It's guaranteed to be fine, the same as Patriarch Uesugi's?" Xia Mu stared at the serum in his hand lightly.

"No, it's not..."

The researcher said nervously, "It hasn't been purified repeatedly, but this...she's not that serious, this should be enough."

Xia Mu nodded: "If something happens, I will kill you."

The researcher fell limp to the ground in fright.

Xia Mu squatted down, inserted the needle into Sakurai Kogure's body, and the serum slowly flowed in.

Everyone is looking at Sakurai Kogure, knowing their fate depends on this.

Finally, the bluish gray on her body began to fade, and they breathed a sigh of relief together.

Xia Mu took off his coat and covered her body.

In a short while, the blue-gray evil spirit transformed back into a charming beauty. If it wasn't for Xia Mu's coat covering her, the current scenery would definitely make everyone unable to look away.

Even with the coat on, there are still many eyes lingering on her exposed white skin.

"Okay, let's go."

Sakurai Kogure passed out, Xia Mu wrapped her in a coat before hugging her.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded, threw away the cigarette butt and stamped it out with the toe of his shoe, and pressed the elevator for him.

Seeing them leaving hand in hand, these researchers were truly relieved.


Xia Mu did not take Sakurai Kogure home, but arranged with Sakurai Akira.

Yuan Zhisheng followed him and saw a large number of members of the Ghosts who had just surrendered.

They looked at him with complex eyes, some even concealed hatred, but when they looked at Xia Mu, they only had pure gratitude, especially when they found that Xia Mu saved Sakurai Kogure.

"Even if you are rejected by the Eight Snake Qi Clans in the future, with their support, you will still be able to make waves here." Yuan Zhisheng sighed softly.

"I never want to call the wind and call the rain. As long as I can solve this problem, I will take Erika back to China in the future." Xia Mu said.

"This time, it refers to..." Yuan Zhisheng lowered his voice, "God?"

Xia Mu nodded imperceptibly.

The two walked out of the Yakuza base together.

Akira Sakurai sent Xia Mu all the way to the door, and waited until the Hummer was gone before running back quickly, and ran back to her sister's bedside.

Sakurai Kogure had already opened his eyes at this moment, and turned his head sideways to look outside.

"He... is gone?" she asked softly.

Akira Sakurai nodded: "Well, I'll leave after you settle down."

Sakurai Kogure turned his head back, looking at the ceiling in a daze, with many memories reeling in his mind.

For a while, it was the joy and excitement of seeing Yuan Zhinv's favor at the beginning of that year, and for a while, it was the touching and nostalgic feeling when Xia Mu put his arm into her mouth just now...

She was a little dazed and a little relaxed.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Akira Sakurai asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

Sakurai Kogure turned to look at him, nodded slightly, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "It's okay, I'll be fine in the future, I'm just thinking about... the future."

"The future?"

Akira Sakurai scratched his head, smiling brightly, "In the future, just follow the adults, he will do whatever he tells him to do, and he will kill whoever he tells him to kill."

Sakurai Kogure was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look into Sakurai Akira's eyes.

Simple and firm, that is the only color inside.

"you're right."

She suddenly felt relieved, "The future of us people was saved by him, so let's live for him together."

"What have you been doing lately?" Sakurai Kogure asked.

Akira Sakurai scratched his head again: "I didn't do anything at all, except arrange to expand the church school, settle everyone, and prepare for the earthquake and tsunami."

"Welcome to the earthquake and tsunami?" Sakurai Kogure wondered.

Akira Sakurai nodded: "Although I don't know why my lord must pay attention to this matter, we are still organizing the underground gangs in Tokyo to organize it seriously."


Sakurai Kogure pondered for a moment, "No matter whether it is the ground or the sky, you can't hide from it. What are you preparing for?"

Akira Sakurai was silent for a while: "Speedboat and life buoy."

Sakurai Kogure laughed: "So that's the case."

"What's more, I'm also in charge of protecting the three psychopaths from Kassel Academy. These guys are particularly capable of tossing around. Being a cowherd makes people feel uneasy. They even sneaked into Genji Heavy Industries before..."

"Wait for me to think about it, how to organize and do these things well."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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