Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 323: Bai Wang Eliyi!

Chapter 323: Bai Wang Eliyi!
"Mumu...I don't want...don't do this..."

The wind and rain are blowing, and many eyes are watching this scene from afar.

Erika's condition is not good, without Xia Mu's total strength, her evolutionary path began to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

She stumbled up, her body was covered with white silk, and her consciousness became blurred.

"Mumu... we agreed to grow old together forever..."

"It's agreed that we'll get married today..."

"Okay, you'll be fine..."


Her pupils became brighter and brighter, as if lava was flowing in her eyes.

Those white filaments grew on her body, and her skin gradually became smoother and more moist, revealing a baby-like red.

She involuntarily opened her arms and let herself be wrapped in filaments, experiencing the feeling of overwhelming power flowing in her body.

She slowly felt that she was not her anymore.

"Erii! I have had two lives! It is enough for me to meet you, help you, watch you grow up, and watch you become a real girl in this life! Really enough!"

Xia Mu was hysterical, "If there is only one person who can see the future world, I hope that person is you! You can see that world for me!"

He got up, staggered and ran towards Erika.

Everyone was silent.

"The scourge is still in place in 5 minutes."

Eva's voice sounded in the earphones Angers was wearing, and it seemed to be a bit of a sigh.

"Do a good job of monitoring everything, and make sure the launch is 100% successful." Angers is like an emotionless machine.


Eva concentrates on controlling, but suddenly someone accesses her mainframe through an encrypted dedicated line.

"Eva, is there any chance to make that Erika Uesugi another you?" A steady man's voice sounded.

Eva was silent for a while: "I'm sorry, there are only 5 minutes left, it's too late."

The opposite fell into silence and did not speak again.

There was only a faint sigh, echoing softly.

Eva's projection sat next to the vice principal, looking up into the distance.

Maybe affectionate men can also empathize with each other... she thought.

Unfortunately, it's really too late...

"don't want!"

This was the last voice that Xia Mu heard belonged to Erika.

Her eyes were sometimes blank and sometimes confused, but the only thing that remained the same was that when she stared at him, her eyes were so gentle.

If it is destined that only one person can see the future, then please see it for me.

She closed her eyes.

When the emotion that belonged to Erika finally disappeared, her cocoon was torn from the inside out by a pure white claw.

The perfect creature jumped up from the gap, spreading its white membrane wings in the air.

She floated in the air like a giant cross, the reflections on her scales illuminating the darkness.

Her head is tall and graceful, graceful and elegant, between an angel and a devil, even when Xia Mu merged with Xia Mi's keel and turned into a dragon, she was not as perfect as her.

She is the new White King, a great creature under one person and above ten thousand people. In an era without a Black King, she is the throne of the world!

"Pa... pear... clothes..."

Xia Mu's painful voice was drowned out by the raging Longwei.

The wind swept the earth, and she soared into the sky, disappearing into the rainy sky.

"Target lost! Target lost!"

Eva stood up suddenly.

The members of the Equipment Department of the Tokyo Meteorological Observatory quickly returned to their posts and started working.

"Relock on target! Target too fast! Can't aim!"

"Repeat! Can't aim!"

Anger's face was livid, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at Lu Mingfei.

But Lu Mingfei only gave him an innocent look.

"Hey, it's useless to you. My brother has been slaying dragons three times in soy sauce. How can he perform?"

Lu Mingze appeared next to Lu Mingfei.

"What, what soy sauce? I also fight with a gun, okay?" Lu Mingfei was dissatisfied.

Lu Mingze propped his chin with his hand: "You're willing to sell your life to me if you kill anyone, what a headache..."

Lu Mingfei snorted, "Go ahead and dream."

"It's unlucky for the devil to do what I do, and nothing good has happened since his unexpected appearance."

Lu Mingze stared at Xia Mu's back on the ground.

"Hey, don't mess around, he didn't mess with you." Lu Mingfei was a little flustered.

"Who said he didn't mess with me, he delayed my business."

"There is a way to steal! It's your fault that your business is not doing well. You should learn some business knowledge and don't blame others."

Lu Mingfei started talking nonsense.

"Don't worry, even if I don't do anything, he might not survive this time. That's the white king. The black king won't be the white king who will fight."

Lu Mingze shook his legs indifferently.

Lu Mingfei was startled, and immediately stretched out his head to look at Xia Mu: "Why is he going crazy?"

Lu Mingze took out a handful of cherry blossoms from nowhere and sprinkled them in the air: "Ask what love is in the world, and teach people to promise each other through death..."

Xia Mu walked step by step in the wind and rain.

With each step, the black on his body increased, and the keel state reappeared on him,
The membrane wings finally opened, and the wind howled, bringing his black lightning-like figure straight up into the sky.

Erika...I will definitely bring you back...

wait for me…

"Can Xia Mu beat the new Bai Wang?" Yuan Zhisheng asked in a low voice.

Uesugi looked at the sky more and more, with sad eyes: "He is sending himself to die, the best result is...to die together."

"That's the White King. That's the source of all the blood of the Sheqi Eight Clans. A little bit of inheritance can give birth to many super hybrids. Each generation of Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi only got part of the blood."

He bowed his head softly, "Sorry, I can only tell you that there is no chance of winning."

Yuan Zhisheng clenched his fists and turned around suddenly.

"What are you going to do?" Uesugi asked.

"Go to Genji Heavy Industries, stay here and can't see the battle situation in the first place, we need satellite imaging."

Yuan Zhisheng didn't look back.

Uesugi hurriedly followed.

"By the way, where is that Herzog? Go and add some material to him! We are black people, and those things in dreams are not impossible in reality! It's easy to find a group of muscular guys."

Yuan Zhisheng paused for a moment before continuing to walk.

"Hmm, good idea," he said.

"Principal, what can we do?"

The helicopter was flying towards the Tokyo Meteorological Observatory, Caesar couldn't help asking Angers loudly.

Angers looked at the sky where the wind and clouds rolled like waves, his face was heavy: "We can't do anything, except..."

He closed his eyes, "Except throwing all the 'Sword of Damocles' down together."

"Where's Xia Mu? What about Xia Mu?" Lu Mingfei called out.

Angers opened his eyes and looked back at him with a meaningful tone.

"Mingfei, but if a man has eyes like his, it means that he is not going to look back."

"His choice, we can only respect."

"This is the man."

(End of this chapter)

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