Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 324 Who dares to hurt my boy!

Chapter 324 Who dares to hurt my boy!

White, great creatures hovered at the bottom of the clouds, using them as cover.

Occasionally, white-purple lightning illuminated her white scales, and the wings behind her slowly flapped the wind.

Just like the Wahuang in the myth, her legs have been replaced by a long tail like a python.

The slender and powerful long tail twisted slowly, with a coquettish and sexy atmosphere, reminiscent of the twisting waist of a dancer.

Her image is so glamorous, with a mixture of holy and evil elements, that even a teacher of demonology can hardly imagine such a thing.

Dragon King, Dragon King Eliyi!

The long wine-red hair that used to be turned into silver threads is now dancing wantonly in the air.

She was ecstatic to feel the tide-like power in her body. It seemed that the sky and the earth were also forced to suck in one breath between her breaths. She could stir up a tide of magma underground with just her consciousness.

Her inheritance comes from the holy, great, ancient king!He inherited the power and power of King Bai!

But she is not Bai Wang's resurrected body, nor is she E Liyi.

She gave birth to a new consciousness and replaced the White King on the throne of the world!
From today on, she is the new White King!

Uesugi Erika!

There was a dark torrent coming up from the clouds below.

The newborn Erika's eyes were indifferent, looking down like a queen, facing the turbulent momentum, she was not moved or vigilant in the slightest.

Xia Mu's figure covered with dragon scales suddenly hovered in front of her, staring deeply at her with a pair of eyes.

None of them needed to flap their wings, because as long as they were spread out in the wind, the wind would roll them under the wingspan and lift them up in the air.

"Are you... still my Yiyi?"

Xia Mu's face was covered by bone armor, and he couldn't see his expression clearly at the moment, but the emotion contained in those eyes made everyone who saw it breathless.

It's a pity that the person in front of him is not a person, but a dragon, a real dragon.

Queen Erika looked at him indifferently, and said in a superior tone: "No."

"Is that so..."

Xia Mu murmured in a low voice, and slowly clenched his right claw covered with dragon scales. The Myriad Chance Umbrella, which had not been used for a long time, finally appeared in his hand again.

To his surprise, the other party didn't seem to feel such obvious hostility, and her eyes seemed... a little curious.

"Why are you my enemy?"

Queen Erika opened her arms, as if embracing the whole world, "Don't you feel it? I am the new king of the dragon clan, and you are only one step away from the great dragon king."

She pointed at him, strong and confident, "Surrender to me, and I can bestow upon you the noble dragon bloodline now."


Xia Mu smiled lowly.

That laughter, so sad, and determined.

He pulled out the long knife from the Myriad Chance Umbrella, and pointed the horizontal knife directly at the opponent.

"What I want... is my Erika... Come back! Come back! Come back—"

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, Jun Yan ignited and roared away.

The newborn queen obviously didn't understand his obsession, facing the flames sweeping across the sky, she only had the anger of being offended.


She didn't avoid Jun Yan, because of her absolute control over the elements, she waved the flames all over the sky and turned into nothingness.

The long knife cut through the clouds at this moment, and stabbed straight at her face.

"I don't know what to do."

She had just ascended the throne, and she was at a high-spirited time, but she was rejected when she wanted to take in a younger brother, and she instantly felt that her majesty had been damaged.

She intends to tear Xia Mu into pieces to show her prestige, so that all the creatures who are watching understand who is the master of this world!

Xia Mu's eyes froze, the long knife did not stab the entity, but an unbearable impact came from behind him, his internal organs shifted in an instant, his body rolled and exploded in the clouds, and he flew several kilometers before stopping.

But he didn't have time to react, because the white shadow spoke the ancient dragon language.

High-risk speech spirit, drawn by blood!
Xia Mu's body seemed to be suddenly out of control, and he floated away automatically, approaching her direction.

The second high-risk word spirit came later, Cang Lei dominated!
The strong wind formed a vortex around him, dark clouds whizzed towards him, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, forming a dense lightning vortex above his head in an instant.

Xia Mu stood alone in the strong wind, locked by the dark cloud vortex accumulating lightning.


The next moment, a blazing electric pillar traversed the sky and earth, illuminated the surrounding fields, and landed on Xia Mu.

The lightning bolt could be seen all over Tokyo, its bright light was like the sun illuminating the darkness.

Only Xia Mu, who is in the center, can understand what it feels like, probably a hundred thousand volts...

His whole body was in severe pain, and even his body began to smell like burnt.

But he didn't let out any more screams except for a muffled grunt.

The dragon scales covered him, and the keel weakened the lightning, preventing him from being electrocuted in an instant.

The other party has the ability to cancel the speaking spirit, but he does not.

Even if he becomes the real king, he can only cancel the fire element and the earth element, but not the others.

There is still a big difference between the White King and the Four Great Kings. Without the Black King, no one can compare with her in terms of power.

All in all, in terms of strength, he is definitely not the opponent of Queen Erika.

But the battle between dragon clans depends not only on the strength of the dragon, but also on the heart of the dragon.

"I have the consciousness to die, newborn Bai Wang, do you have it..."

The dense dark cloud suddenly shattered, and Xia Mu shot out like a burning meteor, collided with her, bounced off, and each fell to the sea.

They haven't even touched the surface of the sea yet, a powerful speech spirit has been released, and the domain has expanded rapidly, covering the sea area within a few kilometers. It is an extremely cold domain, the sea water in the domain, and even the fish swimming underwater Classes are quickly congealed.

The waves were condensed, and the moisture in the air was condensed, and the wind and snow swept across the sea in an instant.

They landed on the ice, and the scorching dragon's blood dripped on the ice. They all stumbled back, sucking in a lot of air, pressing the wound to heal.


The newborn queen's body was also bleeding, and even due to the color difference, her white body looked more vivid.

"I have the consciousness that I must die, do you have—"

Xia Mu let out a furious roar and rushed towards her.

The claws slashed through his heart, but he flapped his wings and carried the queen straight up into the sky.

Shocked and angry, she repeatedly stabbed his stomach with the sharp claw of her left hand, trying to tear the crazy monster into two pieces like tearing Deadpool apart.

Xia Mu bit her neck artery hard.

She screamed in pain and turned her claws, trying to completely destroy Xia Mu's heart.

A strong spiritual storm unexpectedly rolled up in the whole world.

The crazy girl's voice was so earth-shattering that it seemed to resound throughout Tokyo:
"Who dares to hurt my boy—"

(End of this chapter)

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