Chapter 334 chaos is coming
"Have those three psychopaths gone?"

Xia Mu took Erika and drove directly to Genji Heavy Industries. Yuan Zhisheng was waiting for them downstairs. He obviously had something urgent to say, and he couldn't even wait to enter the conference room.

In the end, Erika gave up the idea of ​​attacking Kassel Academy directly, not because she thought she might die, but because of Xia Mu's sentence "You have me".

This kind of feeling has never been seen in the memory of dragons, but she has Erika's perception of emotions, and the touch at that moment is unparalleled.

It seems... as long as you leave everything to him, you don't need to think about anything.

With him, no matter what.

"Of course they won't stay, otherwise they will inevitably be my enemies, and they will never die."

Xia Mu walked beside him and walked towards the elevator together.

"That's fine," Yuan Zhisheng breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little strange, "Ange actually withdrew his ace combination, what was he thinking?"

"Cassel College is still scary when it's serious."

Xia Mu said quietly, "Don't ignore its original attributes just because Kassel College is now a college. It is a secret party, a top-secret violent organization linked by dragon's blood, and it is very likely to be the oldest violent organization in the world. .”

"We didn't understand its cold side before, because we were people inside the organization, and under the chaos of the principal, the academy that was supposed to be managed militarily became a paradise for neuropathy."

He shrugged, "But this organization still has the ability to 'get serious'. Once they get serious, they will reveal the true nature of the Secret Party."

Xia Mu paused every word when he said this, "When they declared war, I think they were already serious."

Yuan Zhisheng's expression was very serious: "You are right, the branch betrayed them before and still haven't become serious, until this moment the rain is about to come."

"If you can combine the forces of the Eight Snake Qi Clans and the Ghost Clan, it's not impossible to fight. After all, your bloodline is higher than theirs." Xia Mu said.

"That's why I was so anxious to come down and wait for you," Yuan Zhisheng shook his head, "Not all the other five patriarchs are willing to support us. Originally, our goal was to kill the god, but now we want to protect the god. It has subverted their cognition, not to mention that it is now clearly an enemy of the whole world."

Xia Mu was silent for a while, then nodded: "I can understand."

"It's the unique instinct of loyalty under a ruling system like yours that keeps them from falling out. If they were in other places, they would probably rebel now."

"Yeah, even if what I, the patriarch, does is unpopular, if I force it, they will choose to obey, but there will be many problems if people's hearts are not aligned." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"Eriyi, don't make trouble today, just follow me obediently, don't say anything, okay?"

The three stood in the elevator, Xia Mu turned to Erika.

"Why?" Erika was puzzled.

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at her quietly, and looked away from the corner of his eyes before she felt it.

She is clearly her own sister, but her relationship is not as good as before. At least at that time, she would sincerely call him "brother", but now she only asks him to surrender...

"When your strength cannot match your ambition, you need to temporarily put away your minions." Xia Mu said in a low voice.

Erika looked into his eyes quietly, the glittering golden pupils in the pupils made one's heart palpitate.

"elder brother…"

Yuan Zhisheng raised his head subconsciously, then lowered it immediately.

Because Erika told Natsuki.

"I have a strong sense of urgency," she said in a flat voice, as if she was carrying a sword of wind and frost, "somewhere in the blood is giving a warning, and I must bring the world under my control as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late."

Xia Mu opened his eyes: "What kind of premonition?"

Erika looked out at the city through the glass of the elevator, her pupils were deep and dark: "The fate of the abandoned clan is abandoned, and every king is raising a battle flag to resist that fate."

"Are you too, Xia Mi?" Xia Mu asked in his mind.

Xia Mi was silent for a while, then sighed faintly: "Yes, the Supreme has done something wrong, and the entire race is doomed to bear the consequences, but the abandoned race is unwilling to accept such a fate, so Ragnarok will definitely come."

"However, that is no longer my destiny."

A bright light appeared on Xia Mi's face, "Since I chose to return everything to you, I no longer have to bear that fate, everything has changed."

Xia Mu was silent for a while, and then said silently: "Miyu people get out of Gotham!"

Xia Mi: "..."

"Haste makes waste, the more urgent the more problems will arise," Xia Mu touched Erika's head, "The last guy who was so anxious is now only in my mind."

"Xia... Mu..."

Xia Mi's gloomy voice came.

Erika looked into his eyes, the elevator numbers were still jumping, and it was almost time to reach the conference room.

In her inheritance memory, even for the black king, the father god, the white king never really surrendered from the bottom of his heart, let alone being influenced by anyone.

But facing Xia Mu, it seems that everything will be different.

There will always be a voice in her heart bewitching her: "Promise him... listen to him... leave everything to him... don't think about anything..."

The elevator doors opened and they arrived.

"it is good."

A low, inaudible girl's voice sounded.

The corner of Xia Mu's mouth turned upwards, and he stretched out his hand to hold her little hand, and walked out of the elevator with Yuan Zhisheng.

All the patriarchs of the five surnames were present, and they just stared blankly at Erika being led in by Xia Mu.

It makes them feel amazing.

After all, a few days ago, Eri Yi was still a high-ranking queen, why did she become a... dragon in front of Xia Mu?

Xia Mu pulled Eri Yi under Yuan Zhisheng's hand and sat down, looking around.

Inuyamaga, Miyamoto Shio, Ryoma Genichiro, Sakurai Nanami, Fuma Kotaro, not a few.

"Everyone, Mr. Xia, Miss Erika." The five greeted together.

Yuan Zhisheng nodded.

"It's great that everyone can sit here without any shortage..." Xia Mu sighed.

"It's all thanks to you."

"Thank you for saving your life!"

"The Inuyama family will serve you."

Miyamoto Shio and Ryoma Genichiro expressed their sincere thanks, and Inuyama Ka even made a direct statement, leaving only Sakurai Nanami and Fuma Kotaro indifferent.

Yuan Zhisheng did not encounter danger, and Fuma Kotaro did not have the opportunity to meet righteousness and die.

"Master, now Kassel Academy is declaring war on us, and there is a bounty on the hunter website again. The situation is very serious. We really..."

Fumo Kotaro didn't dare to look at Erika, but only looked at Yuan Zhisheng, "Are we really going to continue to protect...?"

He didn't dare to say the word Bai Wang in a daze.

"Let's put this matter aside."

Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath, and said in shock, "Let's discuss first... about my resignation as the head of the family."

(End of this chapter)

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