Chapter 335 New opponent
Deep in the redwood forests of northern Illinois, Cassel College.

In the conference hall deep in the Hall of Valor, in the center is a quaint mahogany long table, [-]th-century Venetian furniture, engraved with patterns of angels and dragons and snakes.

There are portraits of past secret party leaders hanging on the walls. The latest one is Menek Cassel, the initiator and first president of the Lionheart Society. Cassel College is named after his surname.

The people in black sat at the table with their backs straight.

Most of them are very old, as if dug out of the grave, and the dresses they wear also seem to be dug out of the grave, with top hats, it feels like a gentleman's party in the era of the great detective Sherlock Holmes.

"Haven't had a meeting like this in years, Mr. Vanderbilt."

"Yes, Mr. Turing, the last time I remember it was 1961."

"I thought you were dead, but I saw your unpleasant face again."

"It's a pity that you didn't get what you wanted, but Mr. Plank didn't survive the millennium, and I remember you didn't like him either."

"Don't I like him? It's been too long and I can't remember clearly. The last time I saw him seemed to be in 1972...more than 40 years have passed."

The reunion dialogue is also lifeless, like a ghost in a coffin whispering.

After World War II, this group of secret party elders has never gathered so neatly. Most of the people who can sit at this table have changed the course of history, such as creating the atomic bomb that ended World War II, or promoting the development of quantum mechanics or computer technology. , of course, some are purely violent, burying too many revived ancient dragons.

The dragon's blood endows them with a super long life, so long that they are too lazy to continue to deal with the outside world, so they usually announce the death to their relatives and friends, arrange their own funerals, and live outside the world from then on.

Some of the livelier ones served as their own funeral priests in makeup, reading eulogies to themselves in front of mourning guests.

For those who have changed history and lived through brutal battlefields, nothing should disturb them.

But today was an exception. The atmosphere in the conference room was very gloomy. The elders seemed to be chatting calmly, but they couldn't help but look at the empty chair at the end of the conference table.

That was the seat of principal Hilbert Jean Angers, but at the moment he was lying in the aluminum alloy emergency cabin, his vital signs fluctuating.

"Bleeding, the wound can't heal automatically, he can only rely on his own resilience, and the wildfire of revenge in his heart."

The secret party member known as the "father of medical surgery" said, "If he continues to lose blood, he will not be able to maintain the status quo."

"This is the power of the Word Spirit Judgment. If the ancient dragon serum or the will of the Word Spirit is not released, the hit person will have wounds that cannot heal until they die." Executive Minister Schneider said in a low voice.

The doctor sighed sincerely: "Anyone else would have died when he was hit."

Angers, like them, is the elder of the secret party, the elder with the longest active period.

For so many years, the elders have been able to enjoy a peaceful life because of the madman Angers. With his amazing energy, strong fighting spirit and steel wrists, he created the "academic era" of the secret party, and he was in the dragon slaying Successive victories on the battlefield.

In his hands, the hybrid finally sees the hope of ending the Dragon King forever.

But on that night three days ago, the situation took a turn for the worse, King Bai recovered, the sword of Damocles, the most powerful dragon slaying weapon costing billions of dollars, was ineffective, and Angers was also severely injured.

Therefore, after being silent for more than 40 years, the elders once again gathered in this dusty meeting room to face the situation that may further deteriorate in the future.

Shadows hang over everyone's heads.

None of them dare to say that they are better than Angers, so who will support the current situation?
"Eva, please show everyone the battle video of King Bai." Schneider said with a sigh.

Bright blue laser beams are cast from the ceiling, interweaving into a fine grid of beams.

As this beam net slowly sweeps across the conference room, the holographic 3D projection gradually takes shape.

Some of the elders present here have lived in seclusion for decades, and have never seen such high-precision laser imaging technology, and their eyes widened in surprise.

They seemed to be in the high sky, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Soon, the evolved Xia Mu appeared in front of them, and many elders gasped slightly: "Is this the White King?"

"No." A complicated look appeared on Schneider's face, "He is an outstanding S-level student who graduated from us this year, Xia Mu."

The veterans who didn't know the inside story here looked at each other in blank dismay.

Their perspectives changed with Xia Mu's flight, until they saw the perfect and majestic body of the White King, and the bewitching golden pupils seemed to set the whole world on fire.

The elders all held their breath.

The golden pupils lit up one after another, and because of vigilance, the dragon blood in the bodies of the elders began to surge.

Crazy battles are on the verge of breaking out. They seem to be watching an immersive sci-fi blockbuster. Everything around them disappears into light at supersonic speed. Only the two figures collide crazily. Fighting background.

The elders stood silently, unable to speak any more.

The last scene was Ange's sneak attack on the White King. Even though they knew the ending, they still had sweaty palms, and they couldn't help shouting "Success! Must be successful!", but in the end it ended on the spot with Anger's blood.

That sad scene made those among them who had been on the battlefield remember too much of the past, those companions who fell on the dragon slaying battlefield, including their relatives and lovers... On this battlefield, death is like a bell, always Counting down.

Not everyone among them likes Angers, but at this moment, whether their lips are cold or their teeth are cold, or the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad, their hearts are both heavy and frightened.

"So, that S-level student Xia Mu failed, right? Where is he now? Has he been rescued? Maybe there is still hope with him." Mr. Turing couldn't help asking.

Schneider's face was ugly: "I don't know if you have noticed the scene where the sword of Damocles fell, he blocked the newborn White King..."

"That is how the matter?"

Many elders couldn't help but speak out.

"Let me introduce to you the story between Xia Mu and the new Bai Wang."

Eva manipulates the image changes, playing scenes of Natsuki and Erika.

"They're a couple."

Mr. Vanderbilt murmured.

"There is no doubt that he betrayed us, he betrayed the half-blood, and he sided with the White King."

A faint voice sounded in the conference room, and the elders were shocked.

Because it was the voice of Beowulf the Bloodthirster, like two jagged swords rubbing against each other.

The elders sat up straight involuntarily. The title of "Dragon Bloodthirsty" was too frightening, and it dragged them back to the bloody age of swords and dragons.

His skin was surprisingly pale, and he sat like a thick limestone tombstone.

Under the lamp, his old hands reflected the faint light, and the surface of his skin was actually covered with fine white scales!

The dragon blood of the Beowulf family is so pure that the descendants have already appeared as dragons!
But it is incredible that there are very few deadpools out of control in this family, and even a few cases have been eliminated by the family itself.

Beowulf, the hero of generations, will never do anything to betray mankind!

"Mr. Beowulf."

The senators bowed neatly, for Beowulf had been sitting in the shadows out of the light, and no one had noticed his presence.

"Gentlemen and ladies, stop expecting this S-rank student to be on our side!"

Beowulf turned his head and looked around, his golden pupils were burning like torches, "He is a dragon at all! He is an extremely violent existence! No one can become a dragon like him, absolutely nothing!"

"My family has been drinking dragon blood for thousands of years, and there has never been such a dragon performance!"

"I sounded the horn of war instead of Angers!"

"We have no way out!"

(End of this chapter)

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