Chapter 343
"Let's continue!"

As soon as Xia Mu hung up the phone, the girl raised her face immediately, looking impatient.

He had no choice but to scratch his head: "Well,'s almost the appointed time?"

"What? How could it be so fast?!" The girl's expression changed.

Xia Mu glanced at the time: "There are still 3 minutes, and the Immortal will go ashore."

"It will take 10 minutes for them to get here at the fastest, and there is still time!"

The girl spoke as if shooting a gun. After a series of words, she immediately jumped on him, wrapped her hands around his neck, wrapped her feet around his waist, and found her beautiful and lovely lips.

In many cases, she actually behaves more obsessively than Erika before, because she only has the principles of dragons in her heart, a complete queen mentality, and will not have any scruples, and she will get what she wants.

The faint and dim lights of the mountainside shrine flickered slightly in the dark mist.

The men and women on the top of the mountain were kissing passionately in the darkness. In the distance, a gray-toned freighter slowly docked, mooring in a deserted port.

There is no light, no sound.


There was a muffled noise from the bottom of the ghost ship, and a thick white mist rose up. It looked like a huge freezer had been opened, a frozen space as large as the bottom of the freighter.

The freighter was silent again.


An iron plate on the deck suddenly fell down, connecting the port with the freighter.

A dark figure emerged from the night, walked onto the deck, and came to the land through the bridge.

"The Immortals have a total of 300 person-times, all of them are in place, and they are about to head towards the shrine."

A few hundred meters away from the abandoned port, a broken ship slowly docked, looking like the kind of boat specially used for smuggling.

But the captain, Snakehead, did not dare to say a word. Seeing that the group of uncles lined up neatly, a team of 30 people disembarked one by one.

Beowulf walked in front of the procession, looking towards the mountain of the shrine, as if he could see the horror scene of hundreds of immortals swarming away.

"Is the aftermath done?" He pressed the headset.

Eva's voice came: "It's ready, cover it with the help of thick fog, and it's late at night, and the location of the raid is also deep in the mountains, so it won't affect ordinary people."

"Very well, Dragon Slaying Operation, let's begin."

Beowulf drew a long knife from behind, "Follow me!"


Behind them were the uniform voices of the members of the Beowulf family.

"Kaguya, inform Xia Mu that the Immortal will arrive at the foot of the mountain in 3 minutes, and the Beowulf family will arrive at the hunting position in 10 minutes."

Eva turned around and synchronized the information to Kaguya Ji, and Kaguya Ji synchronized it to Xia Mu.

"The human heart can't know everything. I thought that the mixed races would be very united in the face of the weakness of the dragons themselves, but I didn't expect that even the war weapon Eva of the Cassel Academy would have its own ideas."

In Xia Mu's mind, Xia Mi stretched his body, filled with emotion.

"If she hadn't revealed the battle plan to you, these tens of thousands of mixed races would attack head-on, plus the so-called Immortals raid, and finally the Beowulf family, it wouldn't matter if you two were in their heyday, and it would be difficult to deal with this in a half-disabled state now. war strategy?"

When Xia Mu heard Kaguya Ji's notice, he separated from Erika, and the two headed towards their own combat areas.

He didn't need to do anything, just wait in the shrine to be attacked.

But Erika needs to take the initiative to kill the Beowulf family.

"After all, we are facing the secret party that is almost attacking with all its strength. It is said that nearly half of the inventory of the immortals has been used by them. If we do not have any information to face directly, it will indeed be very troublesome..."

Xia Mu said to Xia Mi, "However, Eva is really not considered the position of Kassel College. Unless the college finds that there is a problem with her underlying logic and corrects it, otherwise she will always represent that dog."




"However, I still have to show him a favor this time, and help him if I have a chance in the future. It seems that in his judgment, I am not an enemy."


Xia Mi suddenly lowered his voice, "Be careful, according to the agreement, you can't destroy them, but these immortals won't hold back from you."

Xia Mu nodded, holding the Myriad Chance Umbrella in his hand, and walked slowly to the gate of the shrine, the golden light in his eyes was like a howling tsunami, surging and surging.

I can already feel many creatures approaching, but it's just a feeling.

These things gave him the feeling of zombies, but they were more agile and could release the spirit of speech.

The first Immortal appeared.

He should be a frogman, wearing a black rubber suit, a rubber mask on his face, and a respirator-like protrusion on his mouth.

The moment Xia Mu saw him, he suddenly looked at his dazzling golden pupils, and his spirit was suddenly in a trance.

"Sen Luo", a rare word spirit that can only be used by spirit-element hybrids, uses eyes to control the opponent's mind, and writes what is in his mind into the opponent's mind.

The releaser can induce or even force the target to see any vision, whether it is a burning hell, or a loved one who has passed away.

In a glance, everything is everywhere.

Xia Mu saw the red-haired Erika and the eccentric Xia Mi appearing in front of him, their frowns and smiles easily touched his heart.

"call out!"

Frogmen jumped out from the left and right sides, their eyes were shining with fiery golden lights, and their claws were almost the same as those of dragon claws. They aimed at Xia Mu and slapped them.

The spiritual fire in Xia Mu's eyes burned, instantly burning out the phantom, and his body jumped back.


When their paws hit the ground, the movement was as loud as an earthquake.

Their attacks are so weird that it's hard to attribute them to a certain genre. It's more like wild beasts in the jungle wielding their claws instinctively. The attacks are also mixed with knee strikes, elbow strikes and shoulder strikes. The whole person is a weapon from head to toe.

Xia Mu's melee combat ability is not weak, and with the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, the dual-knife mode dances airtightly.

It's just that this is not a contest of fist and kick, more and more strange words began to act on him.

In the woods around the shrine, the dark golden eyes looked like wolves in the dark night, ready to swarm up at any time.

The most disgusting thing is the hybrid who can use Senluo. Although Xia Mu will not be deeply affected, he can't look at him unless he looks at him.

Sen Luo is a terrifying word spirit, its power can be strong or weak, the weak can hint to you that he is your most beloved person, and the strong one can even impose the illusion of Sen Luo's hell in your mind.

Although Xia Mu doesn't care about many things, it's a pity that he values ​​feelings too much. Erika and Natsumi are his absolute weaknesses. If the illusion imposed by the other party happens to touch a certain point, something bad may happen!

Jun Yan suddenly swept the audience and set the entire shrine on fire.

But that was not released by Xia Mu.

As expected of the Secret Party's secret weapons, Jun Yan, Setsuna, Jian Yu...

Many rare speech spirits appeared one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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