Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 344 Eri Yi Disappears

Chapter 344 Eri Yi Disappears

"Eva, report on the situation on the mountain."

More than twenty members of the Beowulf family came to the foot of the mountain.

The fog was very thick, and when they looked up from the foot of the mountain, they could only see the flickering fire, and felt vibrations from time to time, but they couldn't see anything else clearly.

"This is a good day for a sneak attack, so neither the enemy nor the enemy can use better detection methods." Eva said in the headset.

Beowulf nodded.

"That's good, I'm not used to having complete intelligence support at any time."

His voice seemed to be rubbing swords against each other, "You need to rely on your own judgment on the battlefield. Sometimes intuition is more important than intelligence."

Beowulf gazed at the mountaintop in the dark, imagining that Natsuki and Erika were fighting to the death with the Immortals.

He will not choose to attack until the immortal has consumed the opponent almost.

White King's blood...

There is also a bloodline that can rival the White King...

If you drink it, what a powerful boost will appear?

Beowulf's face, which had always been as hard as iron, quietly showed a hint of greed.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Who is the praying mantis, who is the oriole, and who is the hunter is unknown.

In the dark depths, a pair of infrared telescopes stared at it from a distance.

"Interesting, the secret party of this hybrid war is going to bleed."

The man's voice was a little relaxed.

"When will we conduct bloodline traction?" A shadow asked behind him.

"Don't worry, that one is fused with the bones of the White King. We must always observe her strength carefully to avoid major problems in the future." The man said.

"She is our Satan, destined to set off a bloodbath. With the king here, don't worry too much."

"Yes, there is a king here."

The man's low sigh disappeared in the air.

The simple conversation between the two revealed a frightening amount of information, but unfortunately no one knew.

"Look! Here we come!"

The man suddenly shouted coldly.

In the telescope, a silver brilliance swept down from the mountainside, as if the wind and snow were gathering in the sky, and it was like an avalanche destroying everything.


The two mixed races that the Beowulf family stood in front of to investigate could not speak a complete sentence, because Fengxue carried the will to die, and two bloodstains appeared on their faces. The moment the wound appeared, their vitality was wiped out at the same time. kill.

Word Spirit Judgment!
"Enemy attack!"

The solemn and low warning was issued by Beowulf himself. He was the first to react. His whole body was covered in scales, his pupils lit up like copper furnaces, and he held a blood-stained sword and slashed fiercely.

Contrary to him, Erika who was carrying a little red umbrella seemed to be walking in the garden, and the red sword light danced casually, and the young people of the Beowulf family fell to the ground one after another.


Her eyes became condensed.

She didn't pay much attention when Beowulf's knife slashed over. No matter what the opponent did, she could ignore everything as long as she had Judgment.

It's just that this feature failed for the first time when it encountered Beowulf.


If Angers is the absolute king of speed, Beowulf is worthy of his name as a warrior, and his wild fighting style is extremely staunch.

Erika's trial fell on him, leaving only a scar like Angers back then, but the scar would not heal.

When the opponent rushed, she swung the knife continuously, and the trials were frequent, but apart from causing a few more scars to the opponent, she did not stop Beowulf from any action.

A real bloodbath.

That bloody smell rushed over, almost knocking Erika Yikao faint.

"Beowulf, the so-called dragon-slaying family is actually just a hybrid that has stolen the characteristics of the dragon."

The man in the dark observed the battle situation from a distance, and he had a lot of disdain for Beowulf.

"I didn't learn the real essence, but I just learned to devour. By drinking dragon's blood, I got a thin immune attribute. The more I drink, the more words and spirits my family can be immune to."

"But judgment should not be immune."

"So he's still bleeding. He's betting that he can drink the blood of the White King. As long as he can drink a little, it will fade away."

"No wonder the people in their family feel so weird when they get in touch, a group of disgusting people who want to drink the blood of their opponents all day long!"

As they talked, Erika seemed to be at a disadvantage.

It's not that she didn't have the courage and desperate spirit to die with the enemy, but she was disgusted by the smell of blood.

To say that dragons are always immortal in battle, blood is nothing to her, but she feels uncomfortable when she thinks about walking back covered in blood.

What to do if you are rejected...

For a while, she couldn't tell whether this was the way the queen should have thought.

If Beowulf, who is fighting desperately, knows that his opponent is still thinking about these messy things, I wonder if he will vomit blood with anger...

"Get ready to deploy bloodline traction."

In the darkness, the man ordered in a low voice.

Several black shadows moved behind him, and slowly, a blood-colored alchemy formation began to take shape.

If Xia Mu is here, he can probably recognize it at a glance, it is the formation he built with the help of Uesugi Yue.

It's just that the array is quite different, it seems to be a strange bone.

"Wait till she kills Beowulf?" asked the man behind the man.

The man shook his head and smiled softly: "Let's save trouble for that Xia Mu, otherwise he will definitely not let it go, there are things in him that the king is afraid of, let Beowulf help us delay for a while and smooth out the traces. "

The person behind was silent for a while, and slowly gave him a thumbs up: "Yin, it has to be you..."

"Half-disabled King Bai, is there a better candidate for 'Satan' than this? If you want to say Yin, it has to be the king. If King Bai knows all this, he will probably go crazy."

Amidst their furtive discussions, the Scarlet Alchemy Formation finally took shape...


Beowulf burst into a bloodbath, pounced down like a mad polar bear, and the machete seemed to split Erika in two.

But Erika paused at this moment.

Her expression suddenly became confused, and she subconsciously looked to the other side: "It's what I lack..."

Beowulf's eyes were ecstatic when he saw that the machete was about to strike Eris' shoulder.

Just drink a little blood, just a little!

When the saber fell to the ground, Huei Yi's figure turned into nothingness, and suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

Beowulf's center of gravity was unstable at this moment, and he fell to the ground.


The few remaining people helped him up.

He was still bleeding profusely.

Beowulf felt dizzy.

"What about her?"

He was looking eagerly.

"It seems... disappeared." A clansman said uncertainly.

"No, gone?"

Beowulf was a little dazed at first, and then flew into a rage: "How could it be gone! How could it be gone! Absolutely impossible! He must have been rescued! He was rescued by that Xia Mu!"

It's a gamble.

He has always known that his life has come to an end, and he must find a stronger dragon's blood to evolve in order to survive.

The White King is his only hope.

How could it fail!
Absolutely not!
(End of this chapter)

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