Chapter 345 Then Die
"It's here!"

The frogmen all over the mountains and plains seemed to be attacking by zombies, chasing Xia Mu all over the mountains.

If there is no heavy fog at night, from a distance, it looks like fireworks are being set off here, and the entire mountain range is constantly exploding.

Xia Mu is not aimlessly avoiding the pursuit of the immortals. Even if he still has the strength of a super hybrid, he can't play with these monsters who are not afraid of death for a long time.

Eva had already disclosed the weakness of the Immortal in intelligence, and he was ready.

"Come here for me!"

To the Immortals, Xia Mu's figure is like a bait, they will chase until the bait disappears, or the moment they disappear.

Xia Mu led the frogmen all over the mountain and ran into a mountain depression, and resisted all kinds of speech attacks with the Thousand Chance Umbrella for a while.

After nearly a hundred immortals entered a radius of [-] meters around him, they stomped their feet on the ground.


The stress point exploded, and the feet suddenly began to collapse.

All the Immortals were unable to stand firmly, falling down with the collapsed ground.

Xia Mu held the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in the rotor state and floated in the air for a short while.

The mountain seemed to light up suddenly.

The light does not come from the mountains, but from the valleys where the immortals drop.

Many figures in protective suits emerged, one by one holding a spray gun, spraying cold air on the Immortal.

At the beginning, the Immortals were still releasing their words, and Xia Mu was still fighting fires everywhere.

But soon the overall temperature dropped, and the mountain depression seemed to be a large ice cellar, and the temperature was getting lower and lower.

The strength of the immortals' attacks began to weaken, and their movements also began to slow down.

The so-called monsters under the ice, to put it bluntly, the secret party itself is using low temperature to control these monsters that are indistinguishable from friend and foe.

In the process of shipment, all of them enter the low temperature state.

Low temperature is their weakness.


Seeing that the Immortals were frozen one by one, Xia Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If this thing is used to deal with ordinary mixed races, it is no different from massacres.

"Hey, after the truce, maybe you can find the secret party to blackmail a fortune."

Xia Mu has no way to control them, and it's useless to keep them, but they are all treasures for the secret party.

"Master! Miss Erika's coordinates have disappeared!"

At this time, Kaguya Ji's voice suddenly sounded.

The faint smile that had just appeared on Xia Mu's face froze.

"What did you say?"

"Miss Erika disappeared..."

Before Kaguya Ji finished speaking, Xia Mu's figure disappeared from the spot.

"Where is King Bai! Where is King Bai! Kill me! Kill them! Find them! Kill—"

Beowulf is also mad.

He was still bleeding, if it continued, even if he had a strong body after drinking the dragon's blood, he would definitely die here within a short while.


A figure with flames all over his body landed, and the majestic aura made members of the Beowulf family retreat one after another.


Beowulf looked through his bloody eyes, and his eyes suddenly became excited, "I've seen you! You are Xia Mu! Hahaha! There is no unparalleled road! My blood eats! Blood eats!"


The young man behind him paled.

It's too taboo to say "blood food"!
"not here…"

Xia Mu didn't seem to see them, his eyes swept across the audience, but he didn't find any trace of Erika.

He tried calling, but there was no answer at all.


Xia Mu's heart beat like a drum.

He couldn't even perceive what mood he was in right now.

Lost and regained, gained and lost again, even if Erika temporarily lost the memory of the past and turned into a dragon with the personality of a queen, at least she was still by her side, so he was at ease.

But now it's gone again.

"Give me blood! Blood! Blood!"

Beowulf hit the gun decisively.

"You want my blood?"

A pair of blood-gold eyes appeared in Beowulf's line of sight, and those eyes that wanted to choose and devour someone actually made Beowulf, who was in a state of madness, startled.

"You... want my blood?"

Xia Mu's approach made the members of the Beowulf family back subconsciously, their hearts beating wildly.

Is this the hybrid that can rival the White King?

"Come on, I'll give you blood."

To their surprise, Xia Mu pulled out the knife of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and suddenly cut a bloody gash on his wrist.

Arteries ruptured and blood gushed out.

Beowulf and the others were stunned for a moment, then their eyes turned red, and they wheezed, like addicts seeing white powder.

Xia Mu backed away slowly, allowing his own blood to spill all over the ground before it healed automatically.


The remaining half-bloods of the entire Beowulf family, including Beowulf himself, jumped on the ground and drank the blood.


Beowulf angrily threw out the younger generation of the family, unwilling to share.

But at the top, who can control the head of the family, the young people rushed up again recklessly.

Beowulf was like a cat protecting the food. He opened his teeth and claws for a moment, and his hand covered with dragon scales directly pulled out the heart of the family's descendants and crushed it.

Xia Mu looked at this scene indifferently, watching them kill each other for their own blood.

"My it good to drink?"

he asked softly.

Beowulf licked every drop of blood on the ground, then raised his head and stared at Xia Mu.


He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Xia Mu! Do you think I really lost my mind?! Hahaha!"

Beowulf laughed wildly, "Finally! Finally got it! Your blood!"

Xia Mu looked at him expressionlessly: "Tell me, what scene did you see Erika at the end, and is there anything unusual?"

Beowulf's laughter faded away, and he stared at him with terrified eyes: "Do you know why I drink your blood so shamelessly? Maybe you don't want to know, and you dare not know."

"Yes, I don't want to know."

Beowulf was blocked back, and his breath was almost blocked in his throat: "You!"

"Tell me how Erika left in the end." Xia Mu said.

"She's dead! She was eaten by me!"

After Beowulf finished speaking viciously, he suddenly stretched out his hand to support his forehead, feeling a sense of extreme weakness, "What...what's going on..."

"It seems you don't know."

Xia Mu walked forward, "Then die."

"Can my blood be tolerated by ordinary mixed races?"

Beowulf suddenly felt that his whole body's strength was weakening, and the blood that had devoured the dragon's blood to evolve seemed to be completely invalid at this time.

"No! It's impossible!"

He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it, "I should become stronger! Live longer! I should have merged with the power equivalent to the White King! How could it be! How could it be like this!"

Plop, Beowulf fell to the ground.

If one could see inside his body, one would find a stream of blood penetrating his whole body, melting like ice and snow.

If it is said that dragon blood touching human blood is devouring and assimilating, then Xia Mu's blood is also devouring and digesting dragon blood.

In just a moment, Beowulf went from the existence at the top of the half-breed pyramid to the blood of ordinary humans.

Xia Mu didn't even put in half an effort.

When he stomped Beowulf to pieces, Kaguya Hime, who recorded the scene of drinking blood through secret surveillance, silently coded the scene...

(End of this chapter)

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