Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 350 World Cat Beauty Contest

Chapter 350 World Cat Beauty Contest
The entire Sheqi Bajia was alarmed.

Because the elders suddenly spoke.

"Find me the most beautiful cat in the world!"

In an instant, not only this country, but the whole world seemed to be shaken.

The other mixed-race powers miraculously discovered that this new world-class player's first all-out effort was actually for a cat beauty contest.

Soon, the whole world seemed to be watching a monkey show, but the organizer was extremely serious.

The cat beauty pageant was conducted in different divisions, categories, and progressively, and it was really organized in an orderly manner.

Even Snake Bajia has a business genius who turned this event into a program, which has a great response all over the world, and the funds are quickly recovered, and they have made a lot of money.

Xia Mu immediately promoted this person to be in charge of business planning.

The kitten that finally won the laurel crown was beyond many people's expectations, because it was not a breed with such a rare bloodline at all, but a snow-white Persian cat with short feet.

"Obviously there is a more noble one, why did you choose this as No.1?!"

When Xia Mi saw the Persian cat, he immediately raised his opinion because of the short legs!

Although the short feet are cute, they are very inconvenient... For example, you will fall when jumping and jumping, and you will fail when jumping on the sofa...

"Because it's cute..."

Xia Mu hugged the short-legged kitten.

The kittens hadn't even been weaned, and were flown in the highest-spec incubators all the way.

This kind of kitten is the most suitable for raising, because it will regard the person who raised it as its own cat mother and cat father.

So after Xia Mu had fed it and drank milk a few times, it would have been by Xia Mu's side as if it was dependent on its parents.

"Is this a female cat?"

Xia Mi was a little worried.

"Let me see…"

Xia Mu turned the kitten over, "Don't worry, it's a female cat."

Xia Mi: "..."

"Suddenly I want to regret it," she said.

Xia Mu immediately shouted: "Don't bring such a cat! I almost became the laughing stock of the whole world just to find this cat!"

"Really? Why do I feel that you also took the opportunity to show weakness? Originally, those mixed-race forces were wary of what big moves your Sheqi Bajia would make next, but it turned out to be a kitten beauty pageant. I could guess what those forces would be What do you think... oh, there is no need to take this kind of opponent too seriously..."

"They're not fools, they just downplayed the aggressiveness of the Sheqi Bajia," Xia Mu couldn't help but said, "Is it true that you won't come out?"

Xia Mi was silent for a while, and finally said hesitantly: "You are not allowed to do bad things to me."

Xia Mu yelled: "You are just a cat, what bad things can I do to you?!"

"Aren't cats more exciting? You men always have some weird hobbies."

"It's not the same, okay! How can the person transformed by the cat be compared with the cat itself!"

"...you put the kitten's head against your own forehead."

Xia Mu lifted the cat up according to his words.


Its little feet trembled in the air, but it couldn't escape Xia Mu's palm.

Xia Mu pressed against its forehead and closed his eyes.

In the spiritual world, Xia Mi's spiritual body seemed to turn into a ray of light, and suddenly disappeared from the central position.

The place where he touched the cat's forehead suddenly glowed with golden light.

The kitten's four short legs suddenly froze, and then slowly drooped down.

If Xia Mu felt it, his forehead was separated from the kitten.

Still holding the cat up, he stared into its closed eyes.

Suddenly, the kitten struggled and forcibly broke free from his hands, and fell to the floor with a bang, throwing itself on its back.

"I rely on!"

Xia Mi's frantic voice still rang in his mind.

Xia Mu immediately asked: "What's the matter?"

The little white cat on the floor turned over with difficulty and lay down on the floor.

"It hurts... woo..."

The kitten looked up with teary eyes.

Xia Mu: "..."

"It's really okay..."

He sat cross-legged on the floor and poked the little Persian cat in the face with his fingers.

"Do not touch me!"

The kitten caught it with one paw... It's a pity that the short legs are too short, Xia Mu retracted her hand and she caught nothing.


Xia Mu couldn't help laughing.

The short-legged cat glared at him, shook its body, tried to stand up on all fours, and walked unsteadily.

But in Xia Mu's eyes, that walking posture always seems to be a bit smooth...

"Shall I show you the cat's walking posture earlier?" He asked tentatively.


The tsundere kitten glared back at him, and then lay down on the floor uncoordinated.

Xia Mu: "..."

"Woo...so hungry..."

The kitten lay motionless on the floor.

"I'll get you milk!"

Xia Mu immediately stood up, poured fresh milk from the refrigerator, heated it in the microwave oven, and finally put the warm milk bowl in front of her.

The kitten sniffled, got up immediately, and brought the cat's face to the side of the bowl.

She seems to want to drink it like a human, but the structure of the cat's mouth is different, so she can't suck it in... She has to learn how a cat licks and licks.

Xia Mu looked at the milk spilled in a circle outside the bowl, and couldn't help laughing: "You're so lonely after drinking."

"Oh! It's so hard to be a cat!"

Xia Mi spread out on the floor, "Hurry up and change me back, let him drink by himself!"

Xia Mu hugged her with a smile and put her head against her.

After a burst of golden light, the kitten returned and became a normal cat again.

Xia Mi's spiritual body was panting in the middle of the spiritual ocean: "It's not easy to be a cat..."

"I said, dragons are also reptiles, right?" Xia Mu reminded her.

"Dragon has wings!"

Xia Mu rolled his eyes, bent down and touched the kitten's belly, and found that he was full, quickly hugged it back, and wiped his mouth dry.

Cats often don't know if they are full, so they need to touch their stomachs.


Kitty is still struggling.

But Xia Mu hugged it into his arms, and it stopped struggling.

After a while, he fell asleep snoring.

"My mental body is still too large. For a kitten, entering its mind is like a sea pouring into a lake..."

Xia Mi looked helpless, "Let's raise it for a few more months, anyway, cats grow fast."

"This is unscientific, Xia Mi, can a cat's mind expand when it grows up?" Xia Mu asked.

"No, more areas can be unlocked, just like many children can't remember their childhood when they grow up, because some parts of their minds are not opened."

"All right, but can you go to it now?"


"I want to hold you."


One minute later, Xia Mu walked around with Xia Mi holding the cat's body.

"Don't touch your hands!"

"Habitual action, whoever hugs a cat will not subconsciously masturbate."

"Who hugged the cat and rubbed his belly?!"

"That means other places are fine?"


In the eyes of the girl in kimono standing not far away, her elders acted strangely.

The cat was also a little weird.

Have you ever seen a cat pointing its paw at its owner's nose?
(End of this chapter)

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