Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 351 Only I Can Touch Her!

Chapter 351 Only I Can Touch Her!
The mixed races of the Snake Ba family found that their patriarch is no longer distracted, but now he takes a cat with him wherever he goes, regardless of the occasion.

Whether it's internal meetings, external negotiations, or even the most serious family meetings in the shrine, he can bring the cat with him all the time.

And his interactions with the cat are very weird, sometimes it's like two people are having a fight with each other.

This cat can stand on its hind legs, akimbo, and stretch out its front paws to point at Xia Mu's nose...

"Forget it, as long as the parents don't wander around inexplicably, you don't have to worry too much about other things. At least the partners don't have any opinions."

"Did they dare not mention it, did they laugh loudly without seeing the principal of Kassel College Angers?"

"No, don't be so harsh, I'm just worried that one day he will go out to find Miss Erika directly, and the parents will not do it..."

"Makes sense!"

The Patriarch of the five surnames complained in private, and then told the people below not to allow any rumors about the weird behavior of the head of the family to spread.

In fact, they are too worried. No one will speak ill of their parents behind their backs, and no one even dares to say that he will fight desperately with others.

Seeing that the future of the Bajia of Sheqi is a sea of ​​stars, Xia Mu is their god at this time, everything Xia Mu does is absolutely right, Xia Mu is absolutely satisfied with whatever Xia Mu wants, and Xia Mu absolutely supports whatever decision Xia Mu makes...

Three months passed in a flash.

Xia Mi could finally stay with the cat for a long time.

It's just that when she was learning to run around and jump up and down, she would always make various mistakes because of her short legs, which often made Xia Mu laugh out loud.

"Master, Chu Zihang still has half an hour to land."

After receiving the notice from Kaguya Ji, Xia Mu put Xia Mi on his shoulder skillfully, got on the handmade Rolls Royce and went to the airport to pick up Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang finally received the task, and Odin was waving to him in the Nibelungen.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Chu Zihang still had that cool wooden face.

"Hey, don't you need to wear colored contact lenses?" Xia Mu asked with a smile.

Chu Zihang's eyes lingered on the cat on his shoulder for several times, and then he got into the car and sat beside him, nodding his head: "Now I can control the golden pupil freely, not like before."

"'Eternal Burning Pupil Master' is a misnomer." Xia Mu said with a smile.

Chu Zihang glanced at him: "You also read Fingal's novel?"


Xia Mu smiled, "He bragged about me so much, 'a conspiracy smasher who counts all the secrets', so I don't have to take a good look at it."


Chu Zihang nodded.

Xia Mu is used to him like this, and took the initiative to open a new topic: "You really don't have any worries? Have you ever thought about your mother? And Susie."

Chu Zihang didn't speak for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth: "Mom has 'Dad' to take care of her, she will live well, I will leave a suicide note, you give it to her for me, and suggest that she have another child to replace me ...As for Susie, her eyesight has recovered a long time ago, and she will have a wonderful life of her own in the future."

"You also got rid of the side effects of the blood explosion technology, didn't you? If you look back now, you can also have a wonderful life with her in the future." Xia Mu said.

Chu Zihang remained silent.

After a while, Xia Mu had no choice but to complain silently: "A bad boy who never turns back!"

"Have you thought about turning back?"

Chu Zihang said suddenly.

"Why should I turn back?" Xia Mu was puzzled.

Chu Zihang said softly: "If you put down Erika, put down Xia Mi, and enjoy the life you have now, with great power in your hands, and so many people obeying your orders, you will also be very happy."

Xia Mu lowered his eyes: "Then it's not me."

The cat on the shoulder glanced at him and jumped into his arms.

Xia Mu reached out to catch her, smiled softly, and stroked her hair slowly.

"Me too." Chu Zihang said.

His eyes fell on the kitten in his arms, and his eyes were a little weird: "Is this the cat selected by you in the cat world beauty pageant?"

"Well, isn't it beautiful?"

Xia Mu chuckled.

The kitten rolled its eyes at him charmingly.

"A cat that understands human nature, can I pet it?"

Chu Zihang was a little interested and held out his hand.

Xia Mu directly patted his hand back, and said righteously: "Only I can touch her!"

Chu Zihang: "..."

Rolls-Royce stopped at Genji Heavy Industries.

Chu Zihang stood under the building, looking up at the building: "I didn't expect me to come here again."

"I hope you can remember these things when you come back next time."

Xia Mu replied angrily.

The two went directly to the underground rock flow research institute.

"come here."

Xia Mu took Chu Zihang to a closed room.

Chu Zihang put down his backpack and saw traces of alchemy on the ground and walls, which looked extremely complicated.

"This alchemy array was developed by me, and I haven't tried it on anyone. I don't know whether the mental imprint I made will work or not, and whether there are any side effects." Xia Mu hesitated.

Chu Zihang glanced at his expression and asked, "What is the function of this alchemy array?"

"Remember when I switched identities with Erika in the eyes of everyone?"

Xia Mu became serious, "That's Odin's words, and it's still an incomplete version. I'm worried that you will eat a complete one this time, so the function of this formation is to leave a spiritual imprint on you. Once you forget I can help you remember everything."

Chu Zihang was silent for a while: "Do you think I'm overreaching?"

Xia Mu turned his back and started to activate the alchemy formation: "If you don't do some things, you will be entangled in your heart for the rest of your life, but if you do, you may die. You choose not to die."

"If you can, take care of my mother and... Susie."

Chu Zihang sat down in the center of the alchemy formation.

Xia Mu pointed at himself in disbelief: "It's fine if you let me take care of your mother for you, but what's the matter if you entrust Susie to me?"

"Because I have no one to trust, Lu Mingfei can't even take care of himself, only you..." Chu Zihang said softly.

Xia Mu's expression was strange: "My friend's wife..."

"No..." Chu Zihang was embarrassed, "If I really disappear, I hope she can find a home that really suits her."

"Oh, what do you think of Lancelot?" Xia Mu asked.

Chu Zihang opened his eyes wide: "You have someone to choose so soon?"

Xia Mu looked at him meaningfully: "Just assume it's him? Can you accept it?"

Chu Zihang opened his mouth, closed it again, and even closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and looked at Xia Mu: "Lancelot is a reliable guy, I think it's okay."

Xia Mu put on a question mark face directly: "Is this the highest state of love?"

"For the future that I can't give, there must be someone who can compensate her."

"Brother is awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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