Chapter 352 Hug Chu Zihang

"Is that all right?"

Chu Zihang sat up from the center of the alchemy formation, reached out and touched the center of his eyebrows, where a ray of golden light flashed away.

Xia Mu leaned against the wall wearily: "In theory, there is no problem. Even if you lose the memory of this moment, I will let you go back to this moment... Well, if there are no accidents."

"What will happen if there is an accident?" Chu Zihang looked at him.

Xia Mu expressionless: "Then you can call me brother."

Chu Zihang's lips moved, and finally he only said, "Okay."

Xia Mu was speechless.

"I have a hunch that this is a very important turning point in my life, just like that rainy night when I was 15..."

Chu Zihang put the backpack back on his back silently, "I will help you keep an eye on Erika's news, and if I find anything, I will find a way to notify you."

Xia Mu replied angrily: "Take care of yourself, don't think that you can do whatever you want once you break through the critical blood line, you are still far behind Odin."

Chu Zihang nodded seriously: "I see."

He didn't stop, like a sword about to be unsheathed, moving forward without hesitation.

Xia Mu sent him to the airport.

"I really miss playing Werewolf together. At that time, Xia Mi was still there, Su Xi and Ling were there, and Lu Mingfei hadn't been forced to become the president of the student union."

Chu Zihang was a little emotional when he parted.

"Then come back safely!"

Xia Mu gave him a bear hug between men, "When you come back, I'll drink with you again!"

Chu Zihang felt a little uncomfortable and embarrassed, but he didn't push him away.

"I promise you." He said solemnly.

Xia Mu watched him walking into the boarding gate alone with his bag on his back.

"Xia Mu, in fact, there are many things you haven't told us." Xia Mi said suddenly.

Xia Mu hugged the cat, masturbating casually.

Now Xia Mi is used to being rubbed, and even shows a comfortable expression and behavior like a cat, and sometimes even shows her belly unconsciously, making Xia Mu doubt what will happen when she becomes a human in the future.

"You mean I foresaw what happened to Chu Zihang? Do you think he will meet Odin?"

Xia Mu smiled, "Actually, what I know is almost at the limit, and I really don't know the rest, except that Lu Mingfei has a doomsday father and mother, and his father is a playboy, his mother Will die, and there is a dark side force hiding in the shadows, which I suspect is most likely to be related to Erika's disappearance, and I really don't know what will happen to the others."

"That's not much more than we dragon kings know..." Xia Mi said in a low voice.

"Yeah, the next thing is a fog for me. Regarding the forces of the dark side, I have gone to the polar bears to find out, but they hide too deeply, so I have to follow the future Lu Mingfei to find it..."

Xia Mu sighed, "There is also my own problem. As you said, the king of sky and wind, the king of sea and water, and these dragon kings can't be found at all. Gattuso's family is about to be hidden by me." I've searched all over, but there's no clue."

Xia Mi was silent for a while: "Wait a minute, hurry up, if what you said about Odin appearing in the North Sea is true, then this is the fuse that started everything."

Her voice was a little erratic, "Next, one after another, until finally, the Black King revived, the battle of abandoning the clan, the dusk of the gods..."

Xia Mu hugged the kitten in his arms tightly, and said softly: "In the end, it doesn't matter if the dragon race wins, the hybrid race wins, or both die together, I don't really care. I just hope that you and Erika are all right. You all have a future."

"You too, the future without you is meaningless!"

The little cat suddenly looked up and looked at him seriously.

Xia Mu nodded lightly: "Yeah!"

a week later.

72° north latitude, Greenland Sea.

"This is the Nibelungen that Xia Mu foresaw..."

Chu Zihang trudged through the water, walked onto the pier, walked through the tree-lined path with fallen leaves like snow, and climbed to a high place.

At this time, the boat of "Reaper" was already approaching the pier. From the beginning to the end, the boat neither accelerated nor decelerated, as if it didn't matter to "Reaper" whether Chu Zihang stayed or fled.

The figure of the Grim Reaper became more and more clear, just like the image described in the painting, except that the Grim Reaper appeared from behind in the painting, so the pair of bright golden pupils were not depicted.

God's golden pupils were so dazzling that Chu Zihang couldn't see his face clearly, but that image had already been deeply imprinted in his mind.

On a rainy night many years ago, on that highway that did not exist in reality, they had seen it before!
Chu Zihang will never forget that scene. He was driving a galloping Maybach car, and when he turned his head, his father jumped into the air holding a long knife.

At that moment, a pale hand stretched out from the dark blue cloak of the man calling himself "Odin"...

That hand was wrapped in layers of white cloth, like the hand of a mummy, and under the dark blue wind cloak, was this figure wrapped in a slim white robe!
He had been chasing the trail of this god for years, but the god—whether his real name was Odin or Death—had always remained hidden from the world.

Just when Chu Zihang felt that he was going to spend his life as a commissioner of the executive department in a flat and silent way, fate sent him before God again... as Xia Mu said.

There are many magical things in Xia Mu, such as the fusion of bronze and fire, the power of the earth and mountains, such as Xia Mi's favor, and even the beloved girl became the White King.

Many people suspected that he was the Dragon King, but Chu Zihang never cared.

Because he pointed out his way forward and helped him find Odin.

If he could turn back time and let him return to the rainy night of that month when he was 15 years old, he must have driven his Maybach into Odin instead of running away...

In the bottom of his heart, he always hated himself for not having the courage to die with his father on that rainy night.

It's good to die like that, not lonely at all.

He pulled out the black-sheathed sword from the knife bag on his back, the enhanced version of Murasame, a weapon gifted to him by Xia Mu, with spiritual attack attached.

I've been using it for years, and it works great.

Only such a good knife can be worthy of such a grand ending.

"It's a pity that I can't go back to drink with you, but no matter what, I don't regret coming here."

He said softly and smiled silently.

The blood boiled and exploded in an instant, far exceeding the critical blood line. He is already a real S-rank, and can deal with the S-rank of the Dragon King!
"God! Come on! It's time for us to settle the score!"

He glared like a diamond and roared like a lion.

He leaped towards the sea of ​​flames, and drew a cold arc with his two knives, falling towards the god and his boat.

At this moment, the god raised his head from the cloak and let out a mocking laugh.

It seems to be mocking his overreaching, and also seems to be mocking his fate, which in Odin's eyes can be changed at will...

(End of this chapter)

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