Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 354 Chu Zihang's Message

Chapter 354 Chu Zihang's Message
"Pompeii, are you here to attend the meeting?" Some elders roared angrily.

"Isn't my dear old friend Ange not dead yet?" Pompey looked a little aggrieved, "I promise to change into a black suit when I attend the funeral..."

The vice-principal raised his glass: "When he dies, let's hold a naked meeting to celebrate."

Pompey snapped his fingers: "Cheers!"

"Mr. Flamel!"

There was a roar in the meeting room.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to business. The principal is dying, the keel has been stolen, and the other party is using time zero. What other clues are there?" Mr. Turing smoothed things over.

The elders were silent.

"I said, have you ever thought about where the other party's next target will be?" Pompei's leisurely voice came.

The elders were taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"The keel kept in the college is the keel of the dragon king Constantine, and the keel of the dragon king Norton is kept in the hands of Gattuso's family according to the resolution of the school board."

Pompey said, "If the other party wants the keel so much, there's no reason why he shouldn't have the idea of ​​my keel. Now Frost is transporting the keel to the underground vault of the Bank of Rome."

He took out his mobile phone and made a call showing off, "Hi! Frost, my dear brother, where have you been?"

A new projection appeared above the table. It seemed to be inside a very small closed space. The space was shaking and the figures were flickering.

Suddenly an alarm sounded in the conference room, and the elders stood up abruptly, their golden pupils suppressing the projected blue light.

The bulletproof elevator Frost was in is surrounded by flashing red lights. The invasion happened on the other side of the world. Someone broke into the underground vault of the Bank of Rome!

"Frost, abandon the original plan! Get out of there with the keel!"

Pompeii was so anxious that the juice overflowed from his cup... But why he was still drinking juice at this time, this point the elders didn't have time to care about.

"High temperature reaction detected deep underground!"

EVA took over the vault, with no ups and downs in her voice, "Correct the previous statement, ultra-high temperature reaction."

"Did you detonate the bomb?" Pompey exclaimed.

"No, the bomb can't reach that high heat, there is another source." EVA said.

"High fever..." Mr. Turing stood up abruptly, "Could it be Xia Mu!"

The elders were startled.

His guess is not unreasonable. The only known person who can use Jun Yan's high-risk speech spirit is Xia Mu, the head of the Sheqi Ba Family.

For this guy who rose up in the mixed-race world in a short period of time, everyone has done in-depth research on him.

At this time, he will subconsciously doubt him. After all, Xia Mu does have the possibility of making a move. The secret party organized a mixed race war against him more than half a year ago. When he recovers, it is inevitable that he will not retaliate.

In the projection.

There was an overwhelming fire burning outside the door, and there seemed to be dragons and snakes dancing in the fire. The light reflected in Frost's eyes was like the hell in the mythology.

Wrapped in a white robe, the mummy-like human figure stood in the hellish fire, looking as still as a god.

The elders were inexplicably horrified and stood up collectively.

None of them had ever seen that thing, but even though they were face to face with that thing tens of thousands of kilometers away through the camera, they still felt the terrible coercion... as if they were facing the Supreme!
"do not move."

Frost took a step back, reached into his arms as if to pull out a certain weapon hidden there, his arched body seemed to be accumulating amazing strength.

But at that moment, someone passed him by and stood in front of him.

"What?! That's..."

"It's Xia Mu, he's not an attacker, he's a reinforcement."

EVA made a faint sound.

I saw Xia Mu standing in front of Frost, and when the endless fire waves met him, they automatically dispersed to both sides, and did not spread to Frost.

"He, why did he appear there?"

"Don't worry about why! EVA let him keep the keel!"

But EVA replied calmly: "No, according to my assessment, even Xia Mu is not a match for that thing. He has tried his best to keep Mr. Frost."

In fact, Xia Mu only intends to protect Frost, lest Caesar be forced to take over the family and become the post-OOC Caesar.

He needs to observe Chu Zihang wearing Odin's mask.

If there is no way to touch his forehead behind the mask, no way to activate the spiritual imprint, everything he has done before will be invalid.

Both Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang have become Odin's puppets, but Chu Tianjiao has not been erased from existence, what does this mean?
"Okay, don't be in a daze, the other party has disappeared with the keel."

Xia Mu finally turned around and patted Frost on the shoulder casually.

Frost's face was full of sweat: "Thank you, thank you..."

"Why did you save me?" He couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing," Xia Mu spread his hands, "Talk to Caesar for me, lend it to his fiancée, and return it to him later."

Frost was dumbfounded.

What and what?
The elders were still looking at each other, as if a silent cold current had filled the meeting room.

What happened just now was beyond their imagination.

"On behalf of the academy and the secret party, I would like to thank Mr. Xia for his help." EVA's voice sounded.

Xia Mu smiled slightly: "Facing the Dragon Clan, the mixed race should have united front."

Someone has a weird face.

If there was supposed to be a united front, then what happened to the last war against King Bai.

"Oh, except for my beloved..." Xia Mu added.

The veterans of Kassel College were silent, and really didn't know how to talk to him.

"Mr. Xia, there is a message sent to you through the encrypted channel of the academy commissioner, but I can't identify the sender." EVA broke the silence.

Xia Mu's expression changed: "Please pass it to Kaguya Ji, she may be able to untie it."


Eva nodded.

"As for the theft of the keel, if possible, I hope that the Eight Snake Qi Family can cooperate with the secret party." The vice principal said suddenly.

Many elders looked over in surprise, but quickly nodded silently.

Facing this terrifying existence like a god of death, the more allies the better, of course, anyway, the White King is also missing now, and there is no disagreement for the time being.

"Xia Mu, I don't know how long I can stay awake, and I don't know if I can send this message, but it's worth a try.

As you said, I met Odin, I drew my sword at him, and I was defeated.

I am experiencing the spirit of speech you have experienced, and I can't break free.

Before losing consciousness, I heard critical intelligence.

Odin said, the white king and all the gods have gathered, let's begin, destiny.

He has met King Bai, please pay attention.

Chu Zihang. "

Xia Mu used an encryption method as good as Chu Zihang's to decipher this piece of information.

very critical information.

(End of this chapter)

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