Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 355 Xia Mi Possesses Susie

Chapter 355 Xia Mi Possesses Susie
"What are you doing with Nuonuo?"

Caesar called.

"Don't worry, the original will be returned, and it won't be broken." Xia Mu said in a relaxed tone.

"I know it won't break! Who do you think Nuonuo is!" Caesar roared.

"Oh," Xia Mu pretended to be confused, "Then why are you asking so many questions?"

"Xia Mu!" Caesar could not wait to spray his saliva on his face, "Don't think I didn't know that you took Lu Mingfei away, this guy misses my fiancée for a long time, even if I believe Nuonuo, I don't trust him !"

"Then trust me, I'm an honest person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, I guarantee that your fiancée won't break if she doesn't, don't worry." Xia Mu said.

Caesar was silent for a while, and calmed down after a while: "Xia Mu, the 'Chu Zihang' that Lu Mingfei keeps yelling about, do you think it really exists? That's why I need Nuonuo's profile to help find it. Clues, eh?"

"You guessed it all and asked."

Xia Mu obviously rolled his eyes at him.

Caesar was speechless.

"Do you want me to help too?" He suddenly asked.

Xia Mu laughed: "An accident happened to the principal, two keels were stolen, do you still have time to meddle in this business?"

"I'm not the head of the house, that's their business." Caesar said naturally.

Xia Mu felt that such a Caesar was much kinder.

Lu Mingfei was not charged with betraying Cassel, and Caesar did not bear the burden of the family because of Frost's death, so it was good.

"Although I think it's good to have your help, but your Yanling Scythe Itachi, um, to be honest...it's useless." Xia Mu said.

Caesar hung up the phone with a snap.

Xia Mu arranged two chartered flights to pick up Lu Mingfei, Su Xi, and Chen Motong respectively.

But the destination is not Tokyo, but Sioux City, that is where everything originated, and Chen Motong will be a living target, as long as she is there, Chu Zihang will come out by himself.

The subordinates of the Eight Snake Family made extremely considerate arrangements, or it could be said that the entire nation is in control of the details, so that the three chartered planes landed at the international airport almost at the same time.

A stretch Bentley parked outside the airport to meet them.

It's just that the scene where Xia Mu met the three of them was a bit embarrassing, which led to the delay in getting in the car.

"Isn't this our patriarch! A bastard who has a new love and forgets the old love! He can fight against the mixed races all over the world because of Uesugi Erika, but leave us Susie in the academy to fend for ourselves!"

Chen Motong was like a powder keg, as soon as he came out, he started bombarding Xia Mu.

"Xia Mu! I finally saw you!"

Lu Mingfei is normal, but he looks like he is using Xia Mu as a life-saving straw.

"Xia, Xia Mu... Long time no see..."

The most abnormal of all was Susie.

Seeing her shy and dazed face, Xia Mu felt uncomfortable all over.

"That teacher, senior sister..." He hesitated a little.

"Damn it! You used to be called Sissy when you were good! Are you called Senior Sister now?! A bastard who has always been chaotic and abandoned!"

Nuonuo kicked directly up.

Xia Mu jumped back to avoid it, and couldn't help shouting: "I said, why are you so excited?! If I hadn't lent you out, you would still be studying in that women's academy!"

He suddenly realized, "Ah! I see! You haven't been so free for a long time, right? Can't help but release your witch nature?"

Nuonuo finally withdrew her foot in displeasure: "It's not all...Susie is my best friend, so what's wrong with fighting for my best friend?"

"That shouldn't be against me!"

Xia Mu sighed and turned to Su Qian, "Senior Sister, do you really think I'm your boyfriend? You...don't remember Senior Brother...Chu Zihang?"

"Xia Mu! You really remember!"

Before Susie could react, Lu Mingfei pounced on a bear, almost jumping on Xia Mu.

Xia Mu was forced to jump back again.

"Chu... Zi... Hang..."

Susie hugged her head in a daze and helplessness.

"Susie, what's wrong with you?" Nuonuo immediately ran to support her.

Susie leaned on her, raised her bright wrist and stroked her forehead: "Chu Zihang... who the hell is he..."

"Nonuo...I feel like there's an empty space in my heart..."

"There was a boy...he walked through my life like a shadow...but I could never catch him..."

She endured the pain of fainting, and she knew that she had been tortured by this emotion for several days, almost at the same time as Lu Mingfei's schizophrenia.

"Xia Mu...the one that is free in my heart...is he that boy named Chu Zihang?"

She couldn't help but think of this shadow repeatedly, and woke up from the dream. That dream might just be her holding a boat to meet the boy. The river was covered with fog, and there was a long bridge in the fog, and the boy stood on the bridge.

"Did you really not find anything wrong? For example, how did you and I meet, and the real beauty in your heart...is it with me? Are you sure?" Xia Mu said seriously.

Susie had a splitting headache, but she fought back, thinking desperately, desperately.

"Let me help her! Her mental strength can't hold it anymore! Even if she thinks about everything, she may become a fool!"

Xia Mi's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

Xia Mu knew that the matter was of great importance this time, but he didn't bring the short-legged cat over.

"How?" he asked.

"Of course it's forehead touching forehead!" Xia Mi said.

Xia Mu was embarrassed, but still said to Su Xi: "Senior Sister, it is very difficult to break through the blockade of the speech spirit with your spiritual strength, I need to help you."

"it is good."

Susie agreed without hesitation.

Chen Motong and Lu Mingfei saw that Xia Mu, who had kept a distance from Su Qian just now, suddenly walked up and gently touched her forehead.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a spiritual body to help you control your body, so that you can concentrate on thinking about the boy you really like..."

Where the foreheads of the two touched, there was a faint golden glow.

Susie suddenly lost control of her body.

She "saw" herself moving her hands strangely, as if...a kitten made a gesture of a lucky cat, waving its little paws.

Xia Mu took a step back and said in his mind: "Hey! Don't make trouble!"

"No fuss, it's just... not familiar with the human body for a while..." Xia Mi said.

"It's started, it's started..."

Susie suddenly stopped making strange movements. Under the attention of three pairs of eyes and four people, she began to speak softly: "I seem to remember something..."

"The first time we met was on the train to Kassel College. In the ordinary carriage, there was a lot of noise, and I was very nervous..."

"I grew up thinking I was an ordinary girl, until the admissions teacher at Kassel College came to me..."

"At that time, I hadn't obtained my own rating, and I sat in the ordinary car with boys and girls from all over the world. Probably many new students came from mixed-race families with heritage. They knew what they were and what they would end up with since they were young. This kind of university, so they seem to have no burden, no different from freshmen who go to ordinary universities to register."

"The whole new world is like a kaleidoscope spinning around me, and I am a Chinese girl with black hair, black eyes, ponytail and myopia, so out of place."

(End of this chapter)

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