Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 357 The Tossing Xia Mi

Chapter 357 The Tossing Xia Mi

Susie finally passed out.

"Yeah, her body is mine now!"

But she didn't fall to the ground, because Xia Mi happily completely took over her body.

"Xia Mu Xia Mu! Come and hug me!"

"Susie" was still emotionally agitated one second, and suddenly rushed towards Xia Mu happily in the next second.

Chen Motong and Lu Mingfei were dumbfounded.

"Stop it!"

Xia Mu reached out and pressed her forehead, preventing the hug, "It's not your body, what a ghost!"

"Although it's not my body, the feeling of hugging is the same!"

"I don't want to give my senior brother to a cow in such a strange way!"

"Come on, come on!"

"Don't don't!"


Chen Motong and Lu Mingfei felt a crow fly over their heads, leaving behind a string of ellipsis.

"So, that's Xia Mi's spiritual body?"

Xia Mu dragged and dragged "Susie" back into the extended Bentley.

Chen Motong stared at Su Qian's face without blinking: "Can you talk to me?"

"What are you going to say to me?"

Xia Mi scratched her head and posed... Anyway, it wasn't her body, and she wasn't the one who was ashamed.

Chen Motong stared at her: "Why can you possess Su Qian? Did you stay in Xia Mu's body before? Are you still the Dragon King?"

"You have too many questions!"

Xia Mi turned his head, turned to Lu Mingfei, and opened his hands, "How about a hug?"

"Ah? What, what?" Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing!"

Xia Mu dragged her back.

Xia Mi took advantage of the situation and fell on him, hugging his neck with a smile: "What's wrong?"

Xia Mu stepped back very awkwardly, but Xia Mi almost pressed Susie's body against him.

This girl has never been ashamed...

"Didn't you just say that this is not my body? Why did you stop it now?" Xia Mi said with a smile in Xia Mu's ear.

Xia Mu put his hand on her shoulder, not letting her get closer, and said: "That's different, you hug him, he is hugged by Susie's body, but you have the feeling of hugging him, I don't allow it .”

"Then you kiss me, and I won't hug you anymore."

Xia Mi came closer again, pouted.

What Xia Mu looked at was Su Qian's face, what he heard was Xia Mi's tone, and his heart beat a little fast: "This... This is really not good..."

"In my memory, I was the one who kissed you and this girl for the first time!" Nuonuo reached out and patted Susie's buttocks, flicking.

"Your memories are all fake!"

Xia Mu pushed Xia Mi away, "Maybe this is Susie's first kiss, don't mess around."

"That's what makes it exciting!"

"Stimulate you big-headed ghost!"


Sakurai Kogure and Sakurai Akira, who acted as drivers and retainers, looked at each other as if they hadn't heard anything.

"Master, Shi Lan Middle School has learned."

The extended Bentley stopped at the entrance of a campus that looked like a western building.

"Shilan Middle School? Why did we come here?" Lu Mingfei was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Xia Mu looked at the statue resembling Lu Mingfei at the school gate, pinched his brows and said, "It actually rewritten some reality, Odin's power is so disgusting..."

"Get out of the car and experience yourself as a national idol. It should be very rare for you."

Xia Mu patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder.

For Lu Mingfei, a bad boy, although this is a false timeline modified by Odin, he has never experienced being sought after by the masses and secretly loved by countless girls, which is probably an extremely rare experience.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Mingfei was at a loss.

"To put it simply, it's like the person Senior Sister Su Qian likes is transferred to me, and all the logical loopholes caused by the disappearance of senior brother Chu Zihang will be made up in the most reasonable way, so all his experiences in Shilan Middle School will be passed on to you. on..."

Xia Mu smiled, "Congratulations, now you are at the top of Shilan Middle School's list of 'this official should be punished'."

"Shrimp rice?"

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth wide.

"What did you call me for?"

Xia Mi turned around.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

"Chen Wenwen has a crush on you, and the little heavenly girl wants to marry you, and that emotional girl like Liu also loves you to death." Xia Mu smiled and looked at Lu Mingfei's face, "You can really feel it, if you and the little heavenly girl When you get married, she will bring 72 mines to marry you, and then think about it again, are you still determined to find your brother back, because there are some prices that you may not be able to pay."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a while, and finally slowly opened the car door. Wearing a brand name tag and acting like the president of the student union, he stood again at the gate of this campus that left countless lonely and lonely.

"He looks like a dog." Nuonuo looked away from his back.

Xia Mu's mouth twitched: "Please be respectful to your little brother."

"It's not that I don't want to respect him, it's him..."

Nuonuo sighed, and there was light and shadow in his eyes, "Sometimes I don't know why I am so stubborn, even if I have zero favor, I still look like a bad dog, even if I wear a student union president's custom suit that looks like a dog. , with a dedicated secretary, nothing has changed..."

"Including looking at your eyes?" Xia Mu said with a smile.

He waved his hand, and Akira Sakurai started the car again. The stylish limousine drove slowly across the street, attracting countless eyes.

"Everyone of you knows, right?" Nuonuo rolled his eyes.

Xia Mu laughed: "He always has such a strange ability, he can let the whole campus know that he has a crush on someone, and he also had a crush on Chen Wenwen before."

"Why don't I know?" Xia Mi called out.

Nuonuo rolled her eyes: "In the academy, besides Xia Mu, who else do you know?"

Xia Mi was speechless.

"Actually, I also think it's quite strange. It stands to reason that a person like him, who is so weak, was obviously caught by me. In theory, he followed me without looking back. How could he still be attracted by you?" Xia Mu turned back and said .

Nuonuo spread out her hands: "Maybe he likes my hanging."

Xia Mu sneered: "Chen Wenwen, whom he had a crush on before, is simply the opposite of you."

Nono rolled his eyes.

"Could it be that you have something... that he can't refuse." Xia Mu looked her up and down.

"Stop! Stop!"

Nuonuo suddenly cried out.

Akira Sakurai stopped the car, and then Nuonuo jumped out of the car, and rushed to the roadside stall to order mutton skewers under the eyes of everyone.

"Could it be that this madness is what Lu Mingfei likes?"

Xia Mu gasped like a toothache, "Xia Mi, did you find anything from her? I always feel that something is wrong with her name and her profiling ability."

Xia Mi leaned on him, kept watching the red-haired girl, and finally shook his head: "I know what you have guessed, but it's not... at least not the one I saw."

(End of this chapter)

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