Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 358 Give Me Your Blood

Chapter 358 Give Me Your Blood
In the top suite of the most luxurious hotel in Sioux City, Xia Mu brought a group of people to live here.

"Aren't you going to use my profile to find traces of Chu Zihang's existence, why did you just live here so peacefully?"

Nuonuo sat at the dining table and ate the top delicacies with a knife and fork, but she didn't look as happy as she ate mutton skewers yesterday.

"Not in a hurry."

Xia Mu smiled and put the cut steak into Xia Mi's mouth, "Let's wait for Lu Mingfei's decision first, I wonder if he will choose to stay this time."

"Don't underestimate him, this dead boy is very stubborn."

Nuonuo raised her head, "I said, can you two stop being so sloppy, my girl is very restrained, she has never been like this..."

Although Xia Mu has always resisted physical contact with Susie under Xia Mi's control, he still did things like feeding and feeding very naturally.

At the beginning, they had never had such a sweet past, and even until Xia Mi died, they did not confirm their relationship.

At this time, even though he knew that Xia Mi's body was not his, it was still difficult to control the surging emotions.

"If you don't want to watch it, you don't have to." Xia Mi shook her head back.

"Hey! When will you return your body to Susie?" Nuonuo couldn't help asking.

She worried that if this continued, Susie's body would not be her own.

It has been basically confirmed that the person in Susie's heart is Chu Zihang, no matter how weird it feels, she doesn't want any weird relationship between Susie and Xia Mu.

Coincidentally, this question is also what Xia Mu wants to know.

Seeing that both of them were staring at her, Xia Mi could only shrug her shoulders: "Wait until she recovers, otherwise she will suffer from schizophrenia. If you don't want her to go to a mental hospital, don't rush her."

"Speaking of the psychiatric hospital, let's go to the psychiatric hospital in Sioux City today. There is someone worth meeting there." Xia Mu said suddenly.

Xia Mi naturally had no objection.

Nuonuo glanced at him: "I didn't see your retainers report the situation to you. When did you get so much information?"

Xia Mu didn't change his face: "They reported at night and you couldn't see it."

"Hmph, lying."

Nuonuo turned her head away.

Xia Mu didn't make any excuses, just spread his hands.

Half an hour later, they met Chu Zihang's own mother in the mental hospital.

The ward was quiet, and there was a scent of lavender, presumably smoked before going to bed to help sleep.

The patter of rain hit the window sill, and the air was slightly humid.

The woman was lying on the bed, covered with a thin blanket, with her arms and legs stretched out, sleeping on her back.

The three approached the bed lightly and looked at this woman named Su Xiaoyan.

From the sleeping appearance, one can tell how heartless this woman is. There are half-eaten chocolates on the pillow, and various dolls are piled up on the bedside. She is also a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old in her sleeping posture.

The world was filled with the sound of rain, but the ward was very quiet.

At this time, the woman on the bed opened her eyes, and looked at the man and two women beside the bed curiously.

It can be seen that they have a good relationship. Although the red-haired girl is not as close as the other two, there is no sense of distance.

"Who are you?" she asked softly.

The big-hearted woman didn't panic when she saw three strangers, let alone ring the alarm bell.

Xia Mu sat down on the chair beside her bed and looked at him with a smile: "Auntie, we are your son's classmates, we are passing by to see you."

"my son?"

Su Xiaoyan looked at him inexplicably, reached out to touch her stomach, and said with some happiness and expectation, "My son is not born yet, you are talking nonsense."

The rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and the rain was crackling on the glass.

Xia Mu's voice was accompanied by the thunderstorm, and the light of lightning shone on his face, seeming to cut through all obstacles: "Is there really no?"

He said softly, softly, "Are you sure...you really don't have a son named...Chu Zihang?"

"Of course not...um..."

Su Xiaoyan was a little dazed, and suddenly crystal liquid overflowed from her eyes, slid across her pretty face, reflecting the lights outside the window like shooting stars.

"Auntie, why are you crying?" Xia Mu frowned, "Did you remember something?"

Su Xiaoyan shook her head slowly, her tears couldn't stop flowing: "I don't know... I don't want to hear it anymore, please go out."

She glanced over and gently stroked her lower abdomen, "My child is not born yet, he will be born, and he will return to his mother..."

"Why use back? Have you ever lost it?"

Under the backdrop of the thunderstorm and lightning, Xia Mu's expression looked terrifying like a ghost, "Or, you know that he died at the age of 15, but you still can't... believe it?"


Suddenly, a sharp cry came from the woman's mouth, which alarmed the nurse on duty.

But the nurse was brought down by Sakurai Kogure before she could get close to the ward.

"Your son is not dead, your memory is false, that's why you can't accept it, that's why you go crazy, that's why you think you're pregnant, that's why you're here...spiritual, mental, sick, hospital!"

Xia Mu ignored the woman's frantic screams, but said slowly, "I can save your son."

Su Xiaoyan's manic appearance suddenly stopped, and in just a few seconds, she changed from a woman who seemed to be turning into a ghost to that heartless woman again.

"You said, my child, he will come back?" she asked with tears.

Xia Mu nodded: "If you believe me."

"Believe you, will my child come back?" Su Xiaoyan asked again.

Xia Mu looked into her eyes seriously and nodded.

"I believe you."

Tears could not stop sliding down her face, as if they were going to soak the patient gown on her body.

"I need your blood, can you?" Xia Mu asked suddenly.

Nuonuo looked at him inexplicably.

Xia Mi smiled softly: "Auntie, this is to save your son."

Su Xiaoyan looked at them and nodded without much hesitation: "Okay."

Xia Mu clapped his hands.

Sakurai Kogure came in carrying a small box, professionally took out tools to draw blood from Su Xiaoyan, and did not stop until Su Xiaoyan almost fainted.

"Auntie, rest here, I will bring Chu Zihang to see you in a few days." Xia Mu stood up.

"it is good…"

Su Xiaoyan was so weak that she was about to faint, but she still looked at him with her eyes open, "I believe you..."

"Drink a cup of hot milk and have a good rest."

Xia Mu took the hot milk from Sakurai Akira and put it on the bedside, "This is what Father Chu and Chu Zihang insisted on preparing for you for many years, isn't it?"

Su Xiaoyan sat up leaning on the head of the bed, holding the milk cup and drinking in small sips, tears could not stop falling down.

The world she imagined was shattered, but the boy in front of her gave her a new hope...

She chooses to believe him.

(End of this chapter)

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