Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 360 Capture Chu Zihang

Chapter 360 Capture Chu Zihang

"Xia Mu, did you also see Odin?!"

Lu Mingfei was a little startled and angry, "He, his target..."

Lu Mingze has already told him some things, at least let him know what Kungunir is, what is the Gun of Destiny, and his goal... Nuonuo.

"I didn't see it, but I know it." Xia Mu said quietly.

"He has a gun that cuts fate, and his goal is..."

Lu Mingfei looked at Nuonuo with such complicated eyes, so complicated that Nuonuo's profile didn't even understand what was going on in this guy's mind for a moment.

"I know."

Xia Mu looked at Lu Mingfei, looked at him calmly, and even smiled, "If possible, find a way to take off his mask."

"Huh? What? Me?"

Lu Mingfei pointed to his nose.

Xia Mu nodded: "You can."

"He seems to know I exist."

Lu Mingze suddenly appeared next to Lu Mingfei, and moved closer to Xia Mu, "Hey! Do you know me?!"

Xia Mu didn't seem to see him, he looked at the rearview mirror through him, paying attention to the surrounding environment.

Lu Mingze didn't take it seriously, he took out a rose from somewhere and put it on the tip of his nose to sniff.

"Then can you help?" Lu Mingfei asked carefully.

After Lu Mingze finished sniffing, he began to pick off the petals one by one and throw them everywhere: "It depends on whether you are willing to pay the price. Our business has not been completed yet. If this continues, the family will not be able to open the pot, and I will lose my job." .”

"Is it still a quarter of life?" Lu Mingfei asked in a low voice.

"Even if it's not Odin's body, it's still a puppet with Odin's power. This transaction is worth half of life." Lu Mingze sprinkled a handful of rose petals.

Lu Mingfei's face turned black: "Profitable businessman!"

"You're lucky if you didn't take your entire life. If it's Odin's body, it's a bloodbath." Lu Mingze shrugged.

Lu Mingfei fell into silence.

He avoided many transactions, because Xia Mu intervened, and he was not used in the end.

but now…

He glanced at Xia Mu's back, and knew Xia Mu's current situation. If he insisted on not making a deal, what would happen in the end?
Brother will never come back...

It's just half, half, as long as they don't trade in the future, nothing will happen.

Lu Mingfei's forehead was sweating.

He knew that there was an abyss in front of him, and once he stepped into it, he might never be able to get out.

Once the devil's dealings start, they can't stop.

"what happened?"

Xia Mu suddenly looked back at him.

"No, it's fine."

Lu Mingfei turned his head to look in the rearview mirror, staring at the looming figure.

"Don't be nervous. If everything happens as I expected, there will be no accidents. If there are no accidents, you don't need to work hard." Xia Mu patted him on the shoulder.

Lu Mingfei nodded halfway, and suddenly the entire extended car began to drift on the high speed.

"Everyone sit tight! Something... hit our car!"

Akira Sakurai yelled.

The whole car was suddenly out of control, smashed through the guardrail of the highway and rushed down, and ran wildly along the ramp with thick trees.

All strapped themselves in to their seats.

The stretched Bentley is just so-so, and by the time it finally comes to a stop, it's changed beyond recognition.

Of course, none of them bothered about it.

"get off."

Xia Mu pulled off his seat belt and kicked the car door.

The wilderness under the highway is also a good place to kill and set fire in the woods.

A group of people got out of the car vigilantly.

The continuous heavy rain seemed to cut the world into pieces, and the boundary they were in seemed to be completely separated from reality.

"The hunt has begun."

Xia Mu licked his lips, the fluctuations in his eyes slowly subsided.

"But it hasn't left the scope of Sioux City." Akira Sakurai said with some shame.

Xia Mu shook his head: "It's impossible for everything to go as I wish, if something happens, then solve it."

"You form a circle and protect me in the middle."

He found an open space, squatted down, opened the box, and took out Su Xiaoyan's preserved blood.

Then, he began to draw an alchemy blood array on the ground.

Rather than waiting for Chu Zihang to attack in an unknown form, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

It's just that it's not outside the Nibelungen, so the effect is greatly reduced.

In case the opponent shoots the gun of fate directly...

Xia Mu's hands are very steady, even in a situation where he may be attacked at any time, in the eyes of Lu Mingfei and others, he is still methodical.

The blood on the ground slowly unfolded along with the dark golden lines, gradually building a complex alchemy formation.

"Except for the legendary mentor Flamel, there should be no one in the academy who can construct an alchemy array anytime, anywhere." Susie's tone was a little admirable.

Nuonuo patted her angrily: "Girl, don't forget that your boyfriend is not him, stop looking at him with that admiring look."

Susie looked embarrassed.

Although she had already fully remembered the existence of Chu Zihang, she couldn't get rid of the influence of the timeline, and there were often two voices fighting in her mind.

One is eager to see Chu Zihang, and the other regards Xia Mu as his man.

"Those of my classmates, will they also feel something is wrong and think of their senior brother?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"How is that possible? If ordinary people can break free, then this language won't be so scary." Nuonuo said.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head: "But Su Xiaoyan..."

"That's her son! That's her most precious son! Now her memory makes her admit that her son died when she was 15 years old. She couldn't accept it, so she went to a mental hospital!" Nuonuo akimbo.

But she suddenly widened her eyes, "What are you doing..."

While she was talking, Lu Mingfei actually rushed towards her, pressing her down viciously.

It was almost at the same time, so people saw the roar coming from the rain and fog, and the sound of horseshoes stepping on the ground was like a thunderclap.

The masked Grim Reaper slowly emerged. He raised his spear and aimed at... Nuonuo!
Because Lu Mingfei pressed Nuonuo under him, the opponent's gun finally failed to fire, and the figure retreated and disappeared.

"Is that... Odin?"

"No, that's senior brother, Chu Zihang."

Xia Mu let out a faint sound, and regardless of the horrified gazes of the people behind him, he pressed his hands to the ground fiercely.

Alchemy blood array, get up!

The blood light gradually became thicker, and a faint golden glow filled the air.

"Back up."

Xia Mu waved his hand, and took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella at some point in his hand.

Then, rush forward and shoot like a dragon!

A vague figure appeared in the center of the blood formation, without an eight-legged mount, only himself.

The tip of the Myriad Chance Umbrella almost touched his forehead...


The ear-piercing sound of strikes sounded, and sparks exploded on the mask.

But under mental calculation or unintentional, the mask did not move at all.

(End of this chapter)

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