Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 361 Lu Mingfei: Exchange!

Chapter 361 Lu Mingfei: Exchange!

The light shot out from the mask, as if tons of lava emerged from the turbulence.

The light flowed along the whole body like steam, and there was a figure standing in the light, and the whole body was stirred by thunder and lightning!
"Bang bang bang..."

After Xia Mu retreated, Sakurai Kogure and Sakurai Akira held guns with both hands and made thunderous bangs.

At this time, what they loaded in their magazines was not Friga anesthesia bombs, but steel core bullets that would kill rhinoceros and elephants in one blow.

But the opponent was extremely hot, and the warheads melted into molten iron before they touched him. Even if some molten iron splashed on his mask and blue cloak, it only added some iron-colored patterns.

He was neither surprised nor angry at his sudden appearance and attack, advancing at a constant pace.

He only looked at Nuonuo, the silver mask covered his face, but he could see that his pupils were the color of lava.

"You finally came."

His voice boomed like thunder.

He slowly raised Kungunil, the tip of the gun was connected with Nuo Nuo's heart by the faint white silk thread.

The gun of fate, Kungunir, was waving the black breath of death, his movements were so slow, powerful and elegant.

This is a ritual, a ritual of depriving life. Once the spear is released, Chen Motong's life will be extinguished in this world.

Is this death?

Nuonuo took a deep breath, never felt that she was so close to death.

"Damn it!"

The golden light in Xia Mu's eyes surged wildly.

The opponent didn't hesitate at all, and wasn't disturbed by the blood formation. When he found himself in the center, he continued with his goal without hesitation...stabbing Chen Motong to death.

Kungunil rolled and flew towards Nuo Nuo, like a purple-black streamer, its speed was not fast, but it was still very quiet, death was originally such a quiet thing.

"Lu Mingze!" Lu Mingfei yelled.

Time suddenly slowed down in Lu Mingfei's eyes, and his movements froze at the moment when Kungunil made a move.

Kungunir flew slowly, and between it and Nuonuo, there was a little boy in a black suit and a white bow tie.

"The little one is here!" Lu Mingze smiled, "Shall I exchange half of my life?"


Lu Mingfei suddenly stopped at this moment.

Yeah, is he sure?exchange?Have you really thought about it?For this senior sister who has little to do with him?Why is she so special?If you really have to pay half of your life, shouldn't you give zero?
Many times, hesitation will lose everything.

In the slowly changing world, a hand protruded into the center, holding the tip of Kungunir's spear.

Kungunir hovered in the middle of the corridor, and dark red cracks unfolded in the air, extending continuously.

Xia Mu's hands were splashed with blood, staining his clothes red.



The exclamations sounded in no particular order.

The world in Lu Mingfei's eyes was shattered.

Xia Mu's arm started to carbonize and turn black.

"No! You're crazy!"

Nuonuo didn't know how she was feeling, she felt that her relationship with Xia Mu didn't reach this point at all.

But Xia Mu went to pick up the gun of fate, and half of his body began to carbonize, as if he was about to be destroyed.

Xia Mu's eyes were a little strange.

The tip of the gun in his hand seemed to burn him to death, but the beating pulse was in sync with his heart.

"He's going to die instead of Chen Motong." Lu Mingze looked indifferent.

What was waiting for him was a low growl: "Swap!"


Lu Mingze didn't seem to expect that Lu Mingfei would make up his mind, he turned around and looked at him strangely, "I didn't expect that women didn't make you make up your mind, but men let you not hesitate."

Lu Mingfei's face sank like water: "I owe him too much."


Lu Mingze snapped his fingers, and finally said what should have been said long ago, "Deal."

Lu Mingfei raised his hand and gave the little devil a high five.

At this moment, a strong wind fell from the sky, tearing away all the trees.

The figure of the little devil suddenly appeared in the sky. This time, he stopped laughing and slowly opened his arms towards the night sky. His whole figure was like a cross hanging in the air.

He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to inhale all the air in the world into his lungs, and the golden pupils ignited silently, like a lamp that never goes out in the wind and rain.

His body swelled and deformed, sharp bony spurs protruded from the surface of his body, and the black scales snapped together loudly. When the huge black wings opened, the torrential rain flowed against the sky!
He rushed down with a strong wind and merged with Lu Mingfei!
Su Xi and the others looked at the back that blocked Xia Mu, not knowing how to react, and they couldn't even determine whether Lu Mingfei was a friend or an enemy at this moment.

But Lu Mingfei pounced on Odin, and in the blink of an eye, the monsters had come and gone and clashed many times, leaving countless afterimages, black and red bloodshots drawn by sharp claws and heavy swords.

They roar, they fight, this is a war between kings and kings, and only death can end it!

All eyes were attracted by their crazy fight, except Chen Motong.

Xia Mu in front of her was still fighting against the gun of fate.

"You, how are you..."

She couldn't help but take a step forward.

Xia Mu said nothing.

The carbonization on his body seemed to be getting worse, slowly covering his whole body.


Nuonuo trembled slightly.

"It has nothing to do with you..."

Xia Mu's hoarse voice came, and Nuonuo suddenly raised his head, but he didn't understand why.

She didn't know that the so-called gun of fate was like a key that slowly opened the shackles on Xia Mu's body.

He has never felt so clear for a moment, as if everything in his body is being assimilated with the help of this force.

"If I am, then what is Lu Mingfei?"

he thought to himself.

The shackles were shattered one after another, and the four elements of water, fire, earth, and wind in the body formed a core, and now only fire and earth are completely lit.


The carbonized skin was completely broken, and Xia Mu's figure was revealed.

The clothes on his body were not damaged in any way, because they were transformed from Xia Mi's dragon bones and dragon scales.

But he was obviously different, his complexion was clearer and full of vitality.

"Are you okay?!" Nuonuo was overjoyed.

Xia Mu shook his head, exerting force in his hands.


Kungunir suddenly shattered, and the legendary Spear of Destiny that could never be destroyed was reduced to ashes at this moment.

"Odin", who was fighting wildly with Lu Mingfei, suddenly stopped and looked this way.


Xia Mu let out a sigh of relief and let out a violent drink.

Originally, Lu Mingfei also seemed to be pleasantly surprised because he was fine, but at this moment he suddenly came to his senses, and without even thinking about it, he bumped into him head-on.

The figure stood still, the silver mask slowly fell from his face and hit the ground.

Everyone was stunned.

Even though Xia Mu had already said it, seeing Chu Zihang's face behind the mask, they still felt unreal.

Is it really him who is riding the eight-legged Pegasus and holding Kungunir?

(End of this chapter)

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