Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 363 The Sudden Sound of the Clapper

Chapter 363 The Sudden Sound of the Clapper
"What do you see?"

Xia Mu's face became serious.

"Let's talk about it in another place, at least leave... Su City." Chu Zihang lowered his voice.

Xia Mu nodded silently, and pointed at Susie quietly: "No matter how dangerous you think the future is, at least at this moment, don't make the girl who is worried about you sad."

A look of embarrassment flashed in Chu Zihang's eyes: "I, I don't know much about this..."

Xia Mu sweated: "No need to do anything, walk over, hug her, kiss her, go!"

Chu Zihang is the kind of guy who cares about the people around him, but keeps silent.

Instead of trying to persuade him to change his straight mind, it is better to just tell him what to do, he is a good executor.

Xia Mu held his breath.

Because Chu Zihang took the same distance step by step, and walked straight towards Su Qian.

Nuonuo looked up, her red lips curled up, and she took two steps back quietly.

Susie's support disappeared, and she raised her head in a little daze, Nuonuo was smirking at her.


If she felt something, she turned around.

Chu Zihang had already stretched out two hands, ready to hug her from behind, but she suddenly turned around...

Sha Bei's expression was a little subtle, on the verge of trying to control himself.

All these years of his life, he has been sticking to the truth and revenge he wants to pursue, but he has never considered starting a real relationship.

In the past year or so, he had a responsibility for Susie, but it disappeared with Susie's eyes recovering.

In his future, he originally expected only himself, only the fate that must come.

But now...

There is no need for Xia Mu to say more, just saying "Susie almost suffered a schizophrenia because of his disappearance" is enough.


Chu Zihang exhaled, reached out his hand firmly, hugged her willow waist tightly, and hugged her in his arms.

Susie's mind went blank.

Some familiar, yet a little strange warmth, like a spring of hidden sharpness, even if you surround her, you can still feel the sharpness.

Susie hadn't figured out what a wonderful and satisfying feeling this was, but she noticed that he was slightly away.

finished?This polite hug is a bit short...

she thought.

But a steady but stiff hand stroked her face silently, and she raised her head in a daze.

The familiar boy's face magnified in front of his eyes.

Susie's eyes widened.

He, he wants to...

She closed her eyes suddenly.

The soft touch pressed against her lips, and Susie felt dizzy as if hit by a sledgehammer.

"Skills...don't forget the skills..."

"Knock off... Knock off... shallow first, then deep..."


Xia Mu's secret reminder reminded Chu Zihang of the professional knowledge of kissing, and immediately began to practice with an academic attitude.

Chen Motong and Lu Mingfei had aunt smiles on their faces.

Lu Mingfei is better, in his eyes, his brother should have been like this a long time ago.

But Nuonuo couldn't help but glance at Xia Mu's expression, because in her memory Susie was on good terms with Xia Mu, and now she had a strange feeling of seeing a tauren.

Sakurai Kogure and Sakurai Akira watched the show completely.

"Bang bang bang..."

At this moment, there was a faint, distant sound of clappers behind the rain curtain.

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly his heart moved, and he turned to look at Lu Mingfei.

Sure enough, Lu Mingfei looked dazed, but his eyes gradually began to struggle.

The sound of the clapper was awakening the devil in him!

"Where did the voice come from!"

Xia Mu's expression changed, and he rushed into the rain curtain in the direction of the sound.

Soon they came to the side of the elevated road they rushed down, and the weird sound of clappers came from cars jammed on the expressway.

Their stereos sounded in the same frequency band, and many drivers tapped the car radio for no reason, but they couldn't stop the sound from spreading.


Screams came.

Xia Mu returned immediately, only to see that Nuonuo seemed to be trying to stop something, but was grabbed by Lu Mingfei's neck with a hand covered with dragon scales.

His ferocious look stunned the others.

Chu Zihang had already let go of Su Qian and blocked her behind.

The Sakurai Kogure siblings raised their guns.

"Lu Mingfei!"

Xia Mu raised his breath and shouted loudly, at the same time his clothes turned into dragon scales, completely fused with him.

The dragon king form that can be transformed at any time is back!

Lu Mingfei raised his lava-like golden pupils, but saw a fist hitting him head-on.


He flew back backwards, and loosened his claws at the same time.

Nuonuo finally breathed out and landed on the ground.

"Cough cough!"

She coughed violently, seeing the scene of Lu Mingfei and Xia Mu fighting frantically in her eyes, she was not without panic, "He...how could..."

Suddenly, the phone rang.

It's Caesar's call.

"Nuo Nuo! I don't know what's going on, the Su city you went to is in a turbulent flow of elements. Also, a satellite image was captured just now, which is the process of Lu Mingfei's out-of-control transformation!"

Caesar said anxiously, "The academy is holding an emergency meeting. What is your situation about Lu Mingfei? It's best to tell Xia Mu about this. If it's too late...they may choose to arrest Lu Mingfei first!"

Chen Motong was on speakerphone, and everyone heard the call.

"Brother! Destroy all the equipment that emits the clapper sound!" Xia Mu's voice came from afar.

Lu Mingfei's dragon transformation is almost comparable to Lu Mingze's fusion just now. Although Xia Mu has fused the power of the two dragon kings, it can only delay him, and it is difficult to defeat him.

Chu Zihang drew his knife quickly, without even thinking about rushing into the rain.

Moments later, sirens sounded one after another on the elevated road, and many drivers cursed.

The sound of clappers gradually weakened.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were sometimes confused and sometimes sober.

"wake up!"

Xia Mu made a tiger pounce and drove him hard into the ground.

A deep hole was blasted on the ground.

There was no movement for a long time after that.

"How about it?"

Chu Zihang's figure reappeared.

Xia Mu crawled out of the pit and carried Lu Mingfei who had passed out.

"It's fine for now."

He threw Lu Mingfei on the back seat of the car, "We have to get out of here quickly, someone is leading all this behind the scenes, he hopes to see Lu Mingfei exposed, hopes that the secret party will chase and kill Lu Mingfei, and hopes that I will break with the secret party .”

The crowd was startled.

Soon, the extended car started again. Although it was completely changed, it was still able to drive.

In the process of leaving the city, it was windy and windy, and the sky was dark.

Caesar kept telling them what was going on in the academy, which made Xia Mu feel quite warm.

If it continues to develop as before, Nuonuo flees with Lu Mingfei, Caesar tries his best to hunt him down, and Chu Zihang returns after disappearing but completely loses his memory... What a shock.

"Because the college has never been able to find out the culprit who attacked the principal and took away the keel, everyone is suspected now, and Lu Mingfei lost control at this time. I don't know where the family took the picture. Lu Mingfei lost control The change is very clear," Caesar said.

Xia Mu hesitated for a moment: "Originally, the sound of clappers should have disappeared with Herzog's death, but now it reappeared. I have to tell you something about the past."


"At that time, I never admitted that I was the one who went to your house to make trouble, so I didn't tell you. That night, I was chased by the king of sky and wind in the underground of your house, and later I heard the sound of clappers."

Caesar was completely speechless.

He remembered that night, Xia Mu with long silver hair made a big noise at Gattuso's manor.

Later, the earthquake and tsunami came together and completely destroyed Gattuso's home.

But he didn't know that something like that happened underground.

Sound of Bangzi, Controlling Lu Mingfei, Dragon King...

What does this have to do with Gattuso? !

(End of this chapter)

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