Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 364 The Truth About Odin

Chapter 364 The Truth About Odin

"How is he?"

Outside the suite door, a group of people watched Nuonuo come out.

"Sleeping like a dead pig, no reaction at all." Nuonuo folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

Xia Mu and Chu Zihang looked at each other, a little silent.

"After this experience, everyone is tired, so let's have a good night's rest."

Xia Mu waved his hand and asked Sakurai Kogure to rest by themselves.

Nuonuo glanced at him and Chu Zihang, but said nothing.

Susie looked at Chu Zihang with some hesitation: "You guys... have something to hide from us?"

Chu Zihang's face changed slightly.

"I'm not guessing on purpose, in fact, it doesn't matter if there is something you can't tell me..."

Susie lowered her eyes and looked at Chu Zihang's toes, "I just want you to know that no matter how many dangers there are... I am always willing to follow behind you."

Chu Zihang's face suddenly changed, the coldness melted quietly, and his voice couldn't help but lowered a little: "It's not that I don't want you to know, it's just those things... the whole world has forgotten me now, I think..."

A hand blocked his next words.

Susie looked at him cheerfully: "Take me with you, okay?"

Chu Zihang wanted to shake his head.

"Even if I die because of this, I don't want to forget you and be a passer-by in your life."

Susie may have had some premonitions, knowing that what Chu Zihang and Xia Mu said had something to do with her, so the smart girl blocked Chu Zihang's way from the very beginning.

Xia Mu and Chu Zihang watched Su Qian enter the room and the door closed together, neither of them knew what to say.

"You're in trouble."

Xia Mu put his hands in his trouser pockets, and smiled.

Chu Zihang's eyes were complicated: "No, it's my luck."

"It's good to know, don't rush forward when you hear Odin next time, because someone will regard you more than anything else."

Xia Mu walked forward, Chu Zihang followed silently.

"No, I already understand what's going on with Odin."

The two sat down in the hotel's coffee shop and ordered a cup each.

"Tell me about it."

Xia Mu looked a little serious.

Regarding the truth of the world, about the future development, the return of the black king, or the dusk of the gods, he didn't have an accurate answer either.

"Have you read Nordic mythology?" Chu Zihang asked.

Xia Mu nodded: "Of course, the history of the Dragon Clan is very similar to this."

"Yeah, I always thought that Odin was the opponent of the dragon clan. As the main god, he should be the last one to turn the tide. I once thought that a certain dragon king pretended to be Odin, and he had to be defeated to release the real main god..."

Chu Zihang looked down at the coffee cup with deep eyes.

"But I was wrong. The main god in Norse mythology who is the enemy of the black dragon Nidhogg is actually another dragon king! Not only Odin! All Norse gods are dragons!"

He raised his head and stared at Xia Mu, "The secret party has misread Norse mythology from ancient times to the present, and mixed-race scholars believe that Norse mythology is the oldest and closest to the real history, from which they can find clues of ancient dragons, but they I never thought of this possibility, that is, Nordic mythology was not written by ancient humans at all, it is the history written by dragons!"

Chu Zihang said loudly, "Those histories have nothing to do with human beings!"

Xia Mu frowned: "In Norse mythology, it is said that Odin had already predicted the coming of the end, and that day was called 'Twilight of the Gods', and the world tree would wither, and it would be roused by the suppressed black dragon Nidhogg Its wings soar in the air, its membranous wings are covered with bones, it is awakened for vengeance, it will destroy everything, and ruin the kingdom of the gods."

"So Odin prepared for the decisive battle early. He ordered the Valkyrie goddesses to collect the souls of the heroes and put them in the Hall of Valor, allowing them to drink, carnival and fight. Only on the day of the end, the heroes will assist Odin to fight Awakened black dragon."

"Is this story also false?" Xia Mu asked.

Chu Zihang shook his head: "No, this story is true, but it has been misinterpreted by humans. In the distant ancient times, there might really be a Hall of Valor on the earth, but it is completely different from human imagination. That Hall of Valor is not Prepared for human heroes, it contains cocoons of countless dragons waiting to be revived!"

"That's basically a hatchery full of mucus and fetal blood! For the Dragon King, the real enemy is not humans or hybrids at all, but the Black King... that is the ultimate of all fears. And vowed to return, it has no allies or even companions, the only thing it can rely on is its incomparable power, it is a strange collection of all loneliness, hatred, and darkness."

Chu Zihang's eyes were deep, and he squeezed the coffee cup slowly.

"It will return like that in the end, the membranous wings that cover the sky slowly sweep across the world, and everything covered by that shadow will fall into the abyss of despair!"

Xia Mu was silent for a long time: "Is this also your speculation?"

Chu Zihang nodded, then shook his head slightly.

He lowered his voice: "I saw the Hall of Valor, I saw the dragon's cocoon, I have been bathed in dragon blood..."

Xia Mu's eyes were serious: "What do you mean?"

Chu Zihang said in a low voice: "Odin erases my existence and makes everyone forget me, so that I can do many things secretly without being suspected. I will be the best tool..."

"Before the decisive battle comes, the dragons in the Hall of Valor will wake up, and they must wake up. Each of them has the strength of a dragon king!"

Xia Mu opened his eyes: "This is impossible! All the dragon kings recorded in history have only five thrones! Bronze and fire, earth and mountains, sky and wind, ocean and water, plus a spiritual white king, how can there be more? How many thrones?!"

"There are indeed no more thrones..."

Chu Zihang watched his eyes become abnormally deep, "But...can't it be cloned?"

Xia Mu was stunned.

What the hell... Odin is going to heaven?

He prepared a group of dragon kings to besiege the black king?

This picture is unimaginable!
"Since the Black King can create four thrones and the White King, why can't Odin, who is his enemy, clone the Dragon King? Maybe he can't reach the level of creation, but he who can modify the past can collect many ancient and modern treasures. Outstanding spiritual bodies, using these spiritual bodies to carry the power of the cloned dragon king, this is Odin's plan!"

Chu Zihang finished speaking in one breath, took a big sip of coffee, and then put it down with a bang, "Compared with these dragons, human beings are still too far behind! Being able to modify the past, copying and cloning, these abilities are not some modern Weapons are not comparable to the sword of Damocles!"

Xia Mu was silent for a long time.

"Xia Mi, is that so?" He asked in his mind.

Xia Mi sat in the middle of the spiritual ocean, his eyes were a little far away: "Maybe, maybe not, who will know the opponent's real trump card until the last moment..."

(End of this chapter)

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