Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 367 Artificial Dragon King?

Chapter 367 Artificial Dragon King?
"From the perspective of genetics and alchemy, dragon blood is a highly active liquid. Even ordinary people will mutate if they are contaminated with dragon blood."

Chu Zihang's tone was calm.

"And the blood of the Dragon King is something that can create miracles. In most cases, it is highly poisonous, but in rare cases, it can help a hybrid race break through the critical blood limit."

"Dragons sometimes devour each other, just to forcibly plunder the power hidden in each other's blood."

He paused, "I am a very unstable hybrid by nature, and I have a high probability of becoming a Deadpool, but since you helped me win the Nibelungen plan, I have never been troubled by this matter again Pass."

Chu Zihang looked up at Xia Mu with deep eyes, "The gift you gave, the Nibelungen Project, is actually baptized with the blood of the dragon king, supplemented by various alchemy techniques, so that I will eventually grow into an 'artificial dragon king'!"

"It's a pity that the weapons that the academy worked so hard to create were forgotten. Odin picked the peaches, and Lu Mingfei also ran away by himself. If the principal is awake at this time, he will probably go crazy." Xia Mu shrugged shrugged.

"So, my position with Odin is different from others. He seems to have intentionally made me evolve in the direction of a dragon-slaying hero. I am bathing in more and more dragon blood..."

Chu Zihang said in a low voice, "He intends to create a sword that cuts at the Black King, but this sword is double-edged, and it will cut at himself in the end."

"So, you plan to continue to be his puppet?" Xia Mu reacted.

Chu Zihang looked at him deeply: "Yes...so, do you trust me?"


Xia Mu tossed it casually, and the crisp voice was particularly loud in the coffee shop.

Chu Zihang's eyes froze.

That was the silver mask he was wearing before.

"Take it, if I don't believe you, who else can you trust?"

Xia Mu smiled lightly.

Chu Zihang slowly stretched out his hand and grasped the mask tightly.

"Thank you," he said.

"Senior Sister Su Qian, what do you plan to arrange?" Xia Mu asked.

Chu Zihang hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice, "I'm planning to take her with me, do you think it's okay?"

"With her?"

Xia Mu frowned, "Won't it affect you? And I woke you up before, didn't Odin find anything?"

"No, the real Odin is still sleeping. You say that all the Odins you see are not the main body. We puppets are just doing things according to the fixed settings, and at the same time accept instructions from the main body of Odin."

Chu Zihang pointed to the mask, "This is the communicator and the identification card."

Xia Mu nodded: "Understood, I wish you good luck."

Chu Zihang silently groped for the edge of the mask, and asked softly, "What about you? What are you going to do? Even I can't find the trace of Eliyi, so don't cause big troubles on impulse."

"Not anymore…"

Xia Mu lowered his eyes, "After this time, I discovered my shortcomings. If I can't prepare well, even if I find Erika, I won't be able to bring her back."

"Just like you have your own way, I also have mine..."

Chu Zihang was taken aback: "What's yours?"

"You are Mulongxue, I am collecting dragon's blood, and the target is the Dragon King." Xia Mu smiled, "Sky and wind, sea and water, I need these two powers."

Chu Zihang looked at him with strange eyes: "You are really special... What are you? You were even able to block the gun of fate before."

Xia Mu scratched his head: "I don't know either. Logically speaking, I look like a World Tree, but a World Tree shouldn't have offensive power... On the contrary, Lu Mingfei looks more similar."

"Lu Mingfei..."

Chu Zihang opened his mouth wide, "He... World Tree?"

"That guy is either World Tree or Black King." Xia Mu said calmly.

Chu Zihang was speechless, and after a long time he said in a groaning tone: "There are some monsters around me..."

"Everyone is a monster, don't blame anyone." Xia Mu laughed.

But Chu Zihang couldn't laugh: "What will happen in the future? I can't imagine that one day I have to hold a knife against you..."

"Don't think too much, just walk the road in front of you, wherever you go."

Xia Mu looked at him seriously, "We all have our own things we must do, and we also have our own judgments, as long as we are worthy of ourselves, our friends, and our lover."

Chu Zihang didn't know what was going on in his heart, he drank the coffee silently, feeling melancholy like drinking alcohol.

three days later.

Lu Mingfei went through one door after another, and when he was about to get lost in this layered room, an arch appeared in front of him. The girl was lying on the desk under the arch, writing something, and the malachite vase on the table , with blue hydrangeas in bloom.

From the back, it can be seen that it is zero, but the clothes are very different from when they were in the academy. The blue-gray coat, mink fur hat, and brown high-heeled boots clearly make her a petite girl, but the clothes make her look slender. It is obviously the posture of the hostess.

Lu Mingfei sat down on the round stool by the table, zero knowing that he was coming, but without raising his head, he was writing furiously.

"Wouldn't people be watching if you lived in such a luxurious place?" Lu Mingfei couldn't understand the Russian she wrote, and looked around, "What kind of place is this?"

"my home."

"Your family?" Lu Mingfei was quite surprised, "Your family is so rich?"

He was picked up in the secret party hunt.

From the moment the submarine surfaced, he realized that this Russian girl was a well-informed master, but many Secret Party members are well-informed people, who can mobilize a plane to pick you up, it is not necessary to have a plane at home .

Well-connected brothers can also borrow a palace close to the Red Square to live temporarily, but Ling made it clear that this is her home, so the old-fashioned luxury cars, handsome drivers, and cleaning commandos that go with it, It's all for her.

It's no wonder that when Lu Mingfei stepped into this room, he realized that there was a subtle girly atmosphere in the room, and it was not full of princess colors, but some clues could be seen from the embroidery patterns and the collection of artworks.

"Have you been happy with Chen Motong these days?" The girl's voice came clear and cold.

Lu Mingfei shivered for no reason.

"Ha...haha, why am I happy or not when I get along with senior sister... Also, Xia Mu and the others are here..." He said with a guilty conscience.

"It's okay, the whole academy knows that you have a crush on Senior Sister."

Zero put down the pen and stood up.

Lu Mingfei's face changed, jumping up like a cat whose tail has been stepped on: "Who is talking nonsense! I...I didn't..."

"It's okay, I don't care."

A single sentence blocked him back.

The girl was petite and exquisite, but she came over like a queen, pulled him off by the collar, and touched her warm lips...

(End of this chapter)

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