Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 368 What Does Nono Mean?

Chapter 368 What Does Nono Mean?

At the end of the small street, there is a church with a golden onion top, which is brightly lit, making people feel like they are walking in a playground at midnight.

"You just said it's okay... what do you mean?"

Lu Mingfei walked with Her Highness the Queen, but he was a little cautious.

"What I want is not a relationship that binds someone to me," Zero suddenly stopped, looking across the long street with fallen leaves, looking at an open space across the street, "What I want is that for the common good, we can keep walking The kind of partner to the end."

"For the common good," Lu Mingfei whispered, "If the interests are different, why don't we go our separate ways?"

He didn't know why Zero emphasized the word "interest partner", which didn't sound very powerful, far inferior to "couple" and "lover".

"It doesn't matter," Zero said lightly, "As long as you work hard, you will be useful to your partners, and you won't be left behind."

When she said this, her expression was calm, but she was high-spirited, and her eyes were shining brightly. It felt like the heroine in a youth film looking at the sun, and firmly said, "It is never wrong to run towards the sun when you are young." "This kind of inexplicably passionate but bluffing lines.

Lu Mingfei is really curious about who taught her Zero's outlook on the world and life. Her acting style is so sharp, and she has a sense of maturity that is completely disproportionate to her appearance, but she suddenly said such a middle school two words, just like Lu Mingfei many years ago. Ming Fei feels that he is living in a comic, full of "aspirations" and "sad wishes" for the world.

Now that he has grown up, he no longer believes in this kind of thing, but suddenly someone said what he would say when he was 14 years old, and he felt a little nostalgic for no reason.

Lu Mingfei suddenly grabbed the sable hat and rubbed the top of Ling's head vigorously.

He has a mischievous mentality, which means that you are so small, what are you talking about?

But to his surprise, Her Royal Highness did not respond to this "overstepping" action at all. She still quietly looked across the street, letting Lu Mingfei touch her head.

Seems like it's normal, she's your cat, you've had it for many years.

The platinum-blonde long hair feels surprisingly good, like washed silk, with a slight warmth, that feeling of "I don't want to stop licking the cat".

But Lu Mingfei was really embarrassed after touching it twice, so he had to put the hat back on for her.

It was already late at night when they returned to the Elizabeth White House, and it took a lot of time to walk the long street.

Lu Mingfei lay on the bed tossing and turning.

He didn't know why he came to get the change, as if he firmly believed that she would help him.

It would be perfect if I could just stay here and spend my whole life in zero...

But why do you feel like something is missing?

Nono?What does she have to do with herself?

He clearly knows that being attracted by Nuo Nuo is different from liking and admiring him. He also likes Zero very much, and that feeling is different.

When looking at Nono, he would have the illusion that it was an inseparable part of him...

So he doesn't feel guilty about Zero, because he really doesn't like others, although he doesn't understand how he feels about Nuonuo.

"Caesar! I've had enough of it! I'm going to prostitute! I don't want to go back to that lousy women's academy!"

Caesar received Nuonuo from the airport, and it really did not exceed Xia Mu's expectations.

Caesar looked at his fiancée's appearance as a witch, couldn't help laughing boldly, and rubbed her into his arms fiercely.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Nuonuo flustered.

Caesar rubbed her red hair, and said softly: "It's been a long time since I saw you like this. To be honest, I don't like you going to that college. If you don't want to go, don't go. There is no one whom Caesar wants to marry. People can stop it."

Nuonuo stared at him blankly, and suddenly felt that the golden cage on her body was locked, and she could fly out freely again.

"Really okay?" She couldn't help asking.

Caesar looked handsome and firm: "It's okay."

The two returned to Kassel Academy together.

In fact, they have all graduated, but this day is a bit special, because Caesar will attend the meeting on behalf of the Gattuso family... Since the last attack, Frost has deliberately let him get in touch with more family affairs, in order to one day fully Leave it to him to prepare.

Caesar didn't know what it would be like if he really became a school board member, and whether he would let go of his persistence and secondary school because of his responsibilities.

But at least for this moment, he is still the man who will spoil Nuonuo.

At this moment, the big bell on the Hall of Valor rang loudly, and the sound of the bell shook the entire campus.

Caesar and Nuonuo looked in the direction of the Hall of Valor at the same time, their faces changing color.

That's... the alarm of the dragon king's invasion!

In the executive department, the central control room, Caesar and Nuonuo opened the door and entered.

Here, Nuonuo once again met Abdullah Abbas, the former president of the Lionheart Society in his "memory".

After meeting Chu Zihang, Nuonuo couldn't help but feel a little strange and wary when he saw him, but now is not the time to say anything.

Professor Schneider raised his hand to signal them to be quiet, so the four stood side by side, looking up at the huge projection of the earth.

That is the earth seen by the eyes of the sky. Year after year, year after year, the Executive Department uses this projection to monitor dragon activities around the world.

Whenever a certain point lights up red, Eva will project itself out, explain the situation, give a solution, and then the commissioners of the executive department will dispatch.

But this time, Eva didn't give any coping strategies, and the projected girl, together with Caesar and the others, silently watched the huge projection of the earth—the entire Arctic Ocean shone with a frightening red light.

"This is?" Caesar asked in a calm tone as much as possible.

The warning area is the entire Arctic Ocean. Could it be that the ice sea with an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers has been occupied by the Dragon King?
"It's not that bad, but we haven't been able to determine its exact location, so the entire Arctic Ocean is marked red," Schneider said hoarsely.

"What target?" Abbas asked.

"No one saw it, but when a team of investigators measured the temperature, a giant whale swam through the ice sea under their feet." Eva said slowly, "They heard a strange sound, and that sound fit all the characteristics of a whale song , but it can summon extreme cold.”

"Wordling... sung in whale song!" Abbas whispered.

The silence in the central control room sounds unbelievable, but there really isn't any theory that other languages ​​can't be used for psychics.

In the final analysis, the word spirit is a series of mysterious syllables, similar to spells.

"So our opponent is a whale?" Caesar broke the silence.

"It can't be said for sure, but there is indeed a creature similar to a giant whale. The secret party has paid attention to it for thousands of years. In the mythology of the Hebrews, it is called..."

Schneider paused at this point before saying the terrifying name.


(End of this chapter)

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