Chapter 371 Abbas and Snow


Jun Yan erupted like a mountain torrent, submerging Hydera.

An ear-piercing scream emanated from its body, as if it was in the depths of the cave of countless snakes.

When everyone looked carefully, their scalps felt numb.

It turned out that Hydera's abdomen was pregnant with countless small snakes. If Xia Mu hadn't directly burned it to death, even if Hydera died, the remaining countless small snakes would make them unable to parry.

This kind of small snake is like the ghost-toothed dragon viper that escaped from the sacred place back then. It is small in size, fast and dense. Once it penetrates into the human body, it can bite into a skeleton within a short while...

It is Xia Mu's posture of burning with a fire is the most effective.

A pungent smell gradually filled the air, which was the residue after the strong acid was evaporated.

These snakes have strong acid in their bodies.

"If you are bitten by this thing..."

Many people shivered.

"Actually, it's just a subspecies of dragon, but it's extraordinarily huge."

The flames on Xia Mu's body gradually began to go out.

"It's just that we don't have the right weapons, otherwise it's your turn to show off the limelight?" Nuonuo insisted.

"Then you guys go on, let me see if your tattered icebreaker can take us to slay dragons." Xia Mu put his hands in his arms.

Caesar looked back at the almost torn apart hull and was speechless for a while.

"How did you get here?" Nuonuo couldn't help asking.

"Me?" Xia Mu giggled, "Submarine! Do you think everyone is as stupid as you and take a boat as a living target?"

Caesar and Nuonuo looked at each other speechlessly.

"Don't talk about Hydera, your goal is a giant whale. How are you going to catch it when it dives into the bottom? Besides, it is the king of ocean and water. Do you really think this whaling ship can catch it?" Xia Mu seized the opportunity to sarcastically .

Caesar's face darkened: "Eva of the academy can only do this in a short period of time. How can it compare with you commanding the entire Snake Eight?"

"I just bought one with conventional power, do you know that there are two nuclear power ships from the other two directions?" Xia Mu spread his hands, "The resources that the secret party can mobilize are actually not as good as your own Gattuso. Made it."

"What a mess... aren't you afraid of triggering a war?" Caesar murmured.

Xia Mu heheed: "You kind of old man is screaming to save his son!"

Caesar's face darkened even more.

"Long time no see, Xia Mu."

Some strange male voices came.

Xia Mu turned his head and recognized this Middle Easterner at a glance... Abdullah Abbas.

"It's you…"

There was something strange in his tone.

"You and I are so strange? Why do you look like you just met me today?" Abbas was a little strange.

Xia Mu looked him up and down: "So, in your memory, what should our relationship be?"

"Xia Mu, I was the one who drew you into the Lionheart Club, and I was the one who watched you rise to fame in the academy, helping the Lionheart Club to stabilize the student union, and that day in the capital..."

Abbas hesitated a little, "I was the one looking at you and Xia Mi..."

Xia Mu's face was strange, and he asked in his mind: "Xia Mi, do you remember this guy?"

Xia Mi was straightforward: "Which onion is he?"

"God knows…"

Xia Mu rolled his eyes.

"In my memory, the person I know is called Chu Zihang." He said slowly to Abbas.

The expressions of Abbas and Caesar changed at the same time.

"You are the same as Lu Mingfei..."

Caesar was half-speaking when Nuonuo suddenly tore off his clothes.

"I saw the Chu Zihang they were talking about, and it doesn't's fake." She whispered.

Caesar frowned slightly: "But Abbas is more real, isn't he? I remember a lot of things with him, including the experience of living and dying with him."

"Maybe that's the effect caused by the spirit of speech. Only Xia Mu and Lu Mingfei are sober in the whole world."

Nuonuo said, "And Susie also thought of Chu Zihang, who was her lover."

Caesar glanced at Abbas.

Abbas also looked over, his eyes a little confused and empty.

If his existence is false, then who is he himself?Forgotten by the world?Manufactured phantom?So what exactly is his existence?
"Abbas, what's wrong with you?"

The Inuit girl came running.


Abbas looked up blankly, watching the girl running towards him.

The girl she met by chance showed great affection for him. She said that God wanted to kill her, and she could even order life to die, very similar to Erika.

Xia Mu looked over immediately.

Before he came, he had guessed that this girl was most likely the unawakened king of ocean and water.

The power of judgment in her made him very concerned.

But now it seems that this girl has nothing to do with Erika, but may be related to Black Swan Harbor.

"Xia Mi, what is the state of a dragon king who has not yet awakened? How can he wake up for confirmation?" He asked in his mind.

Xia Mi was stunned for a moment: "You mean, this girl is ocean and water?"

"It's very likely." Xia Mu said.

Xia Mi's eyes narrowed: "Just kill him, if you can kill it, you can't kill it."

"Why are you suddenly murderous? Do you have a grudge against her?" Xia Mu was curious.

"It can also be said that the four thrones were divided into two camps, and I was with Norton and Constantine," Xia Mi said.

Xia Mu was stunned: "No wonder you were a little complicated with Constantine and Norton."

"After all, we have worked together for many years, but at that time he suddenly attacked him, but Norton was not surprised. He understood me the moment he saw me." Xia Mi sighed.

"I'm going to try it out."

Xia Mu had a strong sense of presence at this time, and almost everyone was silently watching his actions, so when he walked slowly towards Xue, all eyes focused on him.

"what are you doing?"

Abbas shrewdly blocked Xue, protecting her behind him.

"Don't you think this little girl is suspicious? I have detected a strange power from her."

Xia Mu talked nonsense.

But the others immediately looked at Xue with vigilance.

"It was after she came that these big snakes and Hydera appeared!" Someone shouted.

The crew had always had a problem with her, and there have been a lot of weird things recently, and now even the ship has been scrapped, and now there is an outlet for all of them to pour over.

"shut up!"

Abbas yelled like an angry lion.

"Abbas, this girl..." Caesar hesitated.

"Caesar, you want to drive her away too?" Abbas looked at him disappointedly.

"You guys are gone and you're not ready to part ways?"

Xia Mu stepped forward, said lightly, "Besides, what am I going to do, do you dare to stop me?"

The scorching golden pupils lit up like two blazing flames, frighteningly bright.

Abbas felt the shivering of the snow behind him.

It wasn't the first time he fought Xia Mu, but every time he ended in a disastrous defeat.

This time...

"Come on! Since you think I shouldn't exist! Then I'll bet my life!"

Abbas stood ready.

(End of this chapter)

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