Chapter 372 Trial?

Abbas lowered his head and stood there quietly, glaring thunder and lightning flowed all over his body, his pupils were no longer red gold, and the blazing white of lightning overwhelmed the golden color.

Not only him, but the space around him was also highly ionized. The dust in the air shone brightly due to ionization. From time to time, slender arcs pierced through the air, connecting Abbas to the steel bulkhead.

Word Ling Indra!
This speech spirit named after the "god" in Hinduism, Sakyathuan Indra, has always been an unknown speech spirit in the secret party's archives.

The history of this word spirit can be traced back to the age of mythology, and it is the privilege of mythical heroes, but the specific effect that this word spirit can achieve is blurred because the authors of ancient long poems like to exaggerate too much. Rising in the sky at noon, taking away the light of the sun god", it sounds like unrealistic talk.

But now everyone has seen the divine sword transformed into Yanling Indra.

At this moment, the sword of brilliance was slowly rotating around Xia Mu. Its owner, Abbas, had both hands empty, but seemed to hold the sky with a sword.

But behind him, Xue's big and empty eyes brightened because of this purple-white light.

Abbas is like "Thunder" at the moment.

"Handsome! This thing is the authority of the sky and the wind?"

Xia Mu salivated, "I want it!"

Xia Mi rolled his eyes.


When the Thunder Sword landed, it had already pierced countless electric currents into Xia Mu's body without even touching Xia Mu's body.

The extreme numbness made Xia Mu's limbs stiff.

"excuse me!"

Abbas pounced like a lion, and a pair of iron fists hit Xia Mu's chest.

Indra, the word spirit, can control the electric field, not only the thunder sword, but every part of his body is free of electricity.


The movement of the flame burning was much smaller than that of the thunder, covering Xia Mu's whole body from top to bottom and extending outward.

Abbas' eyes changed, his body shrank back, and the thunder sword turned into an arc to block in front of him.

The electric field forms a repulsive force, pushing the black flames away.

The glacier is melting, and soon, it will be difficult to stand on your feet.

"Shoot farther away! Our place is going to melt!" Nuonuo shouted.

Neither Xia Mu nor Abbas paid any attention to her. During the collision of thunder and fire, both of them were absorbed in their attention, temporarily ignoring the outside world.


Caesar held Nuonuo's hand and beckoned the crew to run to a higher glacier.

Cracks began to appear on the glacial plate behind him, and purple-white electricity and dark fire swept wildly.

It is also the most aggressive element, and it is also a strong and untactful style of play.

Abbas coughed and spewed fine foam of blood. "Indra" put a heavy load on his body. Even the body that was bleeding with dragon blood couldn't bear it. He began to bleed internally. The bleeding was heavy, but Abbas Si swallowed the blood forcefully.

Xia Mu, who was on the opposite side, was able to control Jun Yan like a stroll in the courtyard with ease, but Abbas was much more vulnerable.

The black flame skyrocketed again, with the characteristics of Jun Yan, bursting.

The strong electric field protecting Abbas opened suddenly, and the flames danced wildly against Xia Mu as if encountering a strong wind.

"Indra" is different from "No Dust Land" in that it cannot create a vacuum barrier to resist flames, but a strong electric field can repel those burning elements.

Not all, though.

There are still some Junyan who have crossed Indra's strong electric field, and the intensity of the burst cannot be completely resisted by the repulsion of the strong electric field.

Abbas's cold-proof clothes burned, and the white goose down in the middle layer of the cold-proof clothes could resist ultra-low temperature but was extremely flammable, but instead he opened the barrier formed by lightning and took a step towards Xia Mu.

"Snow... let's go..."

Snow heard Abbas's voice, like an old man in his dying years.


The Inuit girl looked like a frightened little animal when she was still, but now she was an arctic wolf running against the wind and snow.

She plunged into the depths of the thunder and hugged Abbas tightly!
Many people couldn't bear to watch this scene. It was brave like moths to the flame, and the isolation was amazing, but they couldn't escape the ending like moths to the flame.

Caesar held Nuonuo's hand and stopped, and for no reason recalled the appearance of Xue lying on Abbas's shoulder. Those big empty eyes were like birds that couldn't find their nests in the cold wind, but took Abbas's eyes again. Bass hugged his neck so tightly, maybe he regarded Abbas as a substitute for his father?

However, Xue shouted louder and louder, and Caesar was stunned.

She was not immediately wiped out by the thunder and flames.

"She's really different." Nuonuo said softly.

The Inuit girl was as menacing as when they first found her in the well.

She was scolding Xia Mu angrily, and even ordered Xia Mu not to hurt Abbas.

She hugged Abbas tightly, like an angry female animal trying to protect her cub.

"This will..."

Several scars appeared on Xia Mu's body, scars that could not heal.

Xue's roar became louder and louder, and everything around her vibrated with her roar. It was unimaginable that her thin body could burst out with such an astonishing volume and strength.

The crew members had to cover their ears, their eardrums seemed to be torn apart by Snow's roar, but the tearing of the eardrums didn't help, the sound seemed to penetrate the skull, echoing in the deepest part of consciousness.

The girl's roar actually only contained one key word, "death".

to die!to die!to die!she growled.

That is the curse of the witch deep in the dark forest, or the roar of death on the throne of hell.

Xia Mu's body was bleeding more and more.

But the bloody and terrifying atmosphere made everyone present tremble. They thought that their mission was to search for the god of death in the Arctic Circle, but they didn't expect that the god of death was on this boat.

A frightening golden color flowed from Xue Xue's pupils, and everyone involuntarily clenched the weapons in their hands.


Xia Mu did not fight back for a long time.

Even with his current strength, he still couldn't be completely immune to judgment, but it couldn't be easier to make Xue lose the ability to roar in an instant.

But he just looked at the girl, watching her screaming and roaring in order to protect Abbas, as if he saw a bit of Erika from her...

That breath of death-like terror only lasted for a short moment on Xue's body, Xue shook a few times, and fell on Abbas's body.

She was so thin, and when she fell she was as light as a leaf falling.


Abbas knelt on the ice and held Xue in his arms, "How are you?"


At this moment, everyone felt exaggerated vibrations coming from under the ice.

"What, what? An earthquake?" Someone asked tremblingly.


Caesar's expression changed drastically, and he grabbed Nuonuo's hand and ran away desperately.

"It's Leviathan, here comes Leviathan!"

He has not turned off "Scythe Weasel", and all the surrounding sounds are under his monitoring.

As a deep singing sound approached, the ice surface shook wildly.

That's... the Leviathan's song.

(End of this chapter)

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