Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 374 Nono's Fate

Chapter 374 Nono's Fate


Unlike Xia Mu who has the ability to fly, although Caesar has tried his best to control the surroundings with Kamaitachi, pulling Nono to avoid all kinds of flying "ice", but the iceberg under his feet will also shatter, and the two of them still fell into the sea .

Initially underwater is even more comfortable than on ice, because the ice-water mixture is zero degrees, but it is tens of degrees below zero on the glacier.

But in the crazy surging waves, they rolled with the current, and they couldn't even take a breath.

Caesar still held Nuonuo's hand firmly.

Kamaitachi can hear all kinds of sounds underwater, so he can only tell himself to be calm and calm, as long as he filters out those interfering sound waves, he can definitely find an underwater route away from the battlefield!

It's a pity that he underestimated the oppression of the chaotic sea water on each other, especially the strong pulling force, as well as the chest tightness and anxiety when the breath in the chest cavity became less and less.

Nuonuo's eyes were a little confused.

She remembered going through such a scene.

Ups and downs in deep water, less and less oxygen, no sky, no ground, no support.

At that time, she always hoped that someone could fish her out. She hoped that no matter what she did, there would always be a pair of strong arms and a reliable chest waiting for her.

That day in the capital, she started to have convulsions again, and started swimming in the lake on the spot. Halfway through the swim, her body cramped, and she once again experienced the suffocation of death.

Then Caesar appeared, and he was like a heavenly soldier, appearing when she needed it most.

So she agreed to his marriage proposal.

And now...

The big clenched hand in her hand was slapped away by the waves, and she once again sank into the abyss alone.

So dark...so dark...so helpless...

She finally choked as her lung cavities were completely emptied.

The feeling of suffocation is extremely uncomfortable. Even though she has done special training in Kassel College, she often performs tasks as a diving team. However, in such a harsh ocean environment, without oxygen cylinders and diving suits, she It is no different from an ordinary person who is drowning.


She gave up struggling, the air in her chest scrambling to escape from her mouth.

In fact, what is the use of struggling?
Her awesome profiling ability is useless in this environment.

When her consciousness was blurred, the last thought in her mind was... If anyone can show up at this time, she will marry him.


She seemed to hear someone calling her, but it seemed to be a hallucination. How could such a seabed still make a sound?
But a pair of solid arms wrapped around her waist, some cold lips were printed on her, and the air flow entered her mouth.

Nuo Nuo seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and her body began to suck vigorously by itself.

She opened her eyes and saw the face clearly.

It's Caesar!
It's him!

Nuonuo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was him, and it should be him.

You should have married him long ago, shouldn't you?

Immediately, she began to realize that something was wrong, because Caesar's face was flushed, but he was still desperately breathing his breath.

Nuonuo stared.

Caesar gave her all his remaining Qi.

She wanted to return it, but Caesar let go of her mouth.

He smiled.

At the moment of life and death, when Nuonuo was in danger, he heard everything on the bottom of the sea clearly.

He found the direction of the current... but he could only send one person up.

He chose to send Nuonuo up.


There was a constant undercurrent at the bottom of the water, but Caesar made precise efforts, scouted all directions through the weasel, and threw Nuonuo out with all his strength.

Nuonuo was so weak that he could only watch him getting further and further away, gradually sinking into the bottom of the sea.

Was that how Ruth, who was lying on the plank, watched Jack sink to the bottom of the sea that year?

Use one person's life to exchange another person's life.

Such a heavy feeling, it turned out to be like this...

It turned out that the person she wanted to protect her life was always by her side, but at this moment she completely lost it.

Nuonuo looked and looked helplessly, and gradually approached the sea surface...

None of the glaciers hit her, and the undercurrent would only speed her up. Caesar's performance at the end of his life was amazing to the extreme.


She surfaced, panting heavily, but there were big tears rolling down her face.

"Xia Mu...Xia Mu can save him..."

She desperately climbed up the iceberg, looking around to find Xia Mu's location, only to find that the direction Caesar threw her was one kilometer away from the battlefield.

"What should we do now…"

Seeing helpless at a glance, the iceberg was floating in the sea, gradually moving away from the direction of the tsunami.

In fact, even after she awakened, Xue couldn't cause effective damage to Leviathan, and more memories of the past swept through her mind like a storm.

From birth to destruction.

She is the black snake in Black Swan Harbor, the little black who helped the little boy Zero escape from birth at that time, and she exhausted her strength.

Later, she was reborn from the cocoon and had the body of Snow.


Snow is suspended on the sea.

At this moment, her eyes no longer had hatred, and her eyes on Leviathan were complicated and sad.

"I noticed the thunder power of Abbas, and I subconsciously had the idea of ​​eating him, that's why I got so close to him..."

She looked at the huge Leviathan and the surrounding whales, "But you made the same choice as me, you are stronger than me..."

"younger sister…"

Xia Mi has a silly older brother, Norton has a silly younger brother, Pelos has a silly older sister, and Xue has a silly younger sister.

It's just that one looks like a little girl, the other is a [-]-meter-long giant whale, and the big one is a younger sister, which is somewhat weird.

"Leviathan, no matter who you or I devour next, at least at this moment, we should kill the foreign enemy first."

The ten-year-old girl looked at the clouds, her cold eyes were murderous.

"I felt two nasty auras on him."

Leviathan let out a high-pitched cry and looked over together.

Xia Mu felt that he was locked by two ancient giant beasts.

"This development...is not good..."

The membrane wings stretched, and he slowly descended from the clouds.

The Arctic Ocean is currently in polar daylight, and the bright light has not been affected by the previous war.

Glaciers, oceans, huge and ancient beluga whales, little girls on the water, summer trees in the air.

The whole world seems to be left with only them.

"Actually, I have always been confused..."

Xia Mu opened his mouth lightly.

It's just that Xue obviously didn't have the patience to talk to him, and when she shook her little hand, ocean currents and glaciers soared into the sky.

Zhou Junyan exploded on Xia Mu's body, resisting the impact of the ice flow.

The pleasant whale song sounded at this moment.

Leviathan's eyes were golden, and the tsunami that erupted was like a cloud hanging from the sky, trying to freeze Xiamu from top to bottom.

The range of Xia Mu's surrounding Jun Yan's attack gradually narrowed.

"What I'm wondering is... why you can grow so big in just over a year..." Xia Mu said.

It was the embryo of the sea king who was sacrificed to the white king of the seabed god's treasury.

Neptune also comes from Black Swan Harbor. They surrender to No. [-] and are the helpers for No. [-] to get out of trouble.

So everything is logical.

It's just that Xia Mu didn't have an answer for why the embryo released by Xia Mu became so huge after more than a year...

(End of this chapter)

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