Chapter 375

"Try it."

Xia Mu could easily parry Xue's attack, but Leviathan's huge body could not be underestimated after being fused with Abbas.

The entire Arctic Ocean seemed to be moving with Leviathan's will.

A dark red flame quietly burned between Xia Mu's brows.

That is spiritual fire.

The spiritual power drew an alchemy pattern on the forehead, which expanded rapidly under Xia Mu's control, flew out of Junyan, and fell straight to Leviathan on the sea.


Although Leviathan didn't know what it was, he felt the danger instinctively.

She was so huge that she couldn't dodge it, so she had to sink into the sea.

The alchemy formation formed by the spiritual fire was not blocked by the sea water, but still fell straight on her body.

The small eyes of the huge white whale blinked, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

But soon the body seemed to be on fire, and the little alchemy array frantically shuttled through the blood vessels, as if it was positioning itself.

Eventually stay on the outside of the brain.

"I see."

Xia Mu's golden pupil flashed, "The body embryo is hidden in the brain... Is this body your former keel..."

There is no growth law of living things that can violate the laws of nature. Even the king of ocean and water cannot grow a huge body of hundreds of meters in more than a year.

At that time, when Lu Mingze took back the Neptune embryo, he told him to "grow up as soon as possible, to the extent that he can get rid of Xia Mu's spiritual imprint". She obviously listened to it...but went the wrong way.

"It's not your growing body, how can you avoid my spiritual brand?"

The golden light in Xia Mu's eyes brightened, "Your spirit is no longer flowing in this huge and incomparable body, so for me, it will be like entering the land of no one!"


Leviathan rolled crazily on the bottom of the sea, and on the outer layer of the giant whale's brain, the dark red spiritual imprint echoed inside and out, attacking crazily.


Xue's face changed, her whole body was covered with snow-white scales, she spread her membrane wings, and slammed into Xia Mu across the sky, accompanied by huge ice.

Xia Mu was concentrating on killing her energy in Leviathan's body, ignoring her for a while, and only using Jun Yan to resist the impact.

Xue is not Leviathan, what she holds is power, not strength, and she is not Xia Mu's opponent with all her strength, she can't even break through Jun Yan's heat.

The impact stopped quickly, because she realized that these efforts were useless.

She fell towards the ocean, like a fish jumping into the ocean, and quickly approached Leviathan.

"Psychological attacks cannot intervene."

Xia Mu thought Xue was going to help Leviathan.

But Xia Mi shouted: "Quick! Stop her!"

Xia Mu was stunned, subconsciously trusted Xia Mi's judgment, retracted the membrane wings, and flew down in a parabola.

But Xue was even faster, and she had already arrived at the head of the giant whale.

The sea water around her body quickly condensed into ice, wrapping her, as if turning into a huge ice cone... Slowly and firmly, it cut into the body of the giant whale.


The giant whale screamed in pain, and suffered severe mental and physical injuries at the same time.

When Xia Mu discovered the truth about Leviathan's body, so did Xue.

Leviathan appears to be powerful, but she is actually wearing a strong shell. As long as this shell is broken, she will expose her true body.

The breakthrough of Xia Mu's spiritual power is far inferior to the cutting of the body surface, especially when Leviathan is in pain, his spirit is more violent.

However, the ice pick formed by the snow drilled in bit by bit, cut open the outer skin, cut open the brain, and found the... embryo deeply hidden in the center.

In order to control such a large body, the embryo itself does not grow at all.

The ice cones around Xue's body disappeared, and she stood in her bloody brain, with big cold tears streaming out of her eyes.

But she pounced on it, biting the embryo vigorously, ignoring the sharp, painful, angry, and incomprehensible screams.

She just shed tears.

Xia Mu felt nauseated for a while: "It's so disgusting."

Xia Mi said silently, "This is the fate of the twins on the throne."

Without hesitation, Xia Mu launched Jun Yan, like a black missile hitting the snow and the embryo.

Once hit, it is bound to erupt like a volcano.

Xue shed tears, but it didn't affect her "eating" speed.

It's just that she also knew that Xia Mu couldn't interrupt the evolution, so she took the bloody embryo out of the giant whale's brain, and sank to the bottom of the sea with a crash.

At the bottom of the sea, she is king.

Xia Mu couldn't catch up, and the water flow around him hindered him all the time, in extremely cold and freezing mode.

Using Jun Yan underwater is also much more uncomfortable than above water.

Xia Mu thought for a while, then suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter? It's best not to wait for her to evolve successfully, otherwise she is invincible in the ocean. Even if she can't beat you, she won't be able to stop you if she escapes." Xia Mi said.

"What method did you use when you were hostile to her at that time? The sky and the wind and the ocean and the sea. One is invincible in the sky and the other is invincible in the ocean. Can you just stay in the ground?" Xia Mu asked.

Xia Mi's face darkened: "Shut up if you can't speak!"

Xia Mu suddenly turned around and went upstream.

"Why do you think Norton went to great lengths to create the Seven Deadly Sins? Isn't it because the opponent is too difficult to fight...Huh?"

Xia Mi saw Xia Mu put his hand on the belly of the giant whale.

After Snow took away the embryo, the giant whale formed from the huge keel became an ownerless thing.


As Xia Mu expected, when he pressed his hand on it, the entire keel shook, the glacier melted, and the golden light flashed away from his body.

"Actually, Leviathan is right. She has only had this body for countless years. As long as you give her a few more years, this body will be completely integrated," Xia Mi said, "It's just that I encountered your spiritual imprint. , count her unlucky."

"That means Leviathan will fuse this keel every time she is reborn. Although her best dragon blood is not here, the keel is also a huge treasure."

Xia Mu closed his eyes.

The snow-colored skeleton was slowly pulled away, and the giant whale's body soon began to shrink, no blood flowed out, and all the essence was absorbed by the keel.

When the keel came into contact with Xia Mu's body, there was some resistance at first, but soon it took the initiative to fuse.

Xia Mu seemed to be wrapped in hot spring water, and the perception gradually spread from the body to the keel.

This huge keel...

Xia Mu opened his eyes, and the whole field of vision was the snow-white keel.

As the perception stretches and assimilates, the keel slowly begins to become part of the body.

But what makes him depressed is how to place and use such a large keel...

"You can't turn into a giant whale made of bones, can you?"

Xia Mu murmured in his heart.


Before he could figure out how to deal with it, suddenly a sense of great crisis came from the keel, and the high fever exploded in an instant.

Xia Mu only felt that the keel was burned as if it was about to melt.

Since the keel had been fused by him, the explosion seemed to hit him!
He looked through the layers of keels.

A nuclear submarine is hundreds of meters ahead...

(End of this chapter)

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