Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 377 Ye Mengjiade Won

Chapter 377 Ye Mengjiade Won
"Come on! Be careful!"

Xia Mi drank in a low voice.

The keel of Xia Mu's whole body twisted, and he stood in front of him for a moment.


A spear of ice pierced the surface of the keel, causing pain.

Xia Mu saw clearly the figure holding the spear, and couldn't help but froze for a moment: "It's pretty pretty..."

Snow fused with the embryo and turned into the real king of the ocean and water, a grown woman.

Her snow-haired body writhed like a snake in the sea water, she was covered in snow-white, and the cloth on her body could barely cover her body.

"Am I beautiful?"

Xia Mi was angry, "I am the most beautiful pearl on the throne! It is recognized!"

Xia Mu laughed: "Yes, you are the most beautiful."

The true kingship and power are one, which is not the same as the original one. It is not a double power of one plus one, but a tenfold improvement.

If Xia Mu hadn't absorbed the keel accumulated by Leviathan for countless years, then he definitely wouldn't have chosen to fight the real king of sea and water in the ocean.

But after the fusion, he already has the basic authority of the sea and water, and at the same time... part of the sky and the wind.

Abbas was more miserable. After being swallowed by Leviathan, his bones were gone. The power was in the giant whale, and then absorbed by Xia Mu.

"Try the power of the clone."

Xia Mu's Transformers-like keel turned into a giant fist and punched out, hitting the stress point accurately.

The water was raging and the ice was broken.

At the same time, Yan Ling Indra was released, and the Thunder Sword appeared in the dragon bone's hand.


Slashing down in anger, the lightning shone everywhere.

At this moment, Xia Mu understood why the sky and the wind and the sea and the water are the same, because it would be terrible if they fell in love and killed each other.

Seawater conducts electricity, and thunder in the water is stronger than in the air. Xuefang is unavoidable, and the whole body is immediately covered with electric current.

"Captain, Leviathan...still hunting?"

In the nuclear submarine sent by the Gattuso family, the first officer trembled as he watched the picture ahead.

The glaciers in the Arctic Ocean were shattered heavily, lightning and tsunamis, earthquakes and flames, the whole underwater seemed to be boiling.

But it was frozen in the next moment.

"Our task is to ensure that Caesar Gattuso returns alive. Now that the task is completed, what about Leviathan..."

The captain of the beautiful woman sneered, "The real worry now is the rising sea level, right? The entire Arctic Ocean will melt, and by then countless glaciers will move southward, and many coastal cities will be submerged!"

"Can only hope the more human of the two wins."

Passy turned around, "The captain, please return to the voyage, this time the voyage has been exhausting."

"The more human one?"

The captain stared at the screen, staring at the frantic fight between the two humanoid creatures, a little suspicious... There is really a human-like one among them?

Obviously, what I saw was beast-like fighting and ruthlessness.

Patsy walked into the back cabin and gently opened the hatch.

On the small bed of the submarine, the girl lay on the boy's chest, and the two fell asleep under the quilt.

Nuonuo and Caesar.

Pompeii Gattuso jumped up and down for a long time, except for the nuclear submarine and even prepared the fleet, and then rescued his precious son.

In the next month, the world seemed to suddenly enter a chaotic era.

The weather around the world is completely unpredictable. One moment the sky is clear, and the next moment it can be pouring rain, accompanied by thunder.

In arid places, waterlogging will cause disasters, and in humid climate regions, there will be thousands of miles of desolate land.

Of course, what attracts people's most attention is the rising sea level. There are as many as dozens of cities in the world that are about to be submerged.

The weather changes that completely violated the laws of nature have caused the countries to be devastated, and the theory of doomsday is rampant.

"The Arctic Ocean is suspected of a super volcanic eruption!"

"The Antarctic Glacier Breaks!"

"The Pacific tsunami lasted for ten days!"

"Earthquakes and tsunamis erupt in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans in sequence!"

"Ten cities were submerged, and all the coastal cities were in emergency!"

"The end... is it coming?"

News headlines are becoming more and more frightening. At the same time, countries have begun to bring the news industry under state control, and it is absolutely forbidden for the news industry to release sensational news at will.

For a moment, the whole world fell into silence.

But the chaos intensified. Under the panic of the end of the world, many people were releasing their hostility. The state machine was exhausted and had to mobilize many forces to suppress the chaotic people.

At the same time, the world police dispatched all aircraft carrier groups to maintain order around the world and search for the source.

Unfortunately, half of the aircraft carrier battle group was devastated.

Eagle sauce didn't even figure out what kind of attack it was, because the aircraft carrier battle group was torn apart one by one at a certain moment and turned into a pile of parts.

In the end, they can only slander the rabbit for secretly inventing new weapons, disregarding the world crisis, and viciously provoking war.

Rabbit didn't have an aircraft carrier at this time, so he couldn't help being a little confused...

In fact, it was just that Xia Mu used stress to destroy some aircraft carrier battle groups while fighting Neptune.


At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the metal parts of the five destroyed aircraft carrier battle groups merged into alchemy swords, echoing the alchemy array on the bottom of the ocean.

Snow was enveloped by the large alchemy formation, and her eyes were a little frightened: "When did you create the alchemy formation?!"

"Of course it's left behind."

Xia Mu said it as a matter of course.

When the Sheqi Bajia was about to blow up the Shenzang, the six Xumizuo played the role of the last line of defense, and was later refined into a giant alchemy sword by him.

While fighting Xue this time, every time he passed the Pacific Ocean, he would quietly change the arrangement of Xu Mizuo, slowly forming a huge alchemy sword formation, which combined with the parts and fragments of the five aircraft carrier battle groups at sea, formed an absolute sea and sea. Killing array.

The heart of the formation is the Thousand Chance Umbrella, or the last three of the Seven Deadly Sins, all born for slaying dragons.


The light forming a hexagonal prism controls Xue at the center, and alchemy swords are all around.

Xia Mu was suspended in the sea water, facing the snow across the alchemy formation.

"There is no grievance between us, I'm sorry I have to kill you..." Xia Mu said softly.

Xue looked at him indifferently, her eyes like a goddess of ice and snow fluctuated suddenly: "No, you are wrong, we all owe you."

Three question marks appeared on Xia Mu's forehead.

The alchemy sword began to fall, but Xue remained motionless, allowing the alchemy sword to cut through the dragon scales, leaving scars on her body.

"Because we owe you, you will get bronze and fire, earth and mountains one after another..."

"Because we owe you, we can't really do our best for you..."

"Because we owe you, the power in the blood will be restrained..."

Blood color diffused in the alchemy formation.

"This time, Ye Mengjiade won..."

Before Xue turned into pure dragon blood keel, she said the last sentence.

Xia Mu didn't know why, but a faint confusion and melancholy spread in his heart.

The powers belonging to the ocean and water converged on him, and Xia Mu finally gathered the power of the three dragon kings in one body.

The alchemy circle gradually dimmed.

(End of this chapter)

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