Chapter 378

"When I was very young, I used to wonder how the world works. Is it like a machine? Countless parts are combined, so there must be someone who operates it? But who is operating this machine? What about the human? How can I become the human who operates the machine?"

Lu Mingfei finally approached the end of his journey and met Christina who had evolved into a dragon.

Also, the poor replica old Bunin, and the odious little Bunin.

In the dim cave, Little Bunin said quietly: "I don't want to be a part, which wears out after a long time and is replaced by new parts. I started a business, attached to one big person after another, but I found that they also It's all parts. They seem to be the ones making the decisions, but in reality the decisions come from someone bigger. It's a food chain with no end in sight, but any chain has an end, and there must be someone sitting there, waiting for the food to be delivered To my own mouth. This idea is scary and funny, it has been in my mind, but I should never find the person at the end of the food chain in my life, I am too small... until I received that mysterious phone call."

"He recruited me, opened a hidden door in front of me, and I finally saw the dark side of the world. People at the top of the food chain hide in that dark side, managing their lives through proxies like me. The food chain. I do the dirtiest job for my master. I have blood from all kinds of people on my hands. The first time I do it, the second time I do it. The more I do, the deeper I get. I can get out of it unscathed. If I quit, someone will be responsible for wiping my blood clean."

Lu Mingfei was terrified, the dark side of the world, what is the dark side of the world?
He thought that the secret party and the constantly awakening ancient dragon were the dark side of the world, but that was just the "unknown" darkness, and Alexander Bunin saw the real darkness, masters and slaves, bloody food chains, cruel the law of survival.

And those masters in the dark side also know the secrets of the Dragon Clan.

Lu Mingfei saw Christina bestowing her own blood on a child, and that child immediately became a hybrid comparable to Caesar's blood.

He was cold.

For thousands of years, the secret party has been holding high the banner of courage, risking their lives against the ever-reviving ancient dragon, firmly believing that life will eventually disappear, but the glory of human nature will never die.

But if that power comes so easily, you only need to raise your head and swallow a drop of blood, how many people can refuse?
"Brother, what are you afraid of? It's like that duplicate body is desperate for its own daughter..."

Lu Mingze sat on the railing, looking indifferently at the bloody scene in front of him.

Little Bunin went to swallow Christina's blood, and old Bunin desperately wanted it.

"Because he didn't have his own life, only that child is the proof of his existence."

Lu Mingze said softly, "We have seen this world before, we are not meaningless."

Lu Mingfei was startled, vaguely realizing that he was talking about himself.

"I still remember the golden hour,
A place close to the soul.

Twilight falls and we are together,
The Danube roars in the shade. "

Old Bunin recited the poem in a low voice, where Lu Mingfei couldn't see, he was no longer a raging beast, and tears slowly flowed from his eyes, which should be muddy old tears, but slid across the young face .

Facing the corpse of his daughter, he read a love poem. At first he thought it was forbidden, but Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered the words that the little devil seemed unintentional. The real meaning of Christina to old Bunin was the girl named The projection of Bella's woman is a gift that makes him remember love forever, and it is the proof that he once existed in this world.

Now that proof was gone, and he was finally a ghost.

"The sun is slowly sinking and bids you farewell,

Also as a small hill, as a castle. "

Old Bunin waved at the corpses in the blue fire, like a boy sailing away in a small boat, waving goodbye to Xiaguang and the girl on the shore.

everything is over.

When Xia Mu completed the third dragon slaying at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, Lu Mingfei also revealed a corner of the dark side of the world.

"They left?"

"Well, let's go."

Some figures in black robes watched Lu Mingfei and the others leave in a hovercraft.

"Keep an eye on him, only he can open the gate of the Nibelungen for us."

"Don't worry, everything is ready."

"Where's our Satan? Are you ready?"

"Maybe...some problems..."

The leader in the black robe frowned slightly.

"Although we have part of the White King's keel, she is the core part. Using the keel to attract and control cannot last..."

"Next, if King Bai is truly reborn by sacrificing the Supreme Bone, no one can say whether she follows our strategy or directs us."

The man in black shook his head slowly: "No, the real White King will do the same thing, because...she is our Satan..."

In the depths of the woods, many men in black robes looked up, and the faces exposed under the hoods... were exactly the same.

The super army of clones has fully matured its technology.

On the dark side of the world, a huge shadow lurks.

And it is spreading across the world.

"Pacific tsunami dead! Indian Ocean tsunami dead! Atlantic tsunami dead!"

"Earthquakes disappear everywhere!"

"Arctic Ocean refreezes glaciers, ocean levels slowly drop!"

Everything seems to be a false alarm, those storms, those unnatural phenomena, all seem to be hallucinations.

People were ecstatic, and then returned to normal life one by one, and even retaliatory consumption increased, probably a stress response after extreme fright.

What they didn't know was that the so-called false alarm was just that after Xia Mu fused with the Queen of Ocean and Water, she went to the Arctic Ocean to recreate the glacier.

"Erika is right, the world is like a ruby ​​coveted by snakes, beautiful and fragile."

Xia Mu sat on the highest point of the Arctic Ocean glacier, with huge snow-colored membrane wings stretched behind him.

The wind was cold, but it felt like a breeze on his face.

"Did you notice anything?" Xia Mi asked softly.

Xia Mu nodded slightly: "The fusion of three elements, the closer you are to the origin of the world, the more you can feel the disorder of the elements and the fragility of the world... This world has reached its limit."

"I even..."

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he looked towards the direction of Black Swan Harbor in the south, "There are spiritual elements gathering, it's the White King..."

"And the last sky and wind..."

His gaze was cast farther south.

"Did I gather the real Earth, Water, Fire and Wind first, or did the dark side control the real White King first..."

Xia Mu stood up slowly, with white membrane wings covering the sky and the sun.

"Leave it to fate."

"Erika...wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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