Chapter 382
"It seems that you already know some, yes, we call them the monarchs of the dark side of the world."

Lu Lincheng said softly, "The secret party may be able to deal with those brainless dragon kings, but it has no chance of winning against the monarchs on the dark side of the world. The most difficult thing for human beings to defeat is not those things with wings and sharp claws, but It is the enemy from within the human race."

Lu Mingfei asked: "How will the war start?"

"You went to Kassel College and received the best education in the world. You should be able to figure it out."

"Dividing mankind starts with regional conflicts, then wars between countries, and then world wars." Lu Mingfei said slowly.


Lu Lincheng stared into his eyes.

"Hundreds of millions of people will die, all countries will overdraw their national power, and then they will take over power secretly or openly, run for president, or become a warlord in a certain region."

"They can also use super-speaking spirits to create regional disasters. Human beings will look forward to a powerful savior, and they are the ones who can pretend to be powerful saviors. They are step by step towards the foreground, and re-erect the giant bronze pillars on the earth , built new cities around those pillars, and the sacred buildings were built very high, in which lived the kings of the dragon clan, who were worshiped by humans and asked for help when they encountered problems."

Lu Lincheng said slowly, "The world has returned to the era of dragons."

"That is a war that is likely to be lost, so humanity needs safe havens."

"I'll take you around, see this safe haven, and say hello to our neighbors. Maybe after the war, these are the last free people in the world."

Lu Lincheng stood up, grabbed a heavy coat and threw it on Lu Mingfei...


The motorcycle drove directly into the cemetery.

Such an undignified behavior would logically cause dissatisfaction, but the mausoleum guards turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye.

Caesar drove his motorcycle and stopped in front of his mother's grave.

"This...wouldn't be too good?" Nuonuo quickly jumped off the motorcycle.

Caesar parked the motorcycle in front of the grave steadily, and shook his head: "No, she likes to see me like this the most."

He still remembers seeing him riding a motorcycle, and she said that a young man should be such a young man in bright clothes and angry horse, showing off wantonly.

So from then on, he always drove a motorcycle to see his mother.

"Mom, she is the Nuonuo I told you many times..."

Caesar sat down in front of the tombstone, "Now, she is my wife, I hope you like her."

Nuonuo hurriedly knelt down beside him.

But Caesar stopped her: "Do whatever you want, mother is just an ordinary woman, there are not as many rules as the family, the more relaxed the better."


Nuonuo imitated him sitting cross-legged.

"I, what do I want to say?" She asked in a low voice.

Caesar took her hand, smiled and shook his head: "My mother and I have talked a lot about us, and she knows all about your great achievements."

Nuonuo's face darkened: "Aren't you going to cover it up for me?!"

"It's okay, mom likes girls like you who dare to fight."

Nuonuo fell silent.

She can probably guess what a sad story this is, just like her own biological mother, it has become an eternal pain in her heart.

Nuonuo grasped Caesar's hand tightly.

"When I take over the family, everything will change."

Caesar said softly, "Families that always put interests first are too cold, without love and yearning in their hearts, they are walking dead, and I want to change everything."

Nuonuo couldn't help but smile.

Even if her Caesar is married, she still retains that kind of youthful heart.

She began to look forward to the future, looking forward to seeing the family gradually become more humane under the leadership of Caesar.

The two stayed in the mausoleum until evening before returning.

At this time, there were already cars parked outside to pick up people, but no one dared to take Caesar back by force.

In the past, there might have been some people relying on Frost to be tough on Caesar, but now they all know that Caesar will be the head of the house from tomorrow onwards, the one who can decide their fate with a word, and who would dare to say anything to him.

"Abominable face."

Caesar glanced at these people expressionlessly, and spit out a word coldly.

The two finally returned to the wedding room, and many people inside and outside breathed a sigh of relief.

"Caesar, do you think it's weird? They seem to be very concerned about our wedding. Isn't the ceremony complete?"

Nuonuo kicked off her shoes and slumped on the sofa a little tired.

Caesar put away the shoes she had taken off, brought slippers and put them at her feet.

"I don't see anything. You don't feel right?" Caesar asked.

Nuonuo shrugged: "It's okay, I didn't see any big people, but those servants and maids seemed relieved to see us come back, as if something bad had been avoided."

Caesar shook his head and poured two glasses of whiskey: "Maybe it's Frost's request to make sure we're at home."


Nuonuo still felt that something was wrong, but couldn't see it.

It's just that those people are a little nervous. Could it be that my profile has magnified something?
She couldn't help but wonder.


Caesar sat next to her with two glasses of wine and squeezed together.

Nuonuo gulped it down, Huo De stood up and threw himself on the big bed: "I'm so tired!"

A smile appeared in Caesar's eyes, he put down his wine glass and sat down by the bed, "You seem nervous?"

"Why am I nervous? I'm not!"

Nuonuo snorted coldly, but kept a little distance away from him silently.

Caesar lay sideways beside her, reaching out to touch her cheek, with a charming smile in his blue eyes, "Today you are mine."

"In the future." He added.

Nuonuo turned her head away, but her face slowly turned red.

She was not emotional before, so naturally she would not have any happy things with Caesar, but now that they are married, there is no reason to refuse, and she is also very emotional.

Caesar turned over and landed on her, like a big black bear throwing a little rabbit down...

"Lights out."

In the most secluded tower of the castle complex, all the family elders who had attended the wedding after resuscitation gathered here and sat around a long table.

On the huge screen opposite, there are faint red figures entangled together, vaguely the appearance of Caesar and Nuonuo in the room.

Fortunately, they had a bit of morality left, and what they were watching was the thermal imaging live broadcast.

"Hey, will you old guys feel impulsive watching my son's live broadcast?"

Pompeii still looked unscrupulous, with his legs raised high, looking around, as if there was something wrong with not holding a woman in his arms.

"Shut up, this is the most sacred moment for the family for thousands of years, be serious!" said an elder.

"Oh hehe, a group of people watch my son's sports, do you want me to watch it with an academic research mentality?"

Pompey laughed ironically.

"I have a very serious suggestion, and I hope everyone will adopt it."

He pointed to the thermal imaging screen in front and said, "Although I can't watch the uncensored high-definition version, at least let's have some sound, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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