Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 383 Gattuso's ambition

Chapter 383 Gattuso's ambition
"Xia Mu, you are so perverted..."

Xia Mi's disdainful and excited voice sounded in his mind.

Xia Mu held his breath and concentrated, restraining all his breath, so as not to be discovered by the two fighting above.

"How did I know that the Gattuso family's underground tunnels extend in all directions, and they can actually lead directly to their wedding room!" He cried out in his mind.

"I like it so much! Let's go to the bottom of the bed! This tunnel directly leads to the bottom of their bed!" Xia Mi exclaimed excitedly.

Xia Mu: "..."

"Follow the business and do the business. We are here to find the King of the Sky and the Wind, not to listen to the corner."

Xia Mu put his hand on the wall of the dark passage to sense, "I don't know if it's my illusion, but the breath of sky and wind suddenly appeared tonight."

"Okay..." Xia Mi was a little disappointed: "You can basically trust your own feelings, because three are missing and one is missing..."

Xia Mu was numb: "You should play mahjong!"


Xia Mi shook her legs.

Xia Mu quietly left the basement of Caesar and Nuonuo's wedding room, followed by a wonderful induction, and walked down the corridor.

"Xia Mi, did you hear the girl crying?"

After a while, Xia Mu frowned and stopped.

"What you heard is what I heard. Deep in the ground, someone is crying." Xia Mi said.

Xia Mu frowned: "The Gattuso family has always been weird, especially this time the wedding was incredibly big. Not only were all the old and immortals present, but even the family members were all called back."

"Didn't you always suspect that there was something wrong with Chen Motong? Maybe today is the time for the truth to be revealed."

"Did something happen on the wedding night? That would be too cruel..."

Xia Mu's eyes sharpened, his speed suddenly increased, his figure shuttled through the corridor, and quickly descended.

"Do you still remember that time at the original address of the Gattuso family? You helped me buy time on the ground, and I sneaked underground to find traces. What I saw at that time was very similar to what you are now." Xia Mi said.

"Well, let's see what the hell the Gattuso family is doing."

Xia Mu broke through the darkness, and a bright underground cavity appeared in front of him, with dazzling lights everywhere.

The first thing he saw was Fellowes, the giant king of sky and wind, who had fought in the first battle.

It's just that she is not as lively as before, she is lying on the huge platform, dying.

Xia Mu also saw Percy Gattuso.

Caesar's most loyal secretary was leaning on the giant dragon, his body covered in white silk connected to the dragon king, blood was continuously gathering on him.

The tall figure covered in black robe was hidden in the darkness, but it couldn't escape Xia Mu's eyes.

But they didn't find Xia Mu who came quietly.

"Poor Dr. Herzog, he must not want to know that he is actually an experiment, hahaha..."

The man in black laughed wantonly, "Success! We have succeeded! A great era has come!"

Paxi looked at him indifferently, the half gold and half blue pupils gradually changed color.

"Half of your body has been soaked in dragon's blood, that Erika Uesugi was accidentally stained with dragon's blood, and you are the most perfect container we have imitated!"

The man in black opened his arms and waved them vigorously, "You don't have to endure the pain of being weak every day, you are liberated!"

Passy got up slowly, fisted with both hands: "I have never felt so powerful for a moment, Mr. Bondarev, your talent will make even the dragons fear."

Finally at this moment, Xia Mu heard the name Bondarev, and everything suddenly became clear.

"It turns out that after the bombing of Black Swan Harbor, neither of these two conspirators died. Herzog once said that he killed Bondarev and got his research notes. Now it seems that it is Bondarev." Darev deliberately..."

Xia Mu said in his mind, "He passed on to Herzog the imaginary blood exchange technology that has not been practiced yet. Herzog really tried his best to experiment, and finally almost succeeded."

"If it wasn't for you, he would have succeeded." Xia Mi said.

Xia Mu nodded: "And Bondarev has been hiding behind Gattuso's house. The reason why the sword of Damocles appeared so timely is to prevent Herzog from becoming the White King. Erzog did experiments, but even made a plan for destruction."

"You still have a period of time to enjoy the moment when you are powerful, and you will not lose consciousness. This is my humanized improvement after the success of Herzog's experiment," the black-robed man chuckled, "Of course, the more important thing is this The blood exchange effect is better, and you will maximize the role of the container."

Percy's eyes have turned into the color of lava, deep and terrifying.

Bondarev almost trembled as he stared at him.

"Actually, I really want to kill you." Passy stared at Bondarev.

Bondarev's expression changed: "Why?"

Now Paxi has absorbed the dragon blood of the king of sky and wind, which is the blood of the real king after the fusion of two kings. Even if his consciousness is on the verge of collapse, he can kill him with a single thought!
"If it weren't for you, I would still be an ordinary offshoot of the family. Although it is not as beautiful as the main family, I can still get the benefits of the surname Gattuso and easily get a wealthy life."

Paxi's eyes flickered coldly, "Until you appeared, I was selected by the family and became the most special tool. My parents and relatives got huge benefits, but I was sacrificed... who cares? "

"But you care, don't you?" Bondarev smiled dryly, "It's because you care so much about your relatives that they trust you."

"Yeah, I used to think so too..."

Passy looked up at the sky above the empty cave, "But the power and power I have now is beyond your imagination. I have an urge in my heart. Before I lose consciousness, I will indulge, torture and kill everyone..."

"The first person to kill...is you!"

Bondarev felt cold all over his body, and just about to say something out loud, Patsy's figure in front of him suddenly disappeared.

His eyes widened... Could it be that he is going to die?When you are about to complete your great achievements?

When the loud noise came, Bondarev subconsciously felt that he had been hit, but his body felt nothing.

Behind him, the cave collapsed.

"So fast...almost like teleportation..."

Xia Mu's faint sigh sounded, "The performance is really good, I thought you were really going to kill this old thing at first."

"Unfortunately, it still didn't work."

Paxi's claws failed to cut Xia Mu's throat, because the white keel was in front of him.

"You are going to die, this power is not yours, do you really have no hatred in your heart?" Xia Mu looked into his eyes.

Paxi flapped her membrane wings, suspended in the center of the cave, and looked down at Xia Mu.

"I'm Passi from the Gattuso family, and I'm Master Caesar's secretary and his container."

"This is my honor."

(End of this chapter)

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