Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 387 Lu Mingfei's Last Deal

Chapter 387 Lu Mingfei's Last Deal
"No, no, don't, don't do this..."

The boy on the ice wailed softly.

"How dare you! How dare! How dare!!!"

But another voice echoed on the frozen lake, as if it came straight down from the center of the sky, and then echoed repeatedly between the earth and the sky.

In fact, these two voices were made by him alone, as if another person really woke up in his body.

The last refuge has been breached.

When that girl named Erika made a move, everything was irreversible.

The line of defense collapsed, and all the mixed races standing in front were killed.

The army of clones returned again, turning into a sea of ​​hybrids and flooding the sanctuary.

Lu Mingfei watched all this, and watched the terrible things happen.

Lu Lincheng, Qiao Weini, everyone is guarding the final sanctuary, but the line of defense is being compressed step by step.

Alchemy weapons, alchemy formations, no matter what, are vulnerable to the wave of clones.

Lu Mingfei was held tightly by Lu Lincheng's side, and retreated to the final sanctuary first.

But Qiao Weini did not have this right.

She can only fall into siege.

So what if she is also S rank?

Lu Mingfei saw with his own eyes that a replica sent the knife into her body...

The unconscious and ignorant clone hybrid actually panicked.

For a terrible king has appeared, and his breath is everywhere, and his majesty and anger seem to be real.

Lu Mingfei put down his hand covering his face, a golden light burst out from the depths of his blood-red eyes.

He came back, the kind of anger that ruled the world came back again, with a ferocious look, his voice was sharp and distorted, as if blowing from a curved silver horn, the wail of a demon.

He couldn't tell if it was his own voice or the voice of the devil in his heart. Sadness and anger burned his mind brightly...

kill them?

Then... as you wish!
There is no transaction process, the question and answer are all in an instant, and it is not even possible to distinguish whether it is a conversation between him and Lu Mingze or his soliloquy.

The body wakes up in an instant, every joint is opened like a valve, and the torrent of imprisoned power washes the blood vessels and nervous system, reaching every corner of the limbs and bones.

Countless words or spells reverberated in his mind, some of which he understood and some of which he did not understand, but unlocked... all unlocked!
He roared at the frightened clones, "Kill!"

That was not a word or a syllable, but an order, an order to burn the city.

The moment the order was issued, the bloody aura blew across the snow field like a strong wind, and the tough scales on the replicas were blown away like fallen leaves by the strong wind, and their flesh and blood were blown away like dust, turning into a thick red blizzard .

When he speaks of death, real death will come. Everything in the world is his scythe, and according to his will, cut through the raging wind and snow, depriving life regardless of enemy or friend.

The wind covered in scales swept across the attackers, and they seemed to be hit head-on by a torrent of steel.

Some people wanted to escape, but they couldn't run past the scythe of death, while others just watched blankly, allowing themselves to be swallowed by the red blizzard.

"That is... the wrath of the Supreme."

In the depths of the sanctuary, the old people looked ahead.

Lu Mingfei ran out the moment Qiao Wenni died, and this was exactly as they expected.

"Lincheng, you did it." Someone praised.

Lu Lincheng's expression was cold: "That's my wife!"

"Otherwise, how could the Supreme we made awaken?"

The muscles on Lu Lincheng's face were convulsed, and he couldn't say a word.

"The man-made dragon king project was originally intended to be tested on a certain dragon king, but I didn't expect the Supreme to attach his spirit to your son."

The old people said one sentence.

"He did it, he is a real dragon-slaying weapon."

"Now that he has awakened, the dark side monarch who killed his mother will not have to worry about it anymore, he will take care of it."

"All sacrifices are worth it."


There was obviously no wind, but the old people suddenly felt cold all over their bodies.

"what happened?"

They turned around at the same time, only to find a figure of a girl standing in the depths of the sanctuary behind them.

"When did she come in!"

The old people turned pale with fright.

Lu Lincheng retreated slowly, walking towards the edge of the sanctuary.


He called Lu Mingfei hoarse in his throat.

A line of blood appeared on his throat, and blood gushed out.

The old people dare not move.

The silver-haired girl withdrew her hand and looked at the boy hanging on the golden holy spear, her wine-red pupils gradually burning golden light.

"Is there something I'm missing...here..."

Her voice dissipated into the void...

Lu Mingfei was immersed in the great grief of his mother's death, and was so frightened that he couldn't even breathe.

Giovanni was lying in his arms, bleeding was oozing from the bullet holes all over her body.

"Save her... who will save my mother..."

He hugged his mother in grief and fear, and was weighed down by the whole world, and no one responded to his cry for help.

Lu Mingze, whom he had not seen for a long time, came in rhythm, his white windbreaker rose and fell, and the sound of his heels hitting the ice was light and beautiful.

"Why are you still such a waste, brother?"

He suddenly came to Lu Mingfei from afar, and said in a reproachful tone, "If you can't handle it yourself, just leave it to me. Leave it to me, sleep peacefully, and the people you love will be happy."

"Do you care so much about whether you are the owner of this body? Aren't you willing to bet your life for your friends?"

"Leave it to me, I can save your friends, I can save your family, I can save everyone you care about."

"At the end of the day, you are too selfish, you are not willing to give up your own existence, and you screw up everything in the end."

"In that world without you, everyone you love will be happy, why not? Between you and me, why do you have to let the weak one live? Just because the strong one is evil?"

"In the world of the kind and weak child, everyone will die in the end, leaving him alone."

Lu Mingze turned into the wind and snow lingering in his ears, murmuring repeatedly, he was so painful that he wanted to cover his ears, but he couldn't let go of his mother in his arms.

Those words were clear, revealing the devil's malice, but they were irrefutable truths.

He was so afraid of trading his own life, maybe it wasn't for some noble purpose, it was just that this cowardly and poor soul wanted to continue to occupy this body.

When this soul sleeps and the devil wakes up, the world may become a better place. The devil may grind his teeth and suck blood, but the devil loves the same person as he does, and he will be kind to his mother, Xia Mu, and Chu Zihang.

The devil will even deliberately pretend to be obedient in front of them, and they won't even realize that the soul in the body has been replaced by the devil's.

Is this bad?Why should the evil and powerful be asleep?That weak person who thinks he is kind but wants to occupy his body selfishly?Nobody really needs him, he's the real liability.

He slowly closed his eyes, consciously falling asleep.

Like his first night at Haven.

(End of this chapter)

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