Chapter 388 Celestial Beach
""Dragon Race" broke the world film box office record!"

"A magnificent world! Mysterious dragon clan! This is a world you have never imagined!"

"If there are dragons and hybrids in this world, is there a place for us humans?"

"In the fantasy world, even if Ned Hogg is reborn, there will still be a hero like Xia Mu to save the world. What about the reality?"

"In the past, most countries agreed that peace and development are the themes of today's world, but now there are frequent turmoil, natural disasters are intensifying, and countries are starting to be hostile for each other's interests. How long will there be peace?"

It seems that there is a force behind the scenes to fuel the flames, and the craze for "Dragon Race" around the world has begun to surge.

Accompanying the film is not only the discussion of the dragon itself, but also the sympathy and concern about the world situation.

The end of the world in the film is magnificently depicted, which is in line with Master Mei's "Titanic" in the past. Under the grandeur, there is a collision of different human natures under the disaster.

Is it crazy looting or good intentions?
Is he willing to die or surrender weakly?
At the end of the film, human beings are still unable to unite in the face of the powerful dragons. More than half of the human beings are crawling at the feet of dragons, preferring to live as slaves.

It was Xia Mu who showed unparalleled strength that only half of the human race chose to resist.

The rest of them ate and waited to die, living a day is a day.

This is the sentient beings under the disaster.

The director never intended to make a superhero movie, what he made was the brilliance of humanity in a disaster movie.

Because even in the darkest days, there is still a love that lasts forever, a family that never leaves, and a friendship that supports each other.

This is what the movie wants to express.

"In the movie, I was the protagonist who killed the Quartet, but in this reality, I can only watch from the sidelines..."

Xia Mu walked through the Gattuso family's manor and saw a group of old people's broken limbs.

Their heads hang from crosses like some bloody curse.

"He is conscious, he is still Caesar."

Xia Mu only saw the old man's body, but no other innocent people.

"The eyes of the Black King, the bones of the Black King, the blood of the Wind King..."

"Such a guy deserves to be called Caesar..."

He spread his membrane wings, flew up into the sky, and went straight into the clouds, at a speed many times faster than before, and even faster.

The keel of the Wind King endowed him with the spirit of words, instant, with the strength of his body and the purity of the super strong dragon blood, it is directly the highest level of acceleration.

At this level, everything in the world becomes very slow in my eyes, just like the flow of time slows down in my body.

Xia Mu flew freely in the air, and the sound wall left behind made a thunderous sound in the air.

"Aren't you going to hunt Caesar? The last wind king's blood is with him." Xia Mi reminded him.

Xia Mu's speed slowly slowed down.

"No, I've decided to hang out for a while."

He was calm beyond Xia Mi's expectations, "Don't you feel that many things are starting to go off track?"

"Leviathan and Xue are pretty normal, but Caesar's appearance is too unexpected. Even if those old things in their family die, it's not certain that no one will continue to make trouble behind them."

"And the lord of the dark side."

"Odin hiding in the dark."

"Chu Zihang has been silent for a long time."

"There's also Erika, I've been able to vaguely detect her existence before, but she disappeared again in the past few days..."

Xia Mi remained silent, watching him slowly land after flying for 5 minutes.

"Huh, the beach? Are you going on vacation at this time?" She was a little surprised.

Xia Mu smiled softly: "Yes, watch with me."

"You're so! You pervert!"

Xia Mi scolded loudly.

What Xia Mu landed on was a celestial beach.

The so-called nudist beach, also known as the nude beach, means that people have the right to not wear any clothes on the beach without any trouble.

Similar to upper body beaches, i.e. topless beaches, but the reproductive system must be covered…

"Damn! There are men! Don't look!"

Natsuki appears behind a tree at super speed while turning off the sensory sharing with Natsuki.

"Woooo! Shut up my little black room!"

"You see it yourself but don't let me see it!"

"You big scumbag!"


There is a string of ellipses on Xia Mu's forehead.

He has never seen a celestial beach before, but only when he arrives will he realize that there are not many people who don't wear clothes at all, especially men.

After all, men always have some abnormal reactions when facing women. It would be embarrassing to walk up and down, which requires extremely strong psychological quality.

Xia Mu walked along the beach in one direction.

The climate here is pleasant, the air is fresh and not too hot.

Seeing the people enjoying themselves in comfort, he couldn't help feeling a little envious.

"This is life..."

He sighed lowly.

Finally, he found a... sunscreen place on the corner of the beach.

There is a surge of people here, and it can be seen that business is good.

"Brother Boss is so handsome! Which one do you like?"

"I like my brother! He is calm and powerful! Especially when he put on sunscreen for me, the technique is very professional."

"My younger brother is also good. My younger brother is very gentle and considerate. He is white and clean, with a unique oriental taste."

"It's a pity that the proprietress is watching, my brother never agrees to go out to play together at night."

"Although my brother can go out, he can't do anything substantive..."

"And that uncle, a perverted old pervert, is also very difficult to date."

"Strange family."


Listening to the women's discussion, Xia Mu couldn't help smiling.

Of course, the whole family gave birth to them.

Sakura was in charge of collecting the money, and the three men were in charge of applying sunscreen.

Yuzakura appears very restrained in Yuan Zhisheng, unless the customer specifies, otherwise Yuan Zhinu and Uesugi Koshi help to apply sunscreen.

I have to say that the women here are open and sexy, and they take pleasure in teasing oriental brothers. What I like to see most is the faint and shy smile on the face of Yuan Zhinv.

I don't know if they will rush after them knowing that these guys who sell sunscreen are all murderers without blinking an eye.

"It's been a good day."

Xia Mu sat down beside Sakura, watching the three men busy together.


Sakura lowered her head to settle accounts without raising her head.

With the powerful perception of the mixed race, the four of them noticed one after another when Xia Mu approached.

Yuan Zhisheng withdrew his hand from the roundness of the woman with a little embarrassment, ending a service.

Minamoto Girl and Uesugi Koshi are still busily busy.

"Why are you interested in coming to our place?"

Yuan Zhisheng came over, opened two bottles of cold beer, and handed Xia Mu a bottle.

Xia Mu raised his head and drank vigorously, the cold beer was very refreshing in such weather.

"Come and see your leisurely life," he put down the empty bottle and said with a smile, "it looks pretty good, fulfilling your top dream of being a tortoise."

"not yet."

Yuan Zhisheng smiled and repeated, "Not yet."

(End of this chapter)

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