Chapter 389
"Leave Erika's affairs to me."

Xia Mu knew what Yuan Zhisheng meant.

They looked relaxed, but they were extremely nervous, especially after Erika disappeared.

"The world situation is becoming more and more turbulent, and your film work is also very meaningful..."

Yuan Zhisheng cast his eyes on the sea, "I don't know when, the world will fall into terrible turmoil and war."

"very soon."

Xia Mu lowered his voice, "Help me organize it, so that the family will enter a state of complete retreat."

Yuan Zhisheng was startled, and his pupils shrank slightly: "The shrunken state...what is it?"

Xia Mu slowly tightened his open right hand: "The shrinking state is to twist into a rope, all forces are silent, do not participate in the conflict of interests between mixed races, do not expand the territory, do not recruit troops, and keep silent."

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a long time, and slowly let out a foul breath: "Is it really going to... the world be in chaos?"

"Yes." Xia Mu looked into the distance together, "The person who secretly contributed to the promotion of the movie "Dragon Race" to the world must have foreseen this. He is vaccinating ordinary people to increase their acceptance."

"Ordinary people will also get involved?!"

Yuan Zhisheng almost cried out.

He was so surprised. In the past countless years of history, no matter how many wars occurred, even World War I and World War II, they were all pressed underwater tacitly, without breaking the foundation of the ordinary people's world.

Because the mixed races all know that once the truth of the world is discovered, ordinary people will no longer be able to become the cradle of mixed races, unable to provide stable production, the world will fall into turmoil and chaos, and it is not impossible for human beings to perish.

This matter may not have collapsed in slavery or feudal society in the past, but in a modern society where democracy and freedom are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, can human beings accept a superior race and a mixed race that surpasses ordinary people? It's all unknown.

"It's inevitable."

Xia Mu's face was serious, "And ordinary people bear the brunt of the brunt. The Dragon King who hides in the dark is smarter than anyone else. He will not choose to raise the battle flag directly. He will let human beings kill each other first, throwing bait to make the half-breeds fight against each other." Fighting to the death, he even used Erika to prevent me from really watching..."

Yuan Zhisheng was horrified when he heard that: "Really?"

Xia Mu sneered: "Just look at it."

The last days of leisure did not last even a week.

"Xia Mu, the European hybrid and the American hybrid have fallen out. One side is led by the secret party, and the other is the Henkel organization. Both sides are testing our attitude."

Yuan Zhisheng came.

Xia Mu lay on the beach, bathing in the sunset.

"Let's do a family welfare, all members travel, the destination... well, just New Zealand."

"The whole family is going to New Zealand?"

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, it's safer to watch the battle there."

Within a week, the eight companies of Snake Qi chartered countless flights, and all of them went to New Zealand for a carnival, which broke the eyes of both Midang and Henkel.

This attitude of obviously not participating and losing many industries is reassuring, but also suspicious.

The mixed races of the two parties are not idiots, the more there is a third party watching coldly, the less they dare to start a dispute lightly, lest they be picked by Xia Mu.

The mixed-race world fell silent for a while.

However, the contradictions among the big powers have intensified, and no one knows how to fuel the flames, and the smell of gunpowder is spreading around the world.

The world economy has not fully recovered since the financial crisis, and the technological explosion brought about by the third technological revolution has almost been digested. Without a new engine to drive development, countries can only compete for each other's interests.

There are many conflicts between countries, and ordinary people are also hostile.

When the economy stagnates, a more equitable distribution becomes everyone's appeal, which is destined to be accompanied by more and more confrontation and chaos.

Worldwide unrest is increasing.

There were demonstrations and demonstrations in various places, frequent beatings, smashing, looting and burning, and the tense atmosphere spread.

The scope of the war gradually expanded.

Ying Jiang and Mao Xiong successively invested more troops around irreconcilable disputes.

The whole of Europe is in chaos.

But the war didn't just happen there, it spread across almost every continent.

"How did you do it..."

Yuan Zhisheng listened to Kaguya Ji's report in a daze.

"Almost all countries have territorial disputes, and hot wars broke out with neighboring countries one after another, even Oceania. I thought we would always be a happy land hiding in New Zealand, but who knew that the next door wanted to annex it..."

Xia Mu shook his head lightly: "Haven't you found out yet? The high-level leaders of most countries have been infiltrated into a sieve, and they just want human beings to kill each other and keep killing the number."

"For the Dragon Clan, a hybrid with the support of all humans is not easy to deal with, not to mention that so many hot weapons are very troublesome. It is no longer the time when only the words and blood can subdue humans thousands of years ago..."

"So, they've also moved with the times."

"Integrate into the human world and drive humans to fight."

Although New Zealand was also involved in the war, as a mixed-race family like the Snaki Hachi, it is not difficult to control the officialdom.

They were not interested in helping New Zealand defend against foreign enemies, and simply let the country surrender.

"As long as there is nuclear deterrence, several major powers will not be able to fight each other. If the major powers at the center of the world are not in chaos, there will be no world war..."

Yuan Zhisheng's judgment lasted only three days before it was shattered.

"Is it credible that the strategic nuclear weapons of nuclear-armed countries were exposed and destroyed?!"

A piece of news that shattered the sky shocked the whole world.

A video circulated on the Internet about the storage locations of nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel around the world, as well as the video evidence of destruction and destruction.

Whether it was the stock of two or three thousand pieces of Maoxiong and Sakura sauce, or the hundreds of super-large pieces secretly hidden by the rabbit, they were all destroyed.

The nuclear facilities secretly built by several other countries were also buried.

There is no foreign enemy, no invasion, just like the earth finally couldn't bear it anymore, only to see the earth rolling, the nuclear warhead being squeezed and destroyed, and buried in the ground.

Or the ocean tide is turbulent, and all the nuclear submarines are involved in the deep sea vortex.

Originally in this world, nuclear-armed and non-nuclear countries are two worlds. No matter how far the nuclear-armed countries decline, no non-nuclear countries dare to provoke them because of super deterrence.

But now the deterrence is gone.

Everyone shivered.

I originally thought that world peace was the theme, I thought that a world war was impossible, I thought that a nuclear war would be the end of the world...

But now, all the premise has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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