Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 406 Is This Chu Zihang?

The throne in the darkness, the shadow sitting on the throne has scorching golden pupils, his wings cover the sky and the sun, as if he wants to make the whole world crawl under his feet.

"Is it really Concubine Ming..."

Xia Mu stared blankly at the figure on the throne.

That was the picture captured by the satellite, and it was also the picture that the other party deliberately made the whole world see.

"It looks like it's him." Yuan Zhisheng said.

Xia Mu shook his head slightly: "At this moment, standing in front of the ultimate world, you will find that everything has become unknowable. What we see, think or even do is not necessarily true."

Yuan Zhisheng was at a loss for words.

Xia Mu thought for a while, and said: "Notify the family members, shrink the battle line again, and enter the silent defense state."

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned, and said with a bit of toothache: "Are we... going to the theater again?"

"Waiting...is such a broad and profound word."

The old god Xia Mu is here, "I'm only worried about the hand that controls everything, and won't let me wait... Just like what happened to Erika last time, forcing me to stand on the world stage, this time he must have a backhand... There are three days."

"What three days?"

Yuan Zhisheng didn't react for a while.

Xia Mu rolled his eyes: "I mean, there are still three days before Yiyi's baby is born, anyway, I can't leave during this period."

Yuan Zhisheng: "..."

It turns out that the survival of the world is not as important as your Yiyi's childbirth...

Xia Mu hung up the phone connection, waved Kaguya Ji back, and continued to support his head to watch his family's Yiyi eat.

An endless stream of food was brought up, and then disappeared into Erika's small mouth in an endless stream.

He couldn't help leaning over and hugging her body from behind, and gently placed his hands on her already round abdomen, stroking her a little.

Erika stopped and leaned back into his arms, "I'm so tired from eating..."

Xia Mu laughed.

But think about it, if you eat non-stop for 7 days, you will probably throw up when you see the food.

"I asked them to bring another batch of chefs over."

Erika nodded repeatedly.

"Mumu, what do you think our child will be like?" She covered Xia Mu's arm with her small hands, pressing her big belly together.

Xia Mu thought deeply: "Maybe it will be very similar to Xia Mi?"

Erika's eyes widened a bit: "Xia Mi?!"

Then her little head shook like a rattle, "No, no, no! Xia Mi will snatch people..."

Xia Mu pressed the center of his eyebrows, feeling more and more... the future is unpredictable.


Erika's expression changed.

"What's wrong?" Xia Mu asked.

Erika pointed at her belly, looking like she was about to cry: "She kicked me... woo..."

Xia Mu: "..."

Erika's expression changed after a while.

"what happened again?"

"I'm hungry…"

Erika looked up pitifully.

Xia Mu looked at her belly, admiring Xia Mi beyond measure.

It's something I never imagined...

When Erika was forced to enter a new round of eating, suddenly there was a thunderous sound of hooves.

Xia Mu's face changed, and he let go of Erika's willow waist, and appeared outside the room with a teleportation speed.

Sure enough, it was a familiar scene, a masked man riding an eight-legged horse, holding a golden gun.

"Compare Scissorhands to me again?"

Xia Mu folded his arms.

To his surprise, this time the masked man behaved differently from before, every move... seemed to be full of human breath.

He jumped off the horse, put away the golden holy spear, and stood straight in front of Xia Mu.

Xia Mu frowned and looked at him... something was wrong.

"Xia Mu, long time no see."

Chu Zihang's voice!Very peaceful!

Xia Mu watched helplessly as he slowly took off the mask, and showed him a warm and gentle smile.

He fell silent.

who I am?Where am I?Everything I see is real?

Brother will also laugh? !

Xia Mu fell into self-doubt.

It was Chu Zihang's face, it was Chu Zihang's appearance, but his tone of voice and expression was not Chu Zihang's at all!
"Long time no see." Xia Mu remained calm.

Chu Zihang smiled slightly, with a generous and cheerful look: "I'm not curious why I came to see you like this? Why did I show up now?"

Xia Mu was very curious, but he just smiled flatly: "You must have your reasons."


Chu Zihang's face was slightly serious, "What do you think of the black king that appeared over there? What do you think of Lu Mingfei?"

Xia Mu replied calmly: "How else can I see it? Just wait, wait for the reaction of other mixed races in the world, and wait for the reaction of the dragon race."

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, then raised his head: "I'm here to look for you on behalf of the Lord God Odin."

Xia Mu almost froze: "O...Ding?"

What the hell is this unfolding?Is this Chu Zihang?

"Yes, the reason why I was forgotten by everyone is because of Odin's call, and it is also Odin's request that I appear here. I am a messenger." Chu Zihang said with a smile.

It was as if he had forgotten that he had met Xia Mu before.

Xia Mu finally confirmed one thing.

Either this is not Chu Zihang, or this appearance is deliberately pretended by Chu Zihang.

Then act!He has never been afraid of anyone in this regard!
"Messenger? What do you mean? What about Odin? Is he really the main god in Norse mythology? The god who is against the Black King?" Xia Mu showed his doubts just right.

Chu Zihang seemed to be very patient, and explained to him calmly and gently: "Odin is indeed like in the myth, the main god who was born with the black king Nidhogg. He came to destroy the black king, and he will surely die together with it.”

"And as Odin's envoy, I'm here to invite you to join the war against the Black King."

Chu Zihang said loudly, "The end of the gods, the end of the black king Nidhogg, the leader of the new world, we must participate!"

Xia Mu's face was strange: "I... am the leader of the new world?"

"That's right," Chu Zihang looked at him sincerely, "Odin believes that no one is more capable than you to lead the new world in the future, so I hope you will lead this war on the secular level."

"I'll take the lead..."

Xia Mu seemed to be tempted, holding his chin with his hand, "Odin should understand that that is my mother country, and the people and mixed races there are innocent, and I don't want to raise my butcher's knife against them."

"Don't worry, we think so too."

Chu Zihang immediately said, "It is precisely because I don't want to have a full-scale war with them that I hope you will organize a surprise attack, tear apart the alchemy formation, and go straight to the center!"

He waved his hand and said in a passionate tone, "As long as you kill Ned Hogg again, all this will end, and the people there will not be harmed. Even if you are willing, there is nothing wrong with leading their national rejuvenation and occupying the whole world." ,after all…"

Chu Zihang smiled slightly, "That's also my home country, we come from the same country."

Xia Mu felt hehe in his heart.

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