"Dong dong dong..."

Kassel College, Central Control Room.

All the top executives gathered here for a meeting, Hilbert Jean Angers presided over the meeting.

But the knock on the door rang out unexpectedly.

Principal Ange frowned and looked at Eva in the three-breath image: "Why would anyone bother me now?"

The world situation is turbulent, and for the secret party, it is also a major change that has not been seen in a thousand years. As soon as the news is received, all high-level leaders gather here to discuss countermeasures.


Hearty laughter came from outside the door, "Ange, don't you want to see me?"

Angers froze for a moment.

He didn't react immediately, but the decades of memories sealed in his mind let him know that this voice was...very familiar to him, very familiar.

It's as familiar as changing your life.

His temperament, which was always as imposing as a lion, suddenly and slowly changed.

Everyone looked at him, and suddenly realized that this man suddenly became like an ignorant young man.

He dreamed back to Kanghe in Cambridge, as if he was still the boy who was pretending to be holding a book, but actually secretly looking at the girl's calf.

Ange stood up suddenly, and the seat behind him fell backward because of his excessive movement.

But he couldn't care less.

The old man could clearly see the mist gushing out from the corner of his eyes, and he staggered to the door under the surprised eyes of everyone.

At this time, the door of the conference room opened.

A young man who was as bright as the sun and high-spirited came rushing towards his face.

Everyone was shocked by his demeanor.

"Ange, long time no see!"

The youth gave Angers a big hug.

The warm sunshine rushed towards the face, Angers tears filled his eyes.

"May, Menec..."

He was already so old, with silver hair all over his head, but in front of this man, he seemed to have returned to the previous passionate age in an instant, and he was still that carefree young man.

As long as he is led by Menek Cassel, he will dare to go to the sky and enter the earth, even if he is not afraid to face the Dragon Clan.


Everyone stood in shock.

No one is unfamiliar with the name Menek, because he ranks first in the Academy's Hall of Valor, and even the name Kassel Academy uses his surname.

He is the leader of the first generation of the secret party!

He led the secret party to win one battle after another, and sent the revived Dragon Clan to sleep again.

He didn't back down when facing the dragon king level target, he embarked on the road of conferring the gods, and after raising a level, he could even use the world-killing word spirit, so he could die with the dragon king.

Summer mourning.

That was the most painful event in Angers' life, and it was also the event that changed his life.

In that battle, he lost the most important partners in his life, he lost a leader like Menek Cassel, he lost everything.

From then on, he lived in the past, living in the nostalgia of the past, and became the dragon-slaying male god in the eyes of the students.

For the rest of his life in the next hundred years, he only lived for the funeral of the Dragon Clan.

But the moment Menek Cassel appeared in front of him, he felt his whole world exploded.

If an ordinary person's life is divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter, his life is only winter and summer.

Before meeting Menech Cassel, he had no relatives, and there was no one worthy of his preciousness in this world. He hated everything and only wanted to use his own ability to get rid of poverty and loneliness. He lived in the utter coldness of winter.

After joining the Lionheart Club, he suddenly ushered in summer, and his life was full of sunshine in those years. He had good friends, won respect, had a goal to fight for, and had a future in mind.

But the Dragon Clan ruined it all, and on that early summer night, he was the only survivor, losing all his friends, along with his glory and his dreams.

He stepped into the cold winter again and never came out again.

"I feel... I'm back in summer..."

Ange murmured softly.

"Good brother! I'm back!"

Meinek let go of him, looked around, and laughed boldly, "Children! I will take you to kill Ned Hogg!"

He could indeed call these patriarchal children.

The elders were also excited because they saw their lifelong idol!

Menek Cassel, the absolute spiritual leader of the Secret Party!

Now is not the time to divide up the interests, but the most difficult time, and this kind of hero is most needed!
They are also happy to wave their flags behind this kind of person.

"I'm here on behalf of Odin, and I call on the hybrids and even dragons from all over the world to unite to encircle and suppress the true ultimate in the world, Ned Hogg!"

Menech sat at the head of the conference room, and Angers sat at the head automatically and consciously.

The way he waved his hand, there seemed to be a gold and iron horse behind him!
Angers and others are excited...

At the same time, the Henkel family was also in a meeting.

For them, the recent changes in the world have made them dizzy. Originally, they positioned the secret party as the biggest opponent after the destruction of the Dragon Clan, and they have made a lot of preparations for this. Even the representative of their next generation, Mr. Dog Fingal, KFC Sent to Kassel College as an undercover agent, a series of unimaginable things happened.

The world war broke out inexplicably. They fought against the Secret Party first, and then were harvested by the dark side. Finally, they relied on the Gattuso family's successor, Caesar, to draw with the White King.

After that, I didn't lose any benefits, and I caught up with eating shit.

"This time, the recovery of the Black King Ned Hogg is something that the mixed races all over the world have to face, without exception."

Henkel's old body leaned on the back of the chair, "But our mixed races were exhausted last time, and many of them will not want to go to the battlefield again."

Fingal was wearing a KFC bag and sat motionless, as if his mind was wandering.

"Maybe we can wait for the leader of the secret party to see the result of their desperate struggle with the black king..."

"And there is Xia Mu and his Sheqi Bajia, and they even have the White King, we can wait..."


There were discussions among the high-level officials.

Mr. KFC sneered: "When I advised you to wait last time, why didn't anyone listen to me?"

The atmosphere was stagnant, and many people looked embarrassed.

"As I said earlier, that war was more like a war of attrition between the dragon clan and the mixed races and humans! We must keep calm and preserve our strength! As a result, you all rushed to carve up the world! Now the real catastrophe is approaching, They shrank back one by one, what a bunch of trash!"

A few words were not polite, but no one refuted him at this time.

Because the fact is that they themselves couldn't bear the greed in their hearts, and they were drawn into the quagmire of war early, and now they are making a mess.

"The result is already like this, and now saying these things will not change anything, let's discuss how to deal with it next." Henkel smoothed things over.

Mr. KFC snorted coldly, folded his arms and said nothing.

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