The alchemy formation covering millions of square kilometers disappeared in smoke.

The people and mixed races inside felt as if they had just woken up from a dream.

But the half-breed who broke the formation outside also fell to the ground.

"Don't panic, they belong to the overdraft of blood power, and they will recover after rest."

"Now, all mixed-race elites, please join us, enter the hinterland, and start the beheading operation!"


Odin's messengers appeased the emotions of the mixed race team, and at the same time called on the elite to enter.

Angers followed Menek closely, and the two formed an offensive arrow just like 100 years ago.

While Fingal and Eva go hand in hand, Fingal has been talking and seems to want to tell her everything before the decisive battle.

So many years of missing...and pain.

"By the way, who is our enemy? That dragon king under the Sea of ​​Greenland... which one is it?!" Fingel asked suddenly.

"You guessed it, he is the king of ocean and water, and he died long ago at the hands of that Xia Mu." Eva said softly, "Don't remember, am I fine now?"

Fingel held her hand tightly, eyes deep: "Then how did you survive? What did to you?"

Eva seemed a little hesitant.

"Tell me, I want to know everything," Fingal said.

Eva looked at him and said softly, "Theoretically, I'm already dead."

Fingal shuddered.

"My body is dead, but my spirit is alive," Eva said quickly.

Fingal relaxed slightly.

"I am very grateful to Lord Odin, it is he who reshaped the bodies of us hybrids," Eva's eyes seemed to glow, "He said that there are no gods rushing to the final battle, there are only us heroic spirits, For the peace of all ages, dance the long spear, and never die!"

"After the victory, will you just..."

Fingel voiced his biggest fears.

Eva leaned her head on his shoulder, snuggled next to him, and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, it won't happen, as long as we win, we can live for a long time, no different from a real resurrection."

"that would be great!"

Fingel looked forward, as if he saw the figure on the huge throne in the depths.

"But that person... isn't your good brother?"

A figure riding an eight-legged horse appeared beside them.

Eva subconsciously bowed to him.

Finger didn't remember Chu Zihang, and his face became ugly at this moment: "Is it really Lu Mingfei?"

"That's right." Chu Zihang said flatly, "The real black king has been lurking by your side, but you don't know it."

Fingel's eyes fell on Eva's beautiful side face, and then at the distant target covering the sky and the sun, and suddenly felt a sense of disillusionment.

All of this...why did it become like this?
Is this Eva real?

This thought flashed through his mind, and he severely threw it behind him.

The most terrible illusion is that, knowing that it may be false, but still willing to believe it, self-destruction.

Just like Angers who followed Menech, a hundred years later, that lonely young man has grown into the most influential leader in the history of the secret party. Did he really have no doubts at all?

No, he just didn't want, didn't dare, didn't want to doubt.

This moment is his dream.

Following behind Menech, they will be able to move forward, as if everything in the world is not enough to stop their footsteps.

"You! You! Come! Here!"

All the mixed races raised their heads, and there was a thunderous sound in the distance, resounding through the whole world.

It was a young boy's voice, but it carried endless coercion.

Many mixed races stopped.

The sound is shaking the world, is such an existence really something they can deal with?

"Ned Hogg! Today is your end!"

The sound shook the four fields, coming from the side of the mixed race.

Menek Cassel spread his wings in everyone's shocked eyes, and the strength of the dragon king carried the pressure.

"What, what?"

Angers was stunned on the spot.

Menek, his most trusted dragon-slayer brother, turned into a dragon? !

"Ange, don't be angry, this is attacking the shield of the son with the spear of the son. Your Excellency, the Lord God, copied the power of the lost Dragon King and gave it to us, just to work together at this moment to fight against the Black King!"

With a rumbling voice, Menek stood proudly in front of everyone.

Behind him, Chu Zihang and Eva spread their membrane wings simultaneously, and other so-called Odin messengers, those resurrected hybrids spread their wings one by one.

Eight or nine dragon king-level powers appeared in the sky.

The mixed-race team was silent, and then their blood boiled.

Led by the sages, kill demons in troubled times!
Therefore, there is still hope for the future of human beings!


The attack begins at the foot of the towering mountain, where the half-breed army and the undead army go head-to-head.

The sky was dark, the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled, what a doomsday battle!
With the presence of Dragon King-level power and millions of mixed races, the war with the undead was overwhelming and soon reached the top of the mountain.

"Is that the Black King?"

Everyone stared blankly at the sky.

The sky is iron blue mixed with the color of flames, and the only giant tree stands upright, with dead branches extending in all directions, weaving a dense net to support the cracked sky.

The wilderness is full of dry bones, and a giant black beast is rising from the depths of the bone pile, its wings are covered with skeletons, and after opening its huge membranous wings, it spits out black flames towards the sky.

"He found it."

Menek's voice was low.

"Yes, he found the wreckage of the World Tree."

Chu Zihang jumped off the horse.

Everyone was frightened by this doomsday scene.

But Chu Zihang looked at the throne deep in the bones, and there were two figures standing beside the throne.


Wine de linen.

"You go."

"Even if there are thousands of troops, we still have to fight alone. This is the fate of my brother and me."

The black behemoth slowly shrank, and finally became the boy on the throne.

Lu Mingfei's appearance.

"I don't want to be left behind." Zero said coldly.

"I'm still looking forward to your new world, boss."

Facing the dense crowd of mixed races, Mai Toku just smiled charmingly.

"A new world?"

The young man propped his head up, put his legs on the huge throne, and smiled slightly, "Whether I win or lose, or even whether there is me in the future, a new world will always come, and everything you want to see will always appear. "

Jiu De Mai knelt down on one knee, stretched out his hand to gently hold his hand, the light in his eyes had been hidden for many years, and finally couldn't suppress it anymore, "A place with you is the new world."

The young man looked into her eyes silently, and didn't speak for a long time, until he laughed loudly: "So we are not fighting alone, brother! Hahaha!"

Jiu De Mai's pretty face flushed.

"And I."

Zero said quietly.

"I will not let Lu Mingfei die before me."

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