Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 410 Odin the Killer!

"Natasha, my little padded jacket... has become my brother's..."

The boy covered his face.

"He is cuter than you." Zero said bluntly.

Mai Tokuku almost burst out laughing... As expected of you, Sanwu girl.

"No, he won't abandon you just because you are useless." The boy smiled and put down his hand.

Zero blinked his ice and snow eyes, and finally nodded silently.

"Tell me, how should we deal with these mobs?" The young man pointed forward.

On the top of the mountain, the mixed races who were still a few hundred meters away from him were in a commotion and retreated in a panic.

"Kill them all." Zero said lightly.

"Hey, at least save some from the Sheqi Bajia, and give Xia Mu some face, he is very good to your man." Jiu Toku Mai stood up and said.

Zero nodded slightly: "Yes."

They talked and laughed happily on one side, but they were frightened on the other side.

Although the young man didn't seem to have much attack power, but before he changed into Lu Mingfei's appearance, the black flames that spewed out towards the sky were enough to shock everyone.

"What is he waiting for?"

Menek suddenly said this very strangely.

Everyone looked at it.

"He's waiting for the real Odin to appear." Chu Zihang said flatly, "In the final analysis, we little fellows are not his target."

"No, it's just that you are."

The young man on the throne, or rather Lu Mingze, stared at Chu Zihang and smiled slightly, "At least you... brother, his favorite brother is half Odin."

Many eyes came together, Chu Zihang didn't seem to feel anything.


A middle-aged man's voice, although plain, seemed to contain a thousand words: "There is also me, the other half."

Chu Zihang turned his head, his gaze was as calm as water.

"You are... Chu Tianjiao?!"

Anger suddenly yelled and pointed at the middle-aged man angrily, "Yes! The person who cut my heart that day... was you!!"

They don't remember Chu Zihang, but Ange still remembers Chu Tianjiao... Chu Zihang has been looking for his biological father for many years.

"Why set foot on this road! Why!"

The man ignored Ange and just looked at Chu Zihang, his emotions almost collapsed.

It can be found that the clothes on his body are the same as those of Odin's messengers.

"There can only be one Odin." Chu Zihang said calmly.

"Yes, there can only be one Odin."

Menek, Eva and other envoys backed away one after another, and bowed slightly facing the two of them.

"Ange, don't get excited, the past grievances are not worth mentioning under the current righteousness."

Menek patted Angers on the shoulder, "They, the two best messengers among us, will compete for the final candidate to inherit the divine power of the Lord God."

Anger's face changed again and again, and finally asked in a low voice: "I just want to know why you took the keel away in the first place?"

"Otherwise, where does the power of the Dragon King in us come from?" Menek said lightly.

"Is that so..."

Ange murmured softly.

There seems to be some belief in my heart, which is slowly collapsing...

"Interesting, interesting!"

Lu Mingze, who was sitting on the throne in the distance, suddenly clapped his hands and laughed, "You still know how to play! A game between father and son! I will reluctantly watch this scene with you, hahahaha..."

"Obviously you need time to recover to your peak..." Mai Tokuro rolled his eyes.

Lu Mingze twisted her delicate face: "You don't know how beautiful this scene is, if everything is not preordained, I really want to interfere, lest the senior brother who cares about you be too sad... But, That's fate."

His voice suddenly became a little low, "Everyone cannot escape... his fate."

"Father and son?"

Everyone silently watched the two confronting each other.

It was evident that the young man was calm.

But the middle-aged man on the opposite side was full of excitement, disbelief, and despair.

"Zihang...why...you also set foot on this road..."

He stared blankly at Chu Zihang.

The weird white cloaks on the two of them fluttered separately.

"There can only be one Odin, you go ahead."

A golden light flashed in Chu Zihang's hand, and the golden holy gun appeared.

Chu Tianjiao just stared at him blankly.

Many, many past events came one after another, happiness, sadness, sadness, joy, so many emotions, all tied together with the boy in front of me.

The way he was stubborn, the way he refused to ride in the Maybach, the way he yelled angrily in the car, and finally...

He stayed together to face Odin.

"Odin... I call your ancestors eighteen generations!!!"

Chu Tianjiao burst into tears, but rushed towards Chu Zihang crazily.

Chu Zihang smiled and raised the Holy Golden Spear...


Xia Mu's voice came across the sea, like thunder.

He had already set out when Chu Tianjiao appeared, no matter what, he couldn't just watch Chu Zihang kill his father with his own hands!

In that case, he would be ruined!


Xia Mu's eyes widened suddenly, and he stopped abruptly in mid-air, and then returned at the same speed.

Now he crossed the ocean in just a few moments.

Erika stopped eating when he left, and stared at the sky in a daze.

And the maids delivering food like an assembly line are still coming in a steady stream, and the beautiful kendo girl Shi Jinzi stands by, occasionally helping to direct the food.

But at the moment when Xia Mu flew away, when she took the plate, a dagger appeared in her hand... piercing the back of Erika's neck.


Erika turned her head almost instantly, her eyes turned into golden pupils.

Gu Ao's spiritual power of words made Shijinzi bleed from his seven orifices.

But she didn't die in an instant, and the dagger in her hand was glowing with alchemy, piercing Erika's skin...


Xia Mu fell from the sky and smashed her into the ground.

She wasn't dead yet, twisting her bones and wriggling underground.

"About Erika's arrangement, this word spirit...doesn't want to die? Odin!"

Xia Mu raised his head, and when he looked at Chu Zihang again, sure enough, the golden holy spear pierced Chu Tianjiao's chest peacefully.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

The middle-aged man burst into tears, and his body was bleeding profusely.

"Zihang...the whole world has forgotten you..."

"Now...you forget yourself too..."

Choking with sobs, he raised his hand with difficulty to touch Chu Zihang's peaceful face.

"Our father and son...are we cursed..."

"Never... can never remember each other at the same time..."

Chu Zihang remained motionless, allowing his blood-stained hands to gently stroke his fair face, leaving a smear of blood.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the dark sky, but there seemed no sadness in this scene.

"Odin...you will be punished..."

Chu Tianjiao closed his eyes, forever.

Chu Zihang has been watching this scene calmly.

Until, Chu Tianjiao's heartbeat stopped...

His calm eyes suddenly fluctuated.

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