Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 412 Lu Mingze's Death

"I'm back."

"I'm back again."

"I'm back again!"


Everyone looked at each other.

The boy's voice was cheerful and cheerful, as if he was playing with Odin.

People don't know what happened, they only know that Odin and Lu Mingze seem to have gone through a crazy battle every time they show up.

"You can't beat me, because as long as I lose, I will return to this moment."

Lu Mingze's arrogant voice kept echoing between the heaven and the earth.

"is it?"

Odin stopped.

"After preparing for so long, you just want to get this body of the Holy Spirit and the remaining branches of the World Tree, right?"

His face was indifferent, as if nothing could shake him, even if he had just fought with Lu Mingze in an infinite loop for a thousand years.

Even if they exist like this, they feel very tired.

"That's right, if I didn't have my brother's body, I wouldn't be able to fight you head-on, and I'm destined to end up like I did before." Lu Mingze stopped in the air with his arms folded.

Odin nodded lightly: "It's a pity you didn't get the 'future'."

Lu Mingze put down his hand, and said in a sarcastic tone, "If I got the 'future', you would have fled as far away as possible."

Odin didn't care about his ridicule, and still nodded lightly: "You are right, what I fear most is not you, but him."

"you lose."

He came to a conclusion.

Lu Mingze didn't refute, just smiled: "You will lose too."

"You can't see it."

Odin raised the golden holy spear.

"No wonder you grabbed this gun anyway that day..."

Lu Mingze already understood why he must lose.

Even if you can see part of the future for many things, it is impossible to see every detail clearly.

Otherwise, it can be changed in the future.

Lu Mingze had predicted his failure long ago, but he didn't know how he failed until now.

"In the 'past' you are already dead, and you died under this gun. As long as I hold this gun, I can lock your past. That is my authority. You will never be able to break free without the 'future'. "

The golden holy gun in Odin's hand emits strands of golden light, linking to Lu Mingze's chest.

This is how he was crucified on the throne countless years ago.

Now, this is the ending.

"That's what he reminded me of, do I need an anchor in the 'future'?"

Lu Mingze looked up at the sky, "It's a pity, I couldn't accompany my brother to the end."

"do not come!!"

He suddenly yelled, flapped his wings, and swept Linghe Jiude Mai behind him.

"Lu Mingfei won't die! Why are you so anxious!"

"The new world will come! Go and see for me!"

With a pop, the golden holy spear pierced into his body.

Jinmang soars to the sky.

Zero and Jiu Toku Mai vomited blood and fell to the ground, his eyes still fixed on his back.

Odin raised his spear and lifted Lu Mingze up.

The fiery dragon's blood flowed down and sprinkled all over his body.

"Dragon blood bather...hehehe...hahaha..."

Lu Mingze laughed when he saw his blood being absorbed by Odin, "Odin, don't underestimate the heroes of the world!"

Odin was expressionless.

Not responding is the greatest contempt, probably in his heart, only Lu Mingze can be compared with him.

"I hope you can keep smiling until you are buried by me again."

The golden holy gun in Odin's hand was suddenly covered with blood.


For the first time, Lu Mingze's expression changed.

"Integration, recycling, and the birth of all things. What you get from the broken branches of the world tree are just details. The real core has always been here."

"You want to take away my power?! Don't even think about it! That's what I left for my brother!!"

Lu Mingze was furious, and in his anger there was a layer of panic that things were out of control.

His figure flickered at a high speed, and the world turned into a dream, constantly receding.

But the golden holy spear was chasing him forever, and the bloody thread was connected to his heart.

"Now, I accept it."

A ball of white light as hot as the original birth of the earth overflowed from Lu Mingze's heart, and was slowly drawn into Odin's hands.

Odin showed a faint smile for the first time.

In this world, nothing can stop him.


Lu Mingze fell to the ground with a plop, and pieces of flesh and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Zero and Shutoku Mai jumped at his side.

"It's really... ridiculous..."

His eyes were dull, but there was a glimmer of light in the depths of his eyes.

"elder brother…"

Many, many years ago, when he was walking on this land, his elder brother was still a light, a light shining in everyone's heart.

He is so bright and beautiful, but he does not belong to the present, but only to the future.

"I have traveled across the land...over thousands of mountains and thousands of miles...wanting to bring a bright future to the world..."

He thought of those times, those times when he had traveled the world doing good.

Every time he passes by a place, he will live for a while, help those who encounter difficulties, and meet some companions who share the same ideals.

"Thinking about it now...it's ridiculous..."

The person he trusted so much, the companion he trusted so much, finally betrayed him and made him crucified.

"Brother... being able to lead you to the future... is the most important thing I have done in my life..."

"It's also... the happiest thing..."

Lu Mingze closed his eyes, but a light smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He remembered some happy things.

Think of Lu Mingfei's appearance of jumping feet, think of Lu Mingfei's appearance of decline, think of Lu Mingfei's appearance of loneliness...

There are many, many more...

Only the days when they were with each other.

"I found the 'future'..."

"It's a pity that all creatures don't want..."

The expression on Lu Mingze's face was unprecedentedly sacred, and Linghe Jiude Mai was stunned.

Obviously his vitality has been cut off, but it makes them unable to feel sad.

It was the purest and most compassionate smile in the world, as if the Virgin Mary was looking at them.

"Lu... Ming... Ze..."

When Lu Mingze passed away, the voice belonging to Lu Mingfei... finally came from his own mouth.

The horrible wound on his body recovered in an instant.

But he was lying on the ground quietly, motionless, as if he had no consciousness.

It's just... there are tears rolling down my face...

Odin didn't look this way again.

He has got what he wants, and he has won the most crucial battle.


Odin made a faint sound.

The world seemed to be a little quieter, and the mixed races didn't understand what this sentence meant.

It's just that the light is soaring into the sky.

The countless alchemy formations that originally attacked the alchemy formation soared into the sky, and the strength in the bodies of many hybrids was drained. Only the hybrids with bloodlines above A-level could resist for a short time.

"what's up!"




There were countless riots in the mixed race ranks.

Many people have been attacked by companions, people they thought were their companions...

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