Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 413 Let's be husband and wife in the next life!


Blood spurted from Fingal's mouth.

But the pain on the body is not as good as the half of the heart.

The attack comes from Eva.

With a calm and indifferent face... she inserted the dragon claw into Fingel's chest.

"Poor man..."

She pulled it out casually, and pulled out a large cloud of blood mist.


Fingel half-kneeled on the ground and asked.

"No reason, complete the divine mission." Eva remained expressionless.

Fingel let out a miserable smile: "Really? It turns out that you have never been her... you just look like her..."

"No, I have her memory." Eva said unexpectedly.


Fingel was taken aback.

"I have her memory, and now I am heartbroken." Eva said lightly.

Finger stared blankly at her, his chest was still bleeding, and his consciousness was blurred, "You... are comforting me..."

"I have her memory, I can even say that I am her spiritual projection," Eva looked up at the sky, "It's just that I know exactly what I should do, this world is chaotic, dirty, and ugly, and it needs a master .”

Fingal felt like he was dying.

Even the Word Spirit Bronze Throne couldn't keep him alive in this situation, it just dragged on for a long time.

He half-kneeled on the ground, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No, you are not her, my girl...would never say such a thing..."

During the happiest days of his life, the girl's optimism, cheerfulness, vivaciousness and cuteness filled his heart.

She is such a cured person, how could she become like this?
He remembers their sneaky date on campus on the eve of the Greenland Sea mission.

He once said boldly... "Let's announce our relationship! What are you afraid of! At worst, you will be fired! At that time, I will show you around the world!"

But the girl tightly covered his mouth, her bright eyes turned into crescent moons, "No, I want to carry out missions with you, and with you here, I won't be afraid of anything."

The smile on the corner of Fingel's mouth was a bit miserable.

He swore so firmly that he would protect her well, but in the end it was... just wishful thinking.

"It's finally over..."

"I want to come to you..."

"For a long time…"

Angers didn't seem surprised by Menech's backstab, but he couldn't dodge it.

"You have... the ability of the king of the sky and the wind?" He covered his neck with his hand.

The heart was separated last time, and the throat was cut this time.

He is an old man who always suffers such fatal injuries.


The faint look on Menek's face was no different from Eva's.

It's like they've been thrown into the same religion, and every messenger has been brainwashed into a mold.

"Do you remember... the Mourning of Summer back then... Our opponent was the King of Sky and Wind..." Angers said with difficulty.

Menek nodded slightly: "It is precisely because I died with the King of Wind that I can inherit his power now."

"Ange, there is no right or wrong power, it just depends on what it is used for. I told you this truth a long time ago."

He finally sighed softly, "If you weren't so wary of the gods, if you could submit to the throne, we wouldn't be what we are now."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The silver-haired old man laughed bitterly, "Is that Odin? How dare he use you like this and brainwash you, even if it's just for this, I would rather die than surrender!"

Menek nodded: "I understand you."

"Do you really understand me?"

Ange sat down slowly, pressed his neck with one hand, propped himself on the ground with a sound, and looked up at him with an indescribable calm in his tone.

"100 years..."

"Because of you, I have persisted for 100 years..."

What he said was neither vicissitudes nor regrets, just calm.

"Looking back on this life, my best days are still in the short time in the past. Thinking about it now, it's really wasted."

When the obsession in his heart is broken, when the person who changed his life sinks himself, his century-old revenge seems to have become a joke.

"Now I really understand that sentence... The meaning of life lies in every moment."

Anger raised her head and smiled, "Children, this is the last insight and guidance I want to tell you. It's what I have spent my whole life getting."

In the end, he still remembered that he was an educator.

In other words, after losing his obsession with slaying dragons, the last meaning of his life is education.

Neither Menek nor Eva looked back at them, and all the messengers rushed towards the hybrid, trying to throw them all into Odin's formation.

Only then did the half-breed understand what had happened.

Odin really has his own purpose!
He wants to recover all the dragon blood, he will be the king of the new world!
"Withdraw! I will cut off the queen!"

Yuan Zhisheng yelled sharply, commanding the eight hybrids of the Sheqi family to directly activate the kingship, otherwise the enemy would step into the field half a step.

Yuanzhinv stood beside him, without any intention of leaving.

"I can't hold on for long, childish girl..."

Yuan Zhisheng broke out in cold sweat on his face.

"Stop talking, brother..."

Yuanzhinv gently pressed his mouth, and smiled warmly, "You should know, I will only choose to die with you."

Yuan Zhisheng opened his mouth, but closed it silently.

He knows his brother's obsession very well. It was largely because of him that he became Kazama Ruri in the first place.

"Actually, dying together...is also very happy..."

Yuan Zhinv smiled shyly.

Word Spirit Nightmare Tapir!
The crowd rushing over from the mixed race was instantly pulled into a large illusion, desperate for life and death.

The two super hybrids teamed up, and the surrounding area was quickly cleared.

But Menek and Eva, who have the power of the Dragon King, discovered their difficult bones, spread their membrane wings and swooped down.

"Brother! If you can go back, I won't stop your marriage with Sakura!"

"Young girl! We have had a hard time in this life, and I hope we can be brothers again in the next life, when the time comes... we will be ordinary people."

"No, it's better to be husband and wife in the next life!"


They knew they were going to die, so they took the time to say something from their hearts, but Yuan Zhisheng was still speechless.

Eva and the others might have a chance to resist, but after Menek was accelerated by the Wind King, his speed was faster than Angers, so he couldn't deal with it at all.

Feeling the breath of death, the two stood back to back and raised their two knives...

A beam of light flew from afar, at a speed... faster than Menek!
He seemed to appear next to countless mixed races in an instant, and cut them up casually, causing many blood to spill on the spot.


His figure appeared behind Menek, and a cold light emerged like a cold moon.


Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhinv spoke at the same time.

Xia Mu is still at this juncture, and Odin makes him have no time to take care of this side, because Erika is in danger.

But he used his own blood as a guide, set up an alchemy array to protect Erika, paid the price of weakening himself, and came to the rescue with his avatar.

Here, many people cannot die!

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