Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 416 Why Lu Mingfei Is Lonely

"When did the history of the Dragon Clan be interrupted? Why did the civilization of the Dragon Clan decline so quickly after the death of the Black King?"

Lu Mingfei smiled mockingly, "Now, do you understand?"

Angers said in a low voice: "When Jesus comes for the second time, the end times will come. Jesus will judge the good and evil of the world with justice and authority. Various disasters will happen one after another. Only the pure and good people will survive. , Jesus brought the kingdom of heaven to earth at the same time, and a wonderful new era opened, Christ Jesus himself reigned as king, and the world will no longer be tortured by sin and pain.”


Lu Mingfei's eyes were blurred, "After thousands of years, the little devil will appear in the world for the second time, and the end of the world will come in 2012, so what is his purpose?"

He turned to Mai Tokuro behind him, "You have always been a kind girl, you are willing to follow him because you know what will happen after the end, right?"

"New era." Said Mai Shutoku softly.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly flowed like a layer of mist, but after the mist, it was shockingly magnificent.

Xia Mu lowered his eyes.

It turns out that this is the truth of the world.

Dragon Race is a novel based on the Bible. In the Bible, God is a trinity, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

So the same is true for the Dragon Clan, Black King, Lu Mingze, and Lu Mingfei.

Black King controls the past, Lu Mingze controls the present, because he said that he can change as long as it hasn't happened.

And Lu Mingfei should correspond to the "Holy Spirit". The Holy Spirit is the least noticeable of the three gods but has always existed.

He holds the future and is the "comforter" of mankind, guiding mankind to understand the good and evil in their hearts.

Tell right from wrong!
This is probably the origin of Lu Mingfei's name.

"I always thought you had the heart of the Holy Spirit, but you are the incarnation of the World Tree..."

Odin looked ahead indifferently.

"World Tree is the only one who can give life and regenerate people, that is, he can use the spirit of speech and don't die."

He looked at Lu Mingfei, then at Xia Mu, "What's your relationship?"

He originally judged who is the incarnation of the World Tree based on the words of the spirit, don't die, so that he ignored the fact that Lu Mingfei is the Holy Spirit, representing the "future".

"That guy... is a very insidious bastard..." Lu Mingfei said quietly.

Xia Mu probed his head: "What did I do?"

Lu Mingfei shrugged: "It's not you, it's our Father God who gave me the power of 'don't die' and misled everyone and the dragon."

"Wait, there is a very important question that I haven't clarified..."

Ange interrupted suddenly, and glanced at the three of them, "The Holy Son is dead, and the Holy Spirit is Lu Mingfei, so God... that is, the real Black King..."


Xia Mu pointed at Odin, as if shocked by stone.

"What! Odin is the Black King! He is Ned Hogg?!"

Countless people screamed.

"You have all been deceived by Norse mythology. Of course, it was also deliberately created by Odin to fool everyone."

Lu Mingfei sighed, "He is acting and directing everything by himself, turning Lu Mingze into Ned Hogg, collecting powerful mixed-race heroic spirits, like Menek and Eva, and establishing a dark side monarch Power, search for world wealth, create replica army..."

He is so familiar, "There is also the White King. In Norse mythology, the White King who is destined to disrupt the world and bring about the end is also manipulating behind the scenes. The previous Caesar and Uesugi Erika are just tools..."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"The world is not chaotic, he has no chance, and the end is not here, he can't change the day."

There was a flash of blankness in Lu Mingfei's eyes, "The little devil didn't prevent this from happening, because he was also waiting for the doomsday, which belongs to the doomsday predicted in 2012."

"But is this world really that bad?"

He slowly hugged his knees tightly, resting his chin on them, "Why do everyone want to destroy it?"

Jiu De Mai knelt down beside him, and said softly: "The boss said that there is too much malice in this world, and there will be no such things in the new world. All souls are pure and kind. People sing and dance, and they really think about each other. ..."

Her eyes are misty and beautiful, "It's so perfect, there is no loneliness, no sin, and even, no sadness."

"Really? Can there really be no loneliness?"

A ray of light flashed in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

"You are different, you are different from the human dragons in the world now."

Zero knelt down on the other side of him, facing Sanwulian and said, "He said that the reason why you feel lonely is because you, as the purest soul in the world, are incompatible with everyone, and no one can be your companion , your soul is floating, there is no place to anchor...Even I can't make you no longer lonely."

"That's why you won't be lonely anymore only in the new world. At that time, everyone is as pure and kind as you." Mai Shutoku also said.

"Chunshan...hehehe...why do you feel like you're swearing..." Lu Mingfei laughed at himself.

Mai Tokuro said softly: "That's just because there are problems in this world. They make you feel that it is a shame to be a completely kind person. People should have scheming and enjoy being better than others. What is wrong is this world. , not you."

"It's the world that's wrong... not me..."

Lu Mingfei's sense of loneliness became stronger and stronger, as if it had become concrete, making everyone feel the same.

"Do you understand now? So what if I am Nid Hogg?"

Odin's voice boomed.

He doesn't pretend anymore.

Odin's attire was removed, and black dragon scales and membrane wings appeared on his body, with the same coercion and terror as before Lu Mingze.

"The old age was the age of all human beings and dragons, but the new age only belongs to the Holy Spirit and the creatures approved by the Holy Spirit. In his pure and benevolent world, you are not allowed to have any darkness in your heart!"

After his words were spoken, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Who dares to say that there is no dark side in his heart?

"To protect this old world is to protect the future of all your beings. I am the Black King, and so is he. If you are destined to choose a god, choose a future, which one do you choose?"

Odin's voice fell, and the world fell into silence.

Slowly, many eyes looking at Lu Mingfei revealed a fierce look.

Lu Mingfei seemed even more lonely.

"What about you, you want to deal with me? Or him?" Odin turned his finger on Xia Mu.

Xia Mu was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Human beings are the product of good and evil intertwined. There is no absolute good or evil. I agree to punish the evil and promote the good, but I will never eliminate all the evil. Then there will be few people left in this world. "

Lu Mingfei's face was gloomy.

This is the reason why he was born lonely, not the sorrow of blood, it is better than the sorrow of blood, because there is not even one person in this world like him!

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