Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 417 Lu Mingfei Gets Up!

"But I still have to deal with you."

Xia Mu's words turned around.

Lu Mingfei raised his head in disbelief, his eyes glowed.

"Odin, or Ned Hogg, aside from those things, I only know that we have enmity."

Xia Mu stared at the other party lightly, "You have calculated Erika, this is something I will never allow to happen."

"She didn't die, and fused the bones of the White King to become the new White King. Even if she was knocked off the throne temporarily, she will still be alive after a thousand years, and she can live with you," Odin said.

Xia Mu twitched the corner of his mouth: "Do you still want me to thank you?"

"No, I'm just judging."

Odin's face seemed to be much more relaxed, as if he breathed a sigh of relief, "You don't have a Sacred Heart, which is very good, very good."

"His Sacred Heart is not on him, otherwise you would have discovered it long ago." Lu Mingfei interjected.

"So, where?"

Odin's tone fluctuated slightly.

Lu Mingfei stood up slowly: "You should have guessed it, after all, I can use the words 'don't die'."

"It turned out to be on you."

Odin wasn't too surprised, but obviously his attention returned to Lu Mingfei.

"I can't understand anymore..." Xia Mu said seriously.

"We don't understand either..."

The voice of everyone else.

"In the future, have you set an anchor point?"

Odin suddenly asked a very strange question.

"Guess." Lu Mingfei smiled brightly.

Odin was silent.

"Actually, I'm not really alone in this world, I have a companion..."

The smile on Lu Mingfei's face faded, as more bitterness seemed to emerge.

In his hand, a golden egg was taken out.

"Do you know why I can't let go of Senior Sister? Why I always follow her..."

Lu Mingfei turned around, gently stroked Xia Ling's small face, pursed his lips and smiled, "I treat her differently than I treat you."

"You like me, but you love her, don't you?" Zero said blankly.

Xia Mu holding his forehead... suddenly turned into an eight o'clock plot.

"No, actually Nuonuo is the eyes of the Black King, but neither Nidhogg's eyes nor the little devil's eyes..."

Lu Mingfei choked up, "She is my eyes, so I can see so clearly, because my eyes...can tell right from wrong..."

Xia Mu only felt a headache.

This turn of events...


The golden egg trembled, and slowly, in front of Lu Mingfei, it turned into countless golden lights, gathering into the shape of Nuonuo.

"Hey! What are you doing with a mournful face?!"

Nuonuo's smile was as unruly as before, very free and easy.

She stretched out her hand to hold Lu Mingfei's face, "You got it in the end, you bastard, you should feel honored!"


Tears dripped down Lu Mingfei's eyes, his face was weak and embarrassed, "Without you, I'm just a bad boy..."

"No, you really have me. After you have me, you are the real Holy Spirit, who can truly tell right from wrong and determine the future." Nuo Nuo seemed to know everything.

The eight o'clock plot is getting more and more exciting.

Xia Mu couldn't help but glanced at Odin...Why did this guy keep letting Lu Mingfei do these things?Do you still feel like you have won?

Lu Mingfei broke down in tears.

But the golden girl opened her arms and gave him a big hug.

"Go...do what you want to do...go lead the world...stand at the end of time..."

Nuonuo's figure began to become unreal.

Lu Mingfei closed his eyes, raised his face, and hugged him with both hands, until the girl turned into golden light and merged into his body.


The boy wept bitterly, hugging himself and curled up into a ball.

In the end, the only existence like him also disappeared.

His eyes were shining brightly, as if turning into a starry sky.

"Everyone... is waiting for me..."

Lu Mingfei finally wiped away his tears and looked up at Odin.

"Going to do it?"

Odin's rumbling voice sounded, "Do you know what I was doing just now?"

Lu Mingfei looked at him with magnificent eyes: "I don't care... maybe the present and the present are the most important, but in the ultimate world, the future is everything. When the future of an existence is erased, he will be in the present and The past disappears at the same time."

"I know."

Odin, or Nidhogg, the black emperor, stared at him.

"But you have too many emotions."

"Divinity, treating everything as an ant, without care and care, is our destination."

"You are not a qualified god."

Every time Nid Hogg said, there was an invisible line of fate twisting around him, "The past and the present cannot defeat you, but someone can defeat you."

Xia Mu raised his head: "This feeling... the past has been revised again."


A familiar male and female voice sounded behind him.

Those were two middle-aged men and women, and no one discovered how they appeared.

Lu Mingfei trembled all over, and slowly turned his head: "Father...Mom..."

It was Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini who came here!

The two looked at the scene in front of them, but they still didn't come over.

"You should be able to tell that this is not a clone. They are your parents from the inside out."

Ned Hogg said rumblingly, "I resurrected them from the past fate line and tied them to mine. Now, what are you going to do?"

The golden light shone, and Lu Mingfei felt a pulling force that seemed to melt him.

"You... tied them to your fate!"

Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth, turned his head abruptly, and stopped looking at Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini.

He can fully understand what Ned Hogg did. Once Ned Hogg's future is erased, by the way, the past of Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini will also return to the fate of being killed.

"You're right...I really can't do it...a qualified god..."

Lu Mingfei hugged his head and felt a splitting headache.

He knew that it was Ned Hogg using the power of the past and present, and once he gave up, Ned Hogg would absorb him.

At their level, fighting is no longer a one-on-one fight, and many duels are in the mysterious and mysterious pull of power.

Originally he was activated by Lu Mingze and Nuonuo and gained the upper hand, but the appearance of Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini broke this trend.

Once he realized that after he erased Ned Hogg, Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini would never have a chance to come back to life, so he couldn't do anything anymore.

"Mingfei! Do what you should do!"

Jovini suddenly had one hand on his hip, with a stern and unruly expression, "Your parents absolutely support you in this matter! Leave us alone!"

Lu Lincheng smiled wryly, "Listen to your mother."

Lu Mingfei didn't dare to look back.

But even if he didn't look back, he still remembered the past they pretended to be, those ordinary but warm days.

The selfless love of his parents made him not feel lonely at that time... Although it was an ordinary family they played, the love was real.

father... mother...

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