Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 418 Eriyi and Natsumi Confrontation

Lu Mingfei still remembered a few days ago when he first found the doom faction's shelter.

Under the warm light, the whole family ate guinea fowl, which is precious but actually a local chicken.

As he ate and ate, tears fell into the soup.

In this world, if someone is not pure in nature and still can make him not feel lonely, it is the selfless and unrequited love of parents.

He didn't know how in Lu Lincheng's heart, the mixed race would choose him in the future, but he clearly knew Qiao Weini's selfless love for him.

That is the eternal love no matter whether he is a monster or not!

That is what he has left in this world, what he really owns!
Lu Mingfei covered his head and smiled miserably, "You entrust everything to me...Look at my essence...I'm just a love-hungry boy..."

"You misread the person..."


"Infinite loop...we are not affected..."

Xia Mu always thought that the date of Eri Yi's childbirth would be two days later, but he did not expect that the thing he, Eri Yi and Xia Mi worked together had deviated from the rules of the world.

Xia Mi opened her eyes in the womb.

"Before birth, talk to her first..."

The magnificent eyes lit up, and the spiritual link was connected through the umbilical cord.

"Well...what should I call her..."

Xia Mi hesitated for a moment, then blinked mischievously, "Seize this opportunity, call mom first!"

Erika in the room had stopped eating and drinking.

She touched her big belly in a daze, always feeling illusory.

It is said that a woman is pregnant in October, and she has suffered so much before she can finally give birth to a child, but she is so big in eight days, which is unbelievably fast.

It feels too easy to feel real.

"I don't know if it's a boy...or a girl..."

Erika lay on the window sill and looked out of the window, there was thunder and rainstorm that didn't stop.

Since the beginning of the Doomsday War, the whole world has been in this scene, as if everything is going to be destroyed.

"It's a baby girl..."

A faint and childish voice came into her spirit.

Erika sat up straight suddenly, looked left and right, and then turned her gaze to her stomach.

Her heart was beating fast, and she asked nervously, "Is it you...my baby?"

This feeling is too magical, unprecedented.

It was the first time Erika experienced this feeling.


The soft and greasy voice made Erika shudder severely.

"You...you can talk now?"

"I'm talking to my mother through the spirit."

The bright voice and cute tone immediately made Erika's little heart soft and cute.

This is my own child!
She suddenly understood this, and it was as if warm sunshine was shining in her heart.

"Are you a girl?" she asked softly.

"What is a girl?" Xia Mi pretended to be tender.

Erika blinked her beautiful big eyes, and some distant memories came to her mind: "Girls are...people with soft chests..."

"Uh...um...then I'm a girl..."

Xia Mi almost laughed out loud.

Erika suddenly felt that something was wrong: "How did you know to call me mother? How did you understand what I mean?"

She is no longer a little girl who doesn't understand anything. She has read many books and other people's experiences about getting married and having children.

But now, this kind of thing broke her cognition.

Even the ancient books of the Bajia of Sheqi about mixed races and dragons did not mention this kind of thing.

At most, a dragon or something can be hybridized...

"I don't know, I seem to know this by nature." Xia Mi murmured.

A small light bulb lit up on Erika's forehead: "Is it the same as me merging with the blood of King Bai, have the knowledge of inheritance?"

Xia Mi blinked her eyes in her mother's womb, and nodded again and again: "Yeah, I seem to know this by nature, and I know more and more."

"Then what else do you know?" Erika propped her chin curiously.

Xia Mi was worried that he didn't know how to bring up that topic, it was like falling asleep and meeting a pillow.

"Mom, I saw the ultimate...and the end of the world." She expressed her solemn feeling in a childish tone.

Erika was startled, her eyes slowly changed: "What... mean?"

Some bad premonitions exploded in my mind without warning.

In fact, she has been evading a fact... Her Mumu used to absorb the power of the Dragon King to improve her own strength, and now the four great monarchs have been absorbed...

Who is left?
All the power of King Bai lies with her.

"Mom, I saw... only father can prevent the end of the world..." Xia Mi hesitated to speak.

Erika's crimson eyes sank: "What do you want to say?"

"Mom, what if I say...only the power in your body can help Dad open up a new world?" Xia Mi said softly.

Erika's body trembled slightly.

"Do you... want me to sacrifice myself?" She asked silently.

Xia Mi was stunned, and hurriedly said: "No, it's just because..."

"I know, because there is only one way."

Erika cut off her words resolutely, and when she raised her eyes there was a strange tenderness, "Actually, I have already prepared for it in my heart... This is the reason why I am willing to have a baby with him..."

Xia Mi was even more sluggish.

She is still stuck in the cognition of the past, because Erika will always be the girl who is well protected by Xia Mu.

She doesn't need to think about anything by herself, let alone do anything by herself, as long as she stays at ease under Xia Mu's sheltered wings.

But it turned out that she had already thought about this?
"I've been thinking about the difference between me and Natsumi..." Erika said softly.

Xia Mi raised her curiosity: "Why do you feel inferior to her?"

"No, I used to think it was because of giving. I didn't give myself to Mumu completely like her." Erika shook her head lightly, "Now I know, it's actually not, it's because of her Gone. For me, a person who is no longer is unbeatable, because she will always live in Mu Mu's heart."

Xia Mi was in a daze... Did such clear words really come from Erika's mouth?

"Everyone's need for love and getting along with each other is different. Now I know that there is no problem with my relationship with Mumu. I am very insecure, and Mumu is willing and able to give me a lot of security. That's good. , and there is no problem."

Erika concluded, "It's just that I feel inferior to Natsumi's sacrifice, and that's just my own opinion."

"I don't understand..." Xia Mi said softly.

Erika was stunned for a moment, and immediately pursed her lips and smiled: "Well, this is about me and your father, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you know that I understand what I will do at the end, and you are ready .”

Xia Mi slowed down his voice.

"Actually, I didn't want my mother to sacrifice..."

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