Candle Dragon to the left

Chapter 101. Chapter 100

Chapter 101 100. Return to the original world

The white jade arm touching the sky melted like ice and snow, turning into a drizzle.

The red dragon sat upright, raised his head, and felt the drizzle falling.

The surrounding mountains were overturned, centering on the big mountain occupied by the Chijiao, spreading out like ripples in the lake.

The bones of the monsters are gone.

So the land was quiet, only the sound of the wind accompanied by the drizzle, and the black smoke evaporated from the soil and disappeared in the rain.

Li Xi'an watched silently.

This is not all.

The Taihang Mountains were huge and stretched before they recovered, but now they are fully recovered, and some mountains even soar into the clouds.As he breathes, his domain is expanding, and he may be able to touch one ten-thousandth of this mountain range, perhaps one ten-millionth.

He was able to cast heavy rain covering the entire mountain range two years ago. Even with the help of the mountains, he could at least do it then.

As a result, now that the more powerful Jiaolong has returned, his domain has become insignificant.

A little uncomfortable.

However, this means that there are far more monsters hidden in the depths of the Taihang Mountains than he can deal with at this time.

Lotus flowers bloomed in the pair of huge golden candles, and he observed the past of the demons.

These monsters are not scary to him, and he doesn't know much about them.But the number base is too huge, and every scattered fragment may find a breakthrough in another monster.Li Xi'an was looking for the king of demons. After he left, a new king was born in this land, a false king cultivated by ancient monks in the secret realm.

Chijiao was cruising, and he planned to find out the false king.

Because of the existence of the false king, Taihang couldn't give him the authority he deserved, so it was really inefficient to clean up the monsters one by one.

The red figure pierced into the depths of the mountains like a sharp blade, revealing his aura wantonly.The ichthyosaurs followed the Jiaolong, like the gorgeous tail behind a comet.

Some monsters were slaughtered, and they were cut into pieces by the blooming sunlight in an instant.

In Taihang in the night, there was constant roaring, and the demons with terrifying aura got up one by one.Standing among the mountains, they looked up at the red flood dragon cruising high in the sky, with deep fear in their eyes.

The monsters pass words through the leylines.

"A dragon approaching the emperor."

"Such a terrifying creature would appear in this world? I thought that the fierce tiger in charge of Thunderbolt was already strong enough."

"He is walking in the depths and doesn't pay attention to us."

"Do you want to stop it?"

"I'm afraid we don't have the qualifications, let's use the token."

"Is this necessary? To wake up the ancestors for such a trivial matter? You might as well look at the performance of the new gods. After all, this is Taihang Mountain, and the new gods should suppress the invaders."

"The seeds planted by the ancestors are carefully cultivated, and they are nourished by the Taihang Mountain. It would be too embarrassing if they can't take care of the dragons that can't reach the emperor." One of the demons sneered.

He naturally knew that the combat power of that flood dragon was far beyond the level of performance.

The four arms hanging down from the sky, just this level of supernatural power is enough to call him invincible.

The demons simply coveted the power of this ancient mountain, thinking that as long as they obtained the approval of their ancestors, they would also have the opportunity to become the gods of this mountain.

Why do you have to work hard for a "new god" who you don't know?
The new gods can deter weak and small monsters, but they come from the secret realm, evil thoughts born from the ancient Kyushu, thirsting for high-quality blood and power, and they will not really obey the gods of Taihang.

These ancient monsters all hope that the new god will die, so that they can eat him.

In order to master this ancient mountain.

"Give Way."

"If the Taihang New God can't suppress this dragon, it proves that the ancestors overestimated the living beings after all. At that time, if the ancestors are awakened with tokens, no matter how strong the dragon is, it will die. At that time, we should replace Wang He of this mountain."

"That is, we walked this land and chose a living ant."

The goblins whispered.

Pang Ran's figure was gradually blurred in the night, and the ancient monsters that should have formed a line of defense easily gave way.

Chijiao arrived in the hinterland of Taihang Mountain.


In the imperial capital at night, there are only a few brightly lit places.

Nowadays most people rest after nightfall.

In the past, the energy reserves of the imperial capital were able to support the daily power supply. With the gradual consumption and the invasion of monsters, these precious energy sources could not be distributed to ordinary people.

The dark street, this is the main road of the imperial capital.

The air was icy cold.

The black figure swept across the street and arrived at the top of the ancient city wall in an instant.

"It's late." Someone said softly.

"Where is this going? Master Qing Yan."

The black figure stopped, shook his head, and could vaguely hear a wry smile.The hood was lifted off, and the silver hair reflected the cold moon and splashed the shimmer.

She looked back, her pupils were filled with ferocious green.

"You have been waiting here for a long time? How long have you been waiting?"

Zhao Xingzhou thought for a moment, "About three or four hours, to be honest, the city wall is really cold, and the wind is so strong."

"Don't look at me like that, everyone knows you're going to Taihang."

"But you can't go there openly, because the imperial capital also needs your help. The rational way is to stay in the imperial capital and wait for the dawn of tomorrow. But there are always such things, and you have to do it no matter what. When you saw that message today , this thing that must be done no matter what is included in your actions."

"Nan Zhu..." Zhao Xingzhou murmured.

"Since you didn't come out to stop me, what's the purpose of waiting here?"

Zhao Xingzhou stretched out his hand, the light was floating, and a small sword was hanging in his palm.Even though the sword is as quiet as sleeping, the sharp edge is still flowing like silk.

"Emperor Sword."

It is a vessel formed by the gathering of the imperial spirit of the emperors of the past dynasties in the world.

The image is stored with the sword as the medium.

Qing Yan knew that this was one of the trump cards to protect the imperial capital, but she didn't know that this sword would appear in Zhao Xingzhou's hands.

"This is the best sword in the whole village." Zhao Xingzhou smiled, he stretched out his hand, and the small sword flew towards Qingyan.

Qing Yan didn't say much, and accepted it.The wrist flipped, and the sword light disappeared.She understood the thoughts of her companions in the past two years, and she gave the man a last look with green eyes, and a blue arc flashed on her body.

"This sword will definitely return to the imperial capital," she said.

"A living thing is always more useful than a dead thing."

Zhao Xingzhou waved goodbye and didn't seem to care.

"If it is him, please say hello to him for me. I still owe him my life. This is too torture, you know I don't like to owe people things."

A muffled thunder.

The figure of the white-haired woman disappeared on the ancient city wall.

Under the dark night, the pale and fierce tiger flickered out the thunder light, and she was running in the direction of Taihang.

The escape speed is terrible.

Seeing the pale giant tiger stepping on the thunder and disappearing into the skyline in a few blinks, the man trembled violently.

"It's fucking cold."

He flipped out of the city wall in twos and threes.

"What's wrong with Li Shishuang? She was raped in the daytime. It's no big deal. She should come here to suffer from the cold!" The man walked away cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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