Candle Dragon to the left

Chapter 102 101. Rakshasa Evil Tree

Chapter 102 101. Rakshasa Evil Tree
At dawn, the golden long sword tore through the monsters, as if blooming with the light of the sun, tearing apart the deep and dark night.

Startled the crows and sparrows on the treetops.

The young man in black clothes stopped walking while holding a sword.

The water of the lake rose and fell rhythmically. He stood on the shore, and occasionally waves would break his ankles.

Li Xi'an looked at this lake, or rather, this sea.

Even with such a big change, he still recognized at a glance that this was the place where the big red snake had occupied for a hundred years.The young man bowed down, squatted by the lake, and quietly stared at the slightly swaying waves in the lake.The sunlight projected from the other side of the mountain to the surface of the lake, so the lake was lit up with a vast glow, which happened to illuminate the quiet face in the lake and the flickering golden candle.

He reached out and scooped out a handful of lake water.

The water dripped down between the fingers, the golden fire was ignited, the lake water evaporated cleanly, and traces of black air overflowed.

"Dirty." Li Xi'an said.

"But it's okay, it'll be clean."

He got up and looked into the depths of the lake.With the recovery of the world, the once small lake has almost become a sea, and the sunlight cannot penetrate the white mist on the water surface.

Where is the false king of Taihang today.

I thought it was a new stove, but I didn't expect the dove to occupy the magpie's nest.

Really bad fun.


"Boom!" The pale and sharp claws landed on the ground, and the pale tiger with a body comparable to a mountain smashed to the ground.

Qingyan traveled all the way, but did not catch a single demon figure on the ground.

Taihang was silent, like this night.

This shows that the gathering of monsters and the riots in the depths of Taihang are all caused by the dragon-shaped creatures in the picture.Their guess may have come true, some creatures appeared in the depths of Taihang, preventing the group of demons from setting foot in the world.It's really like what that guy would do, and only he can do it in Taihang.

The tiger's paw smashed to the ground, and then rushed violently.

She is already approaching this land of demons, so she needs to be careful.

When Qinglan Duanguang cautiously passed through the forest, Qingyan was in a daze, and there were almost no obstacles along the way. The monsters seemed to have disappeared overnight. The Taihang Mountain shrouded in the morning light was as quiet as a sleeping woman, quiet, beautiful and serene. Qing Yan stared at the green mountains and mist, the trees and butterflies, how could he think of the land where demons are rampant?
Then, she stopped.

Leng Leng looked up.

The cloud layer is a big mouth, revealing the blue sky behind it. When the sun rises, golden light shines from the big mouth, illuminating the land where the mountains are missing.

It's not that there are no mountains and vegetation, but they are leveled by unparalleled mighty power.

Qing Yan imagined with the power she possessed, a creature of this level... no, she couldn't describe it, the gap was too great.Just like her encounter with the big snake on the road to rise.

The huge and ferocious tiger's head was lowered, close to the land.

She couldn't smell the slightest breath of demons, the soil was moist, and it had just drizzled.

The green tiger's pupils widened, not only the rain, but also the unscrupulous spirit in the rain and the aura of the spirit's master.

It's really him...

The pale and fierce tiger raised its head to catch the morning light.

Countless times, she imagined that Chijiao would return to Taihang Mountain alive, and she felt joy when she found out.But when that day actually came, he lost all emotions.Qing Yan couldn't feel the joy and excitement.It seems to be relieved, and it seems to hear the ridicule of the young Chi Jiao again, probably saying that you have to worry about me so much that you should improve yourself more.

All in all, the master of Taihang back!

Along with the peace and tranquility, there is the anger of revenge!The completely different emotions of the two erupted in Qing Yan's mind, and the lightning between the claws and the teeth became thick and liquid, like rivers, lakes and seas circulating around the king.

There is a fire burning in the chest to consume the demons that occupy the mountains.

Fighting intent is boiling!
After all, the imperial capital she guards is someone else's homeland.

There is no way out to leave Taihang, and she needs to carry the way out for Taihang's souls.But if Chijiao was still in Taihang two years ago, if he wanted to fight, she would definitely accompany him, even if blood was spilled on this land and his bones would be buried here!

The roar of the tiger resounded across the wilderness, and all the beasts bowed down.

They were weak and unable to help the king, but they bowed their heads in silence and paid respect to the pale tiger.

Watch her go away!

The Xuanyi swayed, and the boy stepped on the water.

There were little ripples on the surface of the lake, and he came, accompanied by a drizzle.

The raindrops fell into the white mist, killing the spirit that maintained the mist.This is a certain domain, and Li Xi'an's arrival unreasonably overthrows this domain.

The white fog lost its spirit and became an ordinary mountain fog.

Li Xi'an raised his hand, and the bronze cauldron was hanging above his head, and the green sculpture appeared as it ran alive. This vicious Kunlun monster spread its wings and dispersed the dense fog.

Reveal the behemoth hidden in the mist.

a tree.

A tree that is thousands of meters high and filled with evil spirits.Its branches and leaves are stretched out, completely blocking the sunlight, and the forked branches are full of dry corpses.There are also animals, people, and there are many rising creatures as huge as mountains, all kinds of creatures.

At first glance, it looks like the tree is covered with stars.

The wood is pitch black, with a human face.

"It is you."

His old camphor trees took over the mountains for him.

"Nanzhu." The human face spoke, and the thousands of corpses hanging on the branches and leaves followed it.

The sound of the tide spread up, and the darkness was boundless.

The sun that had just risen disappeared, because the ancient tree spread out, the lake became as black as ink, and so did the sky.

"The creature that invaded Taihang and killed countless monsters is you."

"Not even dead?"

"Not dead, alive." The young man spread his hands, "Shouldn't you be happy? After all, you should be the creature who has accompanied me the longest."

"Happy! Of course happy!"

"After all, if I kill you, I will be able to truly grasp the power of the mountain god! Do you know how stubborn this mountain is? The monsters are rampant, and the filth is breeding, and she still won't let go. If it wasn't for you, this great mountain would have been owned by me long ago! Originally, I thought that it would be good to pass the time slowly, my roots are here, and one day, I will become a real Taihang God!"

It is rooted in the depths of the Taihang Mountains. Since the disappearance of Nanzhu, it has become the false king of the Taihang Mountains.

Initiate too much chaos.

In the depths of Taihang Mountain, there are not only monsters, but also the rising creatures submit to it, and the disobedient creatures all become dry corpses on its branches and become its nourishment.

The moment the old camphor tree was seen through the thick fog, the lotus flower was reflected in the past.

The ancients walked in the world, planted the devil seed with this camphor tree as the medium, devoured the flesh and blood of tens of thousands of living beings according to the plan of that person, and evolved into the extremely vicious thing recorded in ancient books.

The name Rakshasa is the evil tree of Rakshasa!

It devours thousands of living beings, and likes to hang the corpses on the treetops and suck them up little by little.Not only does it suck life and aura, it also feeds on the evil thoughts of hatred and fear.

"Now you are back," said the tree.

"Thank you, Nanzhu, for sending me the mountain god position!"

 Happy 520 everyone 〒▽〒

(End of this chapter)

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