Candle Dragon to the left

Chapter 103 102. The Old Camphor Tree and the Rakshasa

Chapter 103 102. The Old Camphor Tree and the Rakshasa
The dark sky, the lake water like ink.

The evil tree was towering, and the corpses hanging on the branches opened their eyes at this moment. These creatures, who had already died and lost their souls, cast their sights on the ground together with the evil tree.Staring at the boy stepping on the lake.

The corpses were dull and dull, but their expressions were distorted.

Luo Sha spent a long time mastering the Taihang Mountains, even if Nan Zhu returned, he would not be able to take advantage of this mountain at all.It can be said to know the bottom of this big red snake, and later the red dragon.In terms of familiarity, the pale giant tiger and ginkgo that stayed on this small island later were not as good as it.

This is also the reason why the ancients chose it.

The ancient tree is the habitat of the dragon. With the help of the tree, it uses the root of the tree to steal power.It sounds unbelievable, but the existence called "ancestor" by the ancients did it.It is the best example of this to rule the mountains from here.If there is no red dragon in front of him that makes it bored, it will spend a few more years to kill the breath of this red dragon that once left in Taihang, and then it will be able to carry the seat of the god.

However, the red jellyfish is still alive and has returned.

Shuyin smiled coldly.

Is the dead mountain god still called the mountain god?

It is the god of this mountain!

The water in the Rumo Lake was abnormally thick, and there were more than one hand stretched out abruptly. The black in the lake water was full of such weird palms!

The palms stretched upwards, grabbing the young man's ankles, followed by one after another of pitch-black palms, trying to cover Li Xi'an's body completely.

The golden flame ignited and circulated. Accompanied by several shrill screams, it burned up the palms that rushed towards it, and turned into fly ash like burning paper.

The gorgeous golden flame burned up the pitch-black palm and did not go out. Instead, it climbed up, burning crazily on the surface of the lake!The curling white mist is transpiring, and the white and evil trees of the water vapor are spreading and splashing to the mountains, the earth and even the sky, like a freehand painting of ink and wash.

The only color is the golden fire wrapped in Li Xi'an.

At this time, the boy's shadow was no longer visible, and the flames were burning and rising, like a newborn sun here.

Xie Shu was not surprised, he saw the battle with the group of demons after Jiaolong broke into Taihang.The treacherous golden flame, the golden and jade-like long sword, the mysterious glow that devours demons and its familiar bronze cauldron.

What makes it fear the most are those four white jade arms that reach the sky.

The power is too terrifying, it is not like the method that can be mastered at this stage.

But it's just fear.

This is Taihang Mountain, it is rooted here, and it possesses a mighty power that other creatures simply do not possess!So what about the transformation of Nanzhu's etheric behavior?After disappearing for two years, he couldn't even sense his vitality. Now that he's back, what can he use to compete with it?

The blackness like ink is like layers of spider webs, wrapping the burning golden fire.

These pitch-black substances are hard to resist the golden fire, and the flames burn away the filth, so that ghosts and ghosts dare not approach.But if one is not enough, there are two, and if one is burned, there will be another.

Until the red dragon shape tore open the black spider web, flames covered his body like a crown, like armor.

Strong winds raged across the lake as the monstrous creature breathed heavily.

He twisted his body, and the iron scales slowly opened and closed one by one.

The world is a freehand painting in black and white, with red and gold being the only colors.The dragon-shaped figure straightened his arrows and soared into the air. He sat upright in the void and stared at the human face on the evil tree.

"You are not it." Jiaolong said.

The expression on the human face was ferocious, and it glared at the red flood dragon sitting in the void.

"A rakshasa is a rakshasa, and a camphor tree is a camphor tree. It's just that some delusion took over the ancient tree that was contaminated with my breath. Do you really think you are a thing?"

Rakshasa evil tree, all evils are refined.

There is nothing to hide under the lotus.

Its source, its growth, the rising creatures that die on its branches.Li Xi'an even saw a vague human figure appearing in the secret realm.

The sun is overflowing, the ancient and sacred atmosphere is permeating, and the figures stand like in the sky.

But such a god-like figure dropped the most evil seed in the world.

The face of the red copper bone lowered, and he heard a voice.From the very depths of that tree, it is sighing, self-blame and unwillingness.How can the ancient wood that bears him for a hundred years degenerate into something filthy?
"So I have to thank you." Chi Jiao whispered.

"It's not your existence, maybe this tree, I really lost it."

"Nan Zhu!" Human Face shouted.

"The mountain used to be the scariest predator, the most violent creature, why are you talking nonsense now? I am the Rakshasa, and I am also the ancient tree in the past!" said the tree, and his tone turned cold again, "You don't want to lose me?"

"It's better to turn it into my nourishment..."

"I promise to make your corpse into the most magnificent and exquisite collection, and hang it on the highest treetop for Taihang creatures to pay their respects day and night."

The branches covering the sky trembled, and the corpse swayed.

A disgusting stench filled the air, and the evil tree beat some kind of mysterious beat, and the mountains and the dark sky seemed to sway and twist to its rhythm.All kinds of terrifying fantasies appeared in the void, invading the Chi Jiao's mind.

Thousands of wraiths screamed, and they walked under the lake, staring at the dragon in midair.

It really looks like the sea, the black tide is the culling of the wraiths, they climb on the bodies of other wraiths, stretch out their hands or claws, as if they want to drag the pure and innocent dragon into the water, Fall into the abyss forever.

Jiaolong was very surprised.

The ferocious long tail swung over, tearing a hole in the black wave.

The golden candle flickered and looked at the towering evil tree.

All over the sky, golden lights flew out from his scales, and each ichthyosaur rushed into the black sea with golden flames, like gold or lava poured into the water, extending along the wound cut by his tail, devouring these wraiths.

There is nothing not to eat, big food and big evil.The level of villains, fish and dragons are far better than these wraiths who have never seen the world.

Imprisoned in the lake water, no visitors can be met.

How can there be any terrifying and weird power at all?They cannot touch the red jiao in the slightest while they are alive, and the same is true after death.

The human face on the tree trunk had a gloomy expression. It felt that it had paid enough attention to the red dragon, but the current probing method still allowed it to wash away its cognition.That golden glow turned out to be a group of living fish and dragons, not only able to devour the flesh and blood of monsters, but even devour resentful spirits and filth.

The corpses on the branches are talking, the majestic rising creatures, ordinary ordinary humans, birds and beasts are opening their mouths at this moment, whispering something.

Spirits as black as ink gather, and a domain isolated from the world rises with the Black Lake as the center.

The torso of the pitch-black ancient tree cracked the scale-like bark, and a bewitching red light flowed through the gaps.


Xie Shu was stunned, and a golden long sword tore off the pitch-black domain, pierced the sky and nailed it between the eyebrows of that human face.

The light of the sun is in full bloom, but the bewitching red light is blocked.

quick!too fast!
The evil tree had no room to react, and was suppressed by Xiguang when he was covered in filth and evil.Its energy paid too much attention to the magical powers held by Nan Zhu, ignoring that apart from these things, Nan Zhu was basically a dragon!His nature hasn't changed, the action of top predators is usually shoot or kill!

The red dragon shape hovered upwards.

The iron scales scratched the trunk, and the limbs of the evil tree were shaken by this giant, as if returning to the days when the big snake inhabited the ancient trees.

It's just that the picture is no longer harmonious and peaceful.Fighting and roaring, evil spirits dancing wildly, and flowing clouds, gold and fire accompanied by dragons rising!

(End of this chapter)

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