Start with Baihuguan

Chapter 461 Reinforcement

Chapter 461 Reinforcement
However, King Ning quickly reacted. After all, King Ning is not a fool. Just looking at Wang Jia's solemn appearance, King Ning said to Wang Jia almost without thinking, "The Son of Heaven is so stupid that he is a traitor. What Li Huan bewitched to do, such as the policy of distributing the income of the family to the mu, and the government and gentry paying the food, etc., which destroy the foundation of our Ming Dynasty, if the king of Japan can win the country, he must abolish such absurd policies."

It was precisely because Wang Jia opposed the emperor's implementation of the New Deal that he was dismissed from his position as the elder of the cabinet. Now when Wang Jia asks him about his views on the New Deal, King Ning knows how to answer as long as he is not stupid.

Besides, in King Ning's view, Li Huan was really fooled by Li Huan today, and he actually believed more in Li Huan's plan to pay the government and gentry together.

If you want to talk about the sharing of a person into the mu, that's fine. King Ning can naturally see that the sharing of the payment into the mu is indeed of great benefit to Daming's finances.

Although it is said that to a certain extent, the interests of a considerable number of tyrants and gentry have been touched, but not all tyrants and gentry have the right to speak.

After all, those who can really control the right to speak are only separated from the ranks of the powerful and gentry, and become the superior and privileged official class.

The appropriation of the land may make some tyrants and gentry feel dissatisfied, but for those officials who enjoy the tax-free privilege of the imperial court, the appropriation of the land has no effect on their own interests.

What really shook Daming fundamentally was the fact that officials and gentry paid food together, because in King Ning's view, it was the fact that officials and gentry paid food together directly offended the real ruling class of Daming.

The interests of many officials who hold the right to speak have been greatly damaged. This is shaking the foundation of Ming Dynasty.

It is precisely because of this that King Ning dared to choose to raise the banner so unhesitatingly and choose to raise his troops to stand up and rebel under the banner of the Qing emperor.

Because King Ning knew very well that in today's situation where so many people have been offended, as long as he stands up with the banner high, he will definitely be able to get the support of many people.

After answering Wang Jia's question, King Ning looked at Wang Jia calmly.

He has already informed Wang Jia of his views, so the next step is to see Wang Jia's attitude. After all, Wang Jia is a banner in the eyes of King Ning. If he can really get Wang Jia's approval and If they help each other, then he will definitely be able to greatly increase his strength.

After hearing King Ning's words, Wang Jia couldn't help stretching out his hand and stroking his beard, and nodded slightly at King Ning, with a bit of satisfaction on his face, he said, "My lord really deserves to be a descendant of Taizu, and I am hopeful!"

, Hearing what Wang Jia said, King Ning's eyes lit up, and he looked at Wang Jia full of expectation.

Wang Jia did not disappoint King Ning, he saw that Wang Jia adjusted his clothes, and under the gaze of the crowd, he slowly saluted King Ning and said: "Wang Jia has met the prince, if the prince does not give up, I wish Do the work of a dog and a horse for the prince!"

King Ning looked at Wang Jia, his eyes were full of surprise, he took a step forward and almost immediately supported Wang Jia who was bowing down to him, and at the same time laughed and said: "Okay, okay, Mr. Wang De , like a fish in water. If you can get help from your husband, I will have no worries!"

Many people around watched this scene with various complex looks in their eyes, even Liu Yangzheng and Li Shishi, the two right-hand men of King Ning who had been fighting openly and secretly, couldn't help but look at each other at this moment.

In the past, when they fought, no one could threaten their position beside King Ning, but now it is different.

Wang Jia's prestige and status are not comparable to those of the two failed scholars. Now that Wang Jia chooses to assist King Ning, it is conceivable that the two of them will be overwhelmed by Wang Jia in the future.

It would be a lie to say that the two of them didn't have any thoughts in their hearts, but no matter what thoughts they had in their hearts, they didn't dare to reveal it in front of King Ning.

The two knew very well that Wang Jia's connections and prestige and kingship were not comparable to them. If they were honest, their glory and wealth might be indispensable in the future. opponent.

After all, Wang Jia has been in the officialdom for decades, and has never seen any kind of battle. In comparison, Liu Yangzheng and Li Shishi's abilities and means are incomparable to Wang Jia's.

The distracting thoughts in their minds flashed, and the two congratulated King Ning almost at the same time: "Congratulations to Mr. Shouxi for the help of the prince, the great cause of the prince is hopeful!"

After a group of people complimented King Ning, Zhong Zhong returned to calm in the camp.

At this time, Wang Jia was sitting in the first seat on the lower left of King Ning, and his status could be seen at a glance.

Wang Jia sat there without hesitation, looked at King Ning and said slowly: "My lord, I don't know what's going to happen next?"

King Ning looked at Wang Jia and took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Gu Wang discussed with several gentlemen, and they agreed that when the court didn't react for a while, they rushed into Nanzhili with all their might and took down Nanjing City. With the city of Nanjing in hand, we can draw rivers and rule together with the imperial court, and follow the example of Emperor Taizu in the Northern Expedition to completely seize the Great Ming Dynasty!"

Wang Jia sat there, stroking his beard and listening to King Ning's next action plan, nodded slightly and said: "What the lord said is true, if the lord can take Nanjing City, then half of the victory is already won, otherwise, I'm afraid It is impossible to escape the fate of being suppressed by the court!"

King Ning's heart tightened. He knew that if he was really suppressed by the court, even though he was a royal family, he might not escape. There is no longer any inheritance from King Ning's lineage.

King Ning, who was staring at Wang Jia, couldn't help but said, "I don't know why sir taught me!"

In King Ning's view, Wang Jia may have a better way to help him win the country, so there is some hope in his eyes.

Wang Jia couldn't see what King Ning was thinking, but Wang Jia shook his head slightly at King Ning.

It can only be said that in Wang Jia's view, there was nothing wrong with King Ning choosing to target Nanjing City.

In today's world, there is no space and conditions for vassal kings to rebel. If you don't see Anhua King Zhu Zhiyu's rebellion, the impact it caused didn't even go beyond a mansion, and it was easily suppressed.

Even if King Ning and other vassals hold high the flag of rebellion, in fact, there will be no storms under normal circumstances, and there is only a dead end waiting for King Ning.

But who made the emperor insist on supporting Li Huan to carry out a new deal, which suddenly shook the foundation of the court's rule, and a large number of gentry, powerful and even officials were at odds with the court.

This can be regarded as giving King Ning a chance to seize the throne, if not, Wang Jia is not a fool, how could he come to support King Ning so foolishly.

If he hadn't seen the possibility of success, Wang Jia would definitely not seek his own death, would he?

But if King Ning can win Nanjing City, then in line with his prestige, he can't guarantee that Nanzhili can be passed on at that time. At least it doesn't take too much effort and energy to win Nanzhili.

However, if Nanzhili is taken down, coupled with the natural danger of the Yangtze River, even if it is impossible to invade the north and break through the capital, at least it can rule the river with the imperial court.

Seeing Wang Jia shaking his head, King Ning couldn't help feeling tense. He thought there was something wrong with his plan to attack Nanjing City after discussing it with all his staff, so he said almost instinctively: "Sir, don't you think we shouldn't attack Nanjing City?" ?”

All of a sudden, even all the people in the big tent looked at Wang Jia in unison.

After all, everyone present agreed that capturing Nanjing City was their best choice, and they didn't believe that Wang Jia could have other better choices.

But the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, even if they don't believe that Wang Jia has a better choice, they all subconsciously look at Wang Jia, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

Wang Jia coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "My lord misunderstood me. What I mean is that my lord's goal is Nanjing City. Only by occupying Nanjing City can I fight against the imperial court."

Hearing what Wang Jia said, King Ning let out a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Wang Jia said again: "My lord knows that the imperial court has sent Li Huan, a traitor, to command a [-] elite army to go south, and it will take at most half a month to reach Jiangnan. Nanzhili, the army is approaching the city of Nanjing, if the city is taken down, it may be difficult for the prince to take down the city."

King Ning looked at Wang Jia solemnly and said: "This king naturally knows this, but now that Anqing City is blocking the way, if Anqing City is not captured, how can the army under the Gu King's command enter South Zhili, and it is impossible to kill Nanjing City. "

Wang Jia chuckled lightly and said: "Since Anqing City is difficult to get down for a while, why don't the prince bypass Anqing!"

When King Ning heard this, he shook his head almost subconsciously and said: "No, absolutely no, although I don't know military affairs, I also know that if Anqing City is not captured and then bypasses it and enters Nanzhili, it will be no less than a general. A bomb was left behind..."

Everyone in the tent also showed the same look.

Many people even looked at Wang Jia with the eyes of a fool, and many people even thought that Wang Jia was not good at military affairs at all, so he would make such a naive suggestion.

However, Wang Jia didn't seem to notice the strange eyes of the crowd looking at him, but just looked at King Ning calmly and said, "What the prince is worried about is nothing more than fear that leaving Anqing City behind him will pose a threat to the army."

Seeing that Wang Jia understood this, King Ning couldn't help but wondered: "Isn't this enough? You must know that the defenders in Anqing City are behind you. If we lose our army's food and grass, we will face the enemy from head to toe, and I am afraid that the only way to go is defeat."

Wang Jia couldn't help laughing out loud.

Now everyone was a little confused by Wang Jia's laughter, saying that Wang Jia didn't understand military affairs, but Wang Jia obviously knew the danger of leaving Anqing City behind him, but Wang Jia had such a reaction , Could it be that they missed something?

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, but no matter what they thought, they couldn't think of anything wrong.

After Wang Jia laughed, his eyes swept over the crowd, and finally fell on King Ning and said: "The prince's concern is that the army's retreat and the food and grass will be cut off, but the prince doesn't think about it. If the prince enters the South After Zhili, are you still afraid that there will be no food and grass? As for the defenders in Anqing City attacking our army's rear, we only need to send a good general to lead some troops to defend the rear."

Speaking of which, Wang Jia said solemnly: "My lord, you should know that for you, the most important thing is to enter Nanzhili and break through Nanjing City! As long as the lord's men and horses enter Nanjing City, they will climb up and call, and the huge Jiangnan land will be destroyed." Whether it is food, grass or soldiers, it is easy to get."

Listening to what Wang Jia said, surprise and understanding gradually appeared in King Ning's eyes.

That's right, the reason why they are aiming to break through Anqing City is that they are worried that the food road will be disturbed, and that the army will be cut off. Well, there is no need to worry about the so-called food and grass. I don't know how many people will provide him with food and grass.

At this time, even the rest of the people in the account have reacted. Although the strategy proposed by Wang Jia is a bit risky, there is one thing that has to be admitted. With the potential support of people, there is no need to worry about the problem of food and grass.

It is said that the three armies go first before using food and fodder. In the final analysis, the essence of a soldier is nothing more than two points. One is to have people, and the other is to have sufficient food and fodder.

As long as there are these two points, the normal operation of a large army can be guaranteed.

"it is good!"

King Ning was overjoyed, couldn't help clapping his hands in praise, and even got up and bowed to Wang Jia, saying: "Mr.'s words awakened the dreamer, please be respected by the lonely king."

King Ning knew very well that Anqing City was a stumbling block, even if Wang Lun led the army desperately, he did not know how long it would take to break through Anqing City.

But for King Ning, the most important thing right now is time, the imperial army will kill him at some point, and the time left for him to attack Jiangnan is running out.

But if he can get into Nanzhili sooner, then he will be able to break through Nanjing City sooner.

If they stagnate under Anqing City, once the imperial army arrives, they may really have no chance to attack Nanjing City.

At this time, when Wang Jia opened his mouth, it was equivalent to letting King Ning's rebels enter Nanzhili at least half a month in advance. The meaning of this is very different.

"Come here, quickly send generals Wang Lun and Yang Qing to come!"

At the same time, on the official road hundreds of miles away from Anqing City, amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, a large army is slowly moving forward. Just by looking at the countless banners fluttering in the wind, one can tell that this army is coming soon. The imperial army that had left Beijing and went south to suppress the rebellion.

On a tall horse, Li Huan was dressed in armor like the other generals, leading by example and marching slowly with the army.

Several generals who went south with Li Huan, such as Chen Ang, Zhang Huai, and Xu Ying, all requested orders to accompany the army this time.

At this time, Xu Ying and the others were half a body behind Li Huan, followed behind Li Huan, looked at Li Huan who was galloping forward, and they looked at each other, and Xu Ying coughed lightly and said to Li Huan: " General, there is something unclear about the last general, I wonder if the general can clear up the confusion for the last general?"

(End of this chapter)

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