Start with Baihuguan

Chapter 462 Li Huan's Intention

Chapter 462 Li Huan's Intention

Li Huan, who was walking in the front, couldn't help smiling when he heard the words. In fact, Li Huan had already noticed the reactions of Chen Ang, Zhang Huai, and Xu Ying.

Li Huan even had some guesses about what they wanted to ask. After hearing Xu Ying's words, Li Huan glanced at them slightly and said, "Oh, just say what you want!"

Being stared at by Li Huan, Xu Ying had an inexplicable feeling that Li Huan had seen through her. She quickly suppressed the turmoil in her heart and coughed lightly: "General, the so-called military situation is on fire, and King Ning's rebels are at the moment We are attacking Anqing City. Once King Ning's rebel army breaks through Anqing City, his rebel army will surely enter Nanzhili. At that time, not only Nanzhili will suffer from military disasters, but even Nanjing City will be in danger of falling. It can be said that it is extremely urgent, and we should march at full speed..."

Not only Xu Ying, Chen Ang, Zhang Huai and the others also looked at Li Huan with burning eyes at this time, obviously they were also puzzled.

Li Huan smiled and glanced at a few people and said, "Why, do you still worry about what kind of disturbance King Ning's rebel army will cause?"

Hearing what Li Huan said, Xu Yingdang immediately said: "What kind of rebels, judging from the future, they are nothing more than a mob. As long as I arrive, King Ning's rebels will fall apart."

To be honest, Xu Ying and others really looked down on King Ning's rebels.

However, Xu Ying and the others are not arrogant. In fact, the [-] troops following them are definitely the elite among the elite.

Those who can be selected to enter the Beijing camp must be veterans who have been on the battlefield, killed the enemy, and seen blood. These soldiers have participated in the battle against the Tatars. There is no comparison.

Li Huan said indifferently: "Since that's the case, then there is nothing to worry about. No matter how much commotion the rebels of King Ning make, once the imperial army arrives, they will definitely make things right."

Xu Ying froze for a moment, then subconsciously said: "But..."

At this moment, Zhang Huai stretched out his hand and pulled Xu Ying. When Xu Ying noticed Zhang Huai's actions, she subconsciously looked at Zhang Huai.

Zhang Huai shook his head slightly at Xu Ying, and now Xu Ying saw that Li Huan hadn't said anything, looked at Li Huan, then looked at Zhang Huai, and stopped talking.

But soon Xu Ying whispered to Zhang Huai: "Zhang Huai, what did you stop me from doing just now, do you know why the general is not in a hurry to go south?"

Zhang Huai glanced at Li Huan's back first, and then said to Xu Ying: "Although I don't know what the general is planning, but what we can think of, the general and your majesty must be able to think of it. If so, We just have to follow orders."

Xu Ying couldn't help curling her lips and said, "I thought you knew the general's intentions."

The mighty army moved southward at a leisurely pace, but said that in Anqing City, after a day of bloody battle, many wounded soldiers on the city wall were taken down.

Many soldiers are hurrying to lean against the wall and devour their meals, while Zhang Wenjin, Yang Rui and others are patrolling the city wall.

As a general defending the city, it is natural to know the situation above the city wall like the palm of his hand.

At this moment Zhang Wenjin said to Yang Rui: "General Yang, in your opinion, if the rebels attack like before, can Anqing City be able to hold?"

As soon as Zhang Wenjin said this, several officials who followed them couldn't help looking at Yang Rui.

Yang Rui took a deep breath and looked towards the rebel camp in the distance.

It is said that if there are more than [-] people, there are no boundaries, let alone [-] rebels.

At this time, one hundred thousand rebels gathered under the city wall, and you can clearly see the black rebels from the condescending heights. To be honest, looking at so many rebels, it would be a lie to say that you are not nervous.

Especially after the big battle in the daytime, even Yang Rui, who was confident in defending the city before, is no longer so sure now.

It can only be said that in the daytime, Wang Lun and other rebel generals made mistakes, did not follow common sense at all, and chose to attack directly, exchanging lives for the intensity of the siege. It was beyond Yang Rui's expectations.

That is to say, they were well prepared in advance, otherwise, they might be caught off guard and killed by the rebels on the city wall.

Even so, a very small number of rebels attacked the city wall.

Under the watchful eyes of Zhang Wenjin and others, Yang Rui said slowly: "As the saying goes, if you work hard, you will lose your strength again, and you will be exhausted three times. The courage of the rebel army will not last long. As long as we can survive the offensive two days ago, we will be severely defeated I can guarantee that the morale of the rebels will not be lost in Anqing City."

Hearing what Yang Rui said, Zhang Wenjin showed some joy on his face, nodded and said: "Okay, if we can hold Anqing City, we can stop the momentum of the rebels going south, as long as the general leads the counter-rebel army to arrive, King Ning rebels The army will be destroyed."

As he said that, Zhang Wenjin looked around at the officials around him and said, "Everyone, Your Majesty has ordered General Li Huan to lead the army to the south. We only need to stick to Anqing City. As long as we can hold on until the general's army arrives, by then, everyone meritorious minister."

Encouraged by Zhang Wenjin, many officials showed excitement on their faces, but there were also a few officials who showed excitement on their faces, but when they lowered their heads, a gleam of light flashed in their eyes. Unsearchable haze.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Zhang Wenjin said to Yang Rui: "General Yang, the defense of Anqing City will be entrusted to the general, but if there is any need, the general can send someone to inform me, and I will do my best to help The general is defending Anqing City."

Yang Rui didn't say much, just cupped his hands at Zhang Wenjin.

As time passed, Yang Rui was the city guard and it was the first night when the rebels arrived. Yang Rui was worried that the rebels would choose to attack the city at night, so Yang Rui always brought his own soldiers on the city wall. Patrol to prevent night raids by rebels.

In the middle of the night, this is the time when people are most sleepy. At this time, even if the soldiers guarding the city try their best to cheer up, they can't help but feel sleepy.

However, under the patrol led by Yang Rui, even though they were full of sleepiness, the soldiers guarding the city remained vigilant.

Yang Rui, who was patrolling the city wall, suddenly heard an exclamation, and subconsciously looked towards the other party.

It was his own soldiers who exclaimed in alarm, Yang Rui couldn't help frowning and said: "Yang Wu, why are you exclaiming?"

Yang Wu couldn't help pointing to the outside of the city with a look of surprise on his face: "Look, general, there seems to be movement in the direction promised by the rebels."

Hearing what Yang Wu said, Yang Rui looked towards the distance almost instinctively, and upon seeing it, Yang Rui couldn't help but change his expression.

In the night, one after another could be vaguely seen coming out of the rebel camp. If Yang Wu hadn't reminded him to observe carefully, if he just glanced casually, he might not have noticed the movement.

Looking at those people, Yang Rui's first thought was that the rebels wanted to attack Anqing City at night.

After all, the rebel army suddenly came out of the camp at this time, and there seemed to be no other possibility except to attack Anqing City at night.

Thinking of this, Yang Rui yelled almost reflexively: "Send the order, call the gold to warn, light the fire, and be ready to fight at any time."

In order to prevent the rebels from attacking at night, after the rebels retreated in the evening, Yang Rui made arrangements under the city wall, at least dozens of fires could be lit at any time.

And at this moment, following Yang Rui's order, one after another rockets were shot at the fires everywhere outside the city.

The fire that had been poured with kerosene was instantly ignited, and under the raging fire, everything within a radius of more than ten feet outside the city was clearly illuminated by the fire.

Although it can't illuminate further away, if the rebels enter the range of the fire, they will definitely be seen clearly.

Both the rebels and the defenders could clearly see such a big movement.

On the city wall, the soldiers who were still a little sleepy at the moment cheered up one by one, subconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands, and looked into the distance with a bit of nervousness.

However, before the rebel camp, a group of high-level rebels headed by King Ning were looking at the piles of bonfires that suddenly ignited under Anqing City with a smile on their faces.

King Ning chuckled and looked at Wang Jia who was beside him, and said, "Mr. Wang Ge is really good at predicting things. The defenders of Anqing City are really guarding against us attacking Anqing City at night."

Wang Jia looked calm and said indifferently: "The Yang Rui who guards the city is a general under Li Huan's command. Since he can be valued by Li Huan and sent him to defend Anqing City, he must not be an ordinary person. For him, if he does not defend , that's the weird thing."

Seeing Wang Jia's praise of Yang Rui, many generals under King Ning showed a bit of disdain.

But at this moment, Yang Qing, who was dressed in military uniform, said: "So what, no matter how good Yang Rui is, he was not plotted to death by you, Mr. Ge."

King Ning laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Yang Qing's words are true, no matter how good he is, Yang Rui will still be calculated by us in the end."

Speaking of which, King Ning watched as the army that slowly drove out of the camp came out one by one in the night, bypassing Anqing City and heading towards Nanzhili.

Watching the army disappear into the night, King Ning admired Wang Jiazhi's ability even more.

Originally, King Ning planned to send people to divide the troops early tomorrow morning, bypassing Anqing City and entering Nanzhili, but Wang Jia persuaded him to divide the troops overnight.

In Anqing City, the magistrate's yamen was brightly lit. Zhang Wenjin, who had been busy all day, had just finished handling a lot of business, and was resting on the table at this time, when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps.

Zhang Wenjin was terrified. He sat up and looked towards the door. He saw a messenger rushing over to salute Zhang Wenjin, "Master Zhifu, there is a change in the rebel army outside the city. Lord Yang, please go and consult with the prefect."

Zhang Wenjin's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, he got up without hesitation, called his men and horses, and went straight to the city wall.

On the high city wall, Yang Rui and several of his generals looked at the vague figure outside the city gradually leaving the rebel camp and disappearing into the night with puzzled expressions.

To be honest, they thought that the rebels would definitely come after them when they left the camp, and they were even prepared for a fierce battle at any time.

But what puzzled them was that these rebels did not come towards Anqing City after leaving the camp, but disappeared into the night, which made them feel puzzled.

Yang Rui stood on the battlements, wearing a cloak, and the cold armor felt a bit chilly in the night wind, while Yang Rui held the saber at his waist with one hand, and supported the city wall with the other, looking out of the city with a solemn expression. .

When Zhang Wenjin boarded the city wall and saw Yang Rui, he happened to see Yang Rui standing there looking at the night.

"General Yang!"

Zhang Wenjin stepped forward and called out, Yang Rui came back to his senses, his eyes fell on Zhang Wenjin, and he immediately saluted Zhang Wenjin: "Master Zhifu is invited here in the middle of the night, please forgive me."

At this time, Zhang Wenjin, who had already walked to the edge of the city wall and looked outside, looked at the burning bonfire outside the city, but there was no figure of a rebel, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

But although Zhang Wenjin was puzzled, he didn't show it. Instead, he looked at Yang Rui and said, "But what happened to the rebels outside the city?"

Yang Rui pointed to the distance and said, "My lord, please look!"

Under Yang Rui's guidance, Zhang Wenjin looked intently, and soon said as if he had discovered something: "A rebel left the camp and disappeared into the distance!"

Yang Rui nodded slightly and said: "Almost half an hour has passed, and the rebels have continuously left the camp and disappeared."

Zhang Wenjin frowned slightly, looking at the looming rebel figure, a thought flashed in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Wenjin looked at Yang Rui and said, "For these rebels who left the camp, what does the general think?"

Yang Rui said slowly: "The rest of the city walls did not warn, which means that these rebels did not rush to the other city walls. For a while, Yang really couldn't think of where these rebels went. What do you want?"

Not only Yang Rui couldn't understand the actions of the rebels, but Zhang Wenjin was also full of bewilderment.

In the middle of the night, the rebels came out of the camp. If it was a night attack, it would be reasonable, but it has been so long, let alone a night attack. Under the city wall, even the shadows of the rebels can be seen. Less than one, I really don't know what these rebels are doing.

Zhang Wenjin looked at Yang Rui and said, "Since the rebels have changed, what does General Yang think we should do now?"

Yang Rui looked calmly at the rebel army camp in the night and pondered for a long time before turning around and looking at Zhang Wenjin, saying: "Stay the same for all changes, no matter what the rebels have in mind, as long as we stick to Anqing City If you don't come out, the soldiers will come and cover you with water and soil, let him have all kinds of schemes and schemes, and we just need to stick to the city."

[Those who have a monthly pass will smash the monthly pass. 】

(End of this chapter)

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