Start with Baihuguan

Chapter 509 Li Huan Goes to Nanyang

Chapter 509 Li Huan Goes to Nanyang

As the commander of the Daming Navy, Zhang Huai was surrounded by a group of generals, his face full of anticipation.

It is such an honor for the emperor to come to inspect the navy in person, and it also shows how much the imperial court attaches importance to the navy.

Although Zhang Huai and others also know that the imperial court must attach great importance to the navy. After all, whether the navy is strong or not is related to the safety of the Daming sea area, and it is also related to the issue of opening the sea, but even if they are clear in their hearts, they are not as good as The Son of Heaven personally came to inspect the navy.

Just looking at the high morale of the generals and soldiers of the navy at this time, we can know how much the emperor's visit to Tianjin Wei has affected the navy.

Just when Zhang Huai and others were full of expectations, Emperor Luanjia had slowly approached.

Zhang Huai saw Li Huan who was accompanying the emperor Luanjia at a glance, and the emperor Luanjia also stopped at this moment. Seeing this situation, Zhang Huai immediately stepped forward and led a group of navy generals in front of the emperor Luanjia He bowed respectfully and said: "Minister Zhang Huai leads the navy to welcome His Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

The emperor slowly stepped out from the Luanjia, looked down at the group of naval generals who were prostrating on the ground, and waved his big hand: "Everyone, get up without courtesy!"

After Zhang Huai and others worshiped the emperor and stood up, Zhu Houzhao's eyes naturally fell on the distant port.

To be precise, it should land on the newly built ships docked in the port. At this time, there are hundreds of large and small ships moored in the port, the most striking of which is the Dozens of great Ming treasure ships.

These big Ming treasure ships can be said to be extremely eye-catching in the port. They are docked there one by one like a hill, which is fine from a distance, but when they are really close, the visual impact is really great. is unusual.

When he saw the big ships in the distance, Zhu Houzhao couldn't help flashing a bit of excitement, although he also knew from the memorial that the Daming Navy had hundreds of ships, and among them was an extremely large ship. The great Ming treasure ship, but no matter how you say it, it is just the cold words on the memorial, which is not as great as the visual impact at the moment.

Just like Zhu Houzhao is looking at the big ships now, even if he didn't board these big ships himself, Zhu Houzhao can see that these big ships are absolutely invincible on the sea.

At this moment, Li Huan, who was following Zhu Houzhao, seemed to have noticed Zhu Houzhao's eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth. The sea can be said to be a rare opponent."

I heard Li Huan tell about the power of Portugal and Spain in the sea, but now looking at the size of his own navy, Zhu Houzhao just felt proud and said to Li Huan: "I have such a powerful navy in Ming Dynasty, why should I be afraid of the mere barbarians?" !"

Li Huan naturally knew that the barbarians Zhu Houzhao spoke of were referring to the Portuguese. To be honest, Li Huan also looked down on those barbarians who were from Western pirates.

Although it is said that the power of the Spaniards and Portuguese is at its peak, and they are almost invincible in the world, but that is without considering the Eastern Great Ming.

If it is said that Ming really develops its strength at sea, the mere Spanish and Portuguese are really far behind.

Not to mention other things, the population alone is not comparable to the Portuguese and the Spaniards. Ming has a population of hundreds of millions, and the combined population of the Portuguese and the Spaniards probably does not exceed tens of millions. Such a population It looks like a lot, but in this era, population is a part of national strength, especially when a country is able to exert its national strength, naturally the more the population, the better.

Under the leadership of Zhang Huai, Zhu Houzhao and several important cabinet ministers inspected these large and small ships in the harbor. It can be seen that Zhang Huai is very familiar with these ships, and the introduction can be said to be orderly. Sailors know it all.

At this time, everyone walked in front of a treasure ship, because they were very close to the treasure ship, so they had to raise their heads if they wanted to get a glimpse of the treasure ship. In fact, the treasure ship was several feet high, like a hill.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the treasure ship in front of him at a close distance, and suddenly the idea of ​​boarding the ship came into his mind, and Zhu Houzhao, who always thought of it, immediately said to Zhang Huai: "The Qing family is leading the way, I want to board the ship and have a look!"

There was no such arrangement beforehand, and Zhang Huai was taken aback when the emperor suddenly proposed to board the ship for a look. When Zhang Huai was in a daze, Wang Yangming, Yang Ting and the others couldn't help but frown. .

Although it seems that there is no danger, there is still some risk for the emperor to board the ship. Therefore, from the standpoint of Wang Yangming and the others, they naturally do not want the emperor to board the ship.

Just looking at the emperor's appearance, Wang Yangming cast his eyes on Li Huan who was aside, naturally hoping that Li Huan could speak to persuade the emperor, so that the emperor should stop the idea of ​​boarding the ship.

It's a pity that Li Huan didn't seem to see Wang Yangming's gaze, but instead said to Zhang Huai who was a little dazed: "Zhang Huai, what are you doing in a daze, Your Majesty asked you to lead the way, please hurry up and ask Your Majesty to board the ship!"

Zhang Huai, who was still hesitant at first, immediately realized what Li Huan said, and saluted the emperor, "Your Majesty, come along with me!"

While talking, Zhang Huai walked in the front and led the way, leading the treasure ship before the emperor boarded.

Compared with watching from above the port, when you really board such a big ship and look down at the large and small ships in the port, you will naturally have a different feeling.

Especially the emperor standing on the side of the ship, looking at the cannons on the ship, his eyes were full of excitement.

For a moment, Zhu Houzhao even had the urge to ask Zhang Huai to order a boat out of the port to sail on the sea, but Zhu Houzhao also knew in his heart that Wang Yangming and others who were with him could agree to let him board the ship. It's the limit of patience. If the order to sail the ship is really given, these few people will stand up and oppose it immediately.

Knowing that it is impossible to really order to go to sea, Zhu Houzhao still carefully looked at the treasure ship on the boat. It took a full half an hour to almost see the treasure ship all over. disembarked.

When Zhu Houzhao got off the boat, it could be seen that Wang Yangming, Liu Yu and others were obviously relieved.

In the port, Zhu Houzhao looked at Zhang Huai and other naval generals and said: "The Portuguese occupy the Xuanwei Division in the old port and attack our Daming caravan, which has seriously affected our Daming maritime trade. After discussing with you, you must definitely send a navy to Nanyang, wipe out the Portuguese, and take back the Xuanweisi in the old port. I don’t know what you think?"

It is said that raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, the imperial court spent so much money on the navy, and now it is time to use the navy, everyone was naturally extremely excited after hearing the words of the emperor.

What's more, as soldiers, if they want to make meritorious deeds, they can only obtain them through war. Isn't it a great opportunity for them to obtain military merits now that they have gone on an expedition to Nanyang!
Without hesitation, Zhang Huai got up and said decisively to the emperor, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the general will definitely wipe out those barbarians later, and regain the old Hong Kong Propaganda Department for my Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help showing a barbarian look when he heard the words, turned his eyes to Li Huan beside him and said, "Does Li Qing have anything else to say?"

The imperial court has already made a decision on sending the navy to the south, and now it is just an order to implement it.

Regarding the emperor's inquiry, Li Huan just pondered for a while and then said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, please personally lead the army to Nanyang Province!"

Before Li Huan could finish speaking, Zhu Houzhao's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Li Huan with some surprise and said, "Li Qing, what did you say, you actually want to lead the army there yourself?"

Not only Zhu Houzhao, but also Wang Yangming and the others looked at Li Huan in surprise, as if they didn't expect Li Huan to make such a request.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, even if the mere land of Nanyang is occupied by the Portuguese, and there are local large and small indigenous kingdoms, compared with the Great Ming Soldiers, they have no resistance at all.

As long as the Ming Navy arrives, they will surely wipe out all the Portuguese like a thunderbolt, and regain the Old Port Xuanweisi.

Li Huan smiled slightly and said: "If you only want to conquer Nanyang, you can only rely on the strength of my Ming Navy, but if you want to establish a Nanyang province and completely control it, it is not that easy. Going to Nanyang is to clear the way for my Ming Dynasty to establish Nanyang Province."

Although Li Huan had a calm smile on his face, none of the people present were fools, and they could immediately hear the deep meaning contained in Li Huan's words.

Some people even thought of something, and looked at Li Huan with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Li Huan's meaning is very clear, that is, he wants to go to Nanyang to set up Nanyang provinces to clear obstacles for Daming. He said that he cleared obstacles, but in fact he went to Nanyang to start killing.

After all, even if it is a local aboriginal force, it cannot be suppressed casually. If Da Ming wants to set up a province to completely control the Nanyang land, if he does not kill the local aboriginal force fiercely, he can just Afraid of leaving endless hidden dangers.

Looking at the court, there is really no other suitable candidate except Li Huan for those who have such qualifications, prestige and methods that can completely sweep Nanyang.

So after hearing Li Huan's words, Zhu Houzhao didn't know how to persuade Li Huan no matter how reluctant he was to go to Nanyang.

After all, Zhu Houzhao also knew that Li Huan was definitely the best candidate for Daming to pacify Nanyang. Except for Li Huan, neither Zhang Huai nor Xu Ying, the new generation of nobles, were obviously not suitable.

Seeing the Son of Heaven's pensive look, Li Huan bowed and said, "I would like to ask Your Majesty to invite you!"

Zhu Houzhao took a deep breath, looked at Li Huan, finally nodded slowly and said: "I agree, but Li Qing wants to agree to me. You must go early and return early."

In June of the seventh year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Luan, who was inspecting the Tianjin Wei Navy, returned to the capital. As a powerful general of the Ming Dynasty, Li Huan, Duke of Qin, stayed in Tianjin Wei and led the navy to the south.

Nanyang Manga, Earl Sivens, Scarlett and others who plundered the Royal Caravan of the Ming Dynasty and got a lot of money made such a big commotion in the Old Port. After crossing the Strait of Malacca, he completely controlled it.

In an apparently western-style castle in the port of Malacca, Earl Hevens and others were gathering together drinking red wine at the moment, smiling at several people in Portuguese navy costumes.

In addition to the Earl of Hevens, there were also several Portuguese present. These people were none other than the reinforcements that the Earl of Hevens had requested from the Portuguese Governor in India.

Colonel Solo, as the general of the reinforcements sent by the Governor of India, has brought a total of more than [-] warships and more than [-] auxiliary ships this time. Such a force is already more than half of the navy that the Governor of India can control.

The other party was able to send so many people to Marca at once, obviously because they knew the importance of Marca to Portugal's sea lanes, so they didn't hesitate to know that Earl Sivens and others intended to completely occupy Marca The choice to send troops to help.

Colonel Solo said to Earl Hevens and the others with a smile on his face at the moment: "Everyone, I really didn't expect you to act so quickly, and just like that, you will occupy the full bar, and you won't be of much help here! "

Earl Hevens said with a smile: "Colonel Solo came at just the right time. If Colonel Solo hadn't brought people here, although our strength alone could occupy the entire country, it would not be so easy to eradicate those natives." Easy, now that we have the troops brought by Colonel Solo, as long as we strangle all the natives who dare to resist us, then the Strait of Malacca will be under the control of Portugal from now on."

Solo waved his hand when he heard the words: "Isn't it just strangling a group of aboriginals? I am the best at this. In these years, I helped the governor in India to strangle the local aboriginals. At least tens of thousands of people were killed. Now one of those people Not to mention how honest he is."

Speaking of Solo, he told Sivens and others about his glorious past, and with a bit of showing off, he said that he personally killed hundreds of Indian aborigines.

Earl Hevens, listening to Solo's bragging, praised Solo one by one. Anyway, in their view, those natives were killed if they were killed. Anyway, they are just a group of slave pigs. Take it to heart.

Earl Sivens raised his glass to Colonel Solo and said, "The natives in Managa who dare to resist will be handed over to Colonel Solo!"

Solo clinked glasses with Earl Hevens and laughed loudly, "It's all on me."

While talking, suddenly a person rushed in from the outside and shouted: "My lord, it's not good, it's not good, the fleet of Ming people is here!"

[It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass. 】

(End of this chapter)

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